Exhibitors Herald (Mar-Apr 1924)

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April 5, 1924 EXHIBITORS HERALD 35 VAN STRAAT HELPS STARKEY visit the Chicago as the guests of the management. "West of the Water Tower" The Strand Birmingham theatre tied up with the largest department store in the town, presenting a free ticket to all who bought a copy of the book. A great deal of publicity was secured. "The Wanters" Joel Levy of the Capitol theatre, Reading, Pa., used two stylish looking girls of the "vamp" type and had them hand out cards which looked like the personal cards of Marie Prevost. On the card was printed "I Am a Wanter^-Meet Me at the Capitol Theatre." "The Darling of New York" I. L. Shields of Augusta, Ga., conducted a "Baby Peggy resemblance contest," and by tying up with the merchants, got a great deal of advance publicity. The day the winner was announced special traffic officers were necessary to handle the crowds. Over one hundred children entered. "Heritage of the Desert" T. G. Coleman of the Galax, Birmingham, Ala., tied up with the biggest department store in town in a "Zane Grey Week." The store carried large newspaper space to plug the novel and every ad was headed "Zane Grey Week." Window displays were also arranged. "The Gold-Diggers" S. S. Wallace of Oklahoma City, Okla.. turned managing editor long enough to get out a four-page paper with the headlines screaming "Oklahoma City Overrun with Gold-Diggers." It was made up in good newspaper style and was largely Gold-digger copy handled in expose style. "The Acquittal" L. R. Towns gave Birmingham, Ala., something to talk about when he invited the city police force to solve the mystery. They could not and he used the fact to obtain some fine publicity. The picture was stopped and he offered a new hat to the detective who guessed right, but not one of them did. "His Children's Children" Charles S. Morrison of the Imperial theatre, Jacksonville, Fla., took motion pictures on the streets and then projected them following the feature. Intense interest was aroused among those who thought they might have been in the pictures. "The Humming Bird" S. S. Wallace, Jr., of the Criterion theatre, Oklahoma City, Okla., offered a box of Humming Bird hosiery to the girl with the best looking legs at each performance. The girls, visible from their knees down walked along behind a drop raised knee high from the floor. News of the Week In the Theatre (Concluded from first page) successive photographs, reproduced upon another page, illustrate with striking clarity the development of an exploitation stunt from introduction to the attainment of results. Mr. Standard's work is not at all unlike that of Frank L. Browne, who obtained for the Liberty a national reputation before concentrating his efforts upon the welfare of the Cabrillo at San Pedro, and his readiness to serve others through the cooperative medium of this department likewise is in kind. Both men are of that growing exhibitor group whose conviction it is that develop aaWTbe store you will erenruallv patronac Shenon Hdw & Imp. Go. REX TtrcaDAT ui wiDHrmv | Hunting Big Game in Ainca With Gun and Camera" aoi* Tki, . >« r>kc pMaiv ,<>.-. POR THAT COLD VYltiU' Pllir Mi'! • ' Willi I'll and Nral'l La\aroM rmil.il E. G. HETTINGER the a^iatoa nanooiar — Anything m the Ury Goods prices before taking inventory PIONEER MERCANTILE CO WltaleVer the kind of a garment is desired. L 1 ■ r ■ is a neither yarn thai n-ill eaaclK meet the rcouiremeots Vie bare ihem. GOLDEN RULE STORE FANCY APPLES P.r u..v 51.50 Ar«/h Greene Glocery Co y PLjne No 5 BEX today . ; *Aruao*v Playing It Wild" Hi ib i,.' -K.pi, r 1 HAimttO Isat-NVw ehi|nneiii of that gu^J Mino Aluminum Ware jusi LJAYEMANN riAROWARK REX RTmnvo aio OAare d* aTUCa aith aov and CAacaaa. • e<ia*. .>•« ' " E> WATCH and WAIT t foi ait hie Ctnnuti Shoe Sale after Inventory ..f Nerw Year ' MACK'8 BOOT SHOP REX THOAaDAT • ■ Aitaa Ladyfingers" ♦ ..,,,«( BL-RT LTTBLt. 1 i»h «fb> , ■ .1.. r , THf Sewrt Ge.i eoitr heavv MaeJtinaa's. r'l.v.i. i Shirts. Sta* Shirts. IVaAii *>,-kj. Woolen I'ltleraear If you need anyihirut warm <o to RUSB WHITE S roa am STORE ">* *°" Came in and see the oev 1924 Dodge touring Car at tie ELK'S OARAGE AMONSON & PYEATT lead ilhrra follow fk^\ TEXACO / Volatile Guolisa S Motor Oil REX SWTDAY .oa MorrDAY "Sunshine Harbor" Q 0 I ' C ' K TAXI SERVICE HALPH THRASHEK .untieing ai Mcpherson s A Happy New Yeai SALMON HF.fi ALD THE PIONEER 3AfLA0E Wheiv 9 mi in4 rfrvi * -Meet —Start cbe.D?w fear i«nt ny hirnlaLirhfr your iiom* fiom our Me stock J fi WRIOHT ilo busy Horn We NTVi otter and sa»e y<>u more ONE WEEK'S BARGAINS (Above) W. J. Van Straat's answer to Mr. Starkey's ap[; al for ideas on programs. (Right) H. A. Albright, of the Glendale Theatre Co., wins first prize for exploitation and efficiency for the month of January. (Below) Frank H. Burns sends this ad on "The Love Master" (First National). GL£*OAL£ TrttATRt CO TURNER DAHNKEN o IAKGLEY 1 .BANK OF ITAL» I for -'•-«.«rii H** • STRONG foe kastsr; LILLIAN RICH ■ Tnr In the Nnrthlnndj oM 'hp |fut (arMtn. capped ^outx ■nd white »-.nd "vepi ••Kiev conns again to the ^'"!,7 •h* wonder do, «i The Silcnl Call" »rx) "Brawn of the North , la lit, Tver, more attmnR. It -nil quic ken your pdftt with Ha tKnlhriC _ its trerefxx- «enr>i -U b.»L,r,ful lovP rotr.»nre— ■ .log love ttvj Aumtw <orf. ^ -'•» * ->» ««™ lh< hfirL &*ron«he*r^ lureejlheafljt, l>'lv Jul rwMl>^rt.T*.Vvrj'ul..( -u.il the.r five pupple* -nil ttft you m»ny * „ tad mAny ft tlirfll. >. eU»7 proplerf with run-res of We ftnd hat* --■i and cow»vr.|ice, *nd Slreniheart ■ e thr.iugh erenea irni • yoyr choke or chaer Q>«U NOW PLAYING Jl .1 4 A