Exhibitors Herald (Mar-Apr 1924)

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April 12, 1924 EXHIBITORS HERALD 17 0* s» J ■ Keep Your Patrons Happ By Inviting Them to Come In and "SING THEM AGAIN All over the country there is a great revival of the songs we used to sing. Three great radio broadcasting stations in Chicago asked what songs the people liked best. More than 70 per cent of the 100,000 replies favored the old familiar songs over the modern jazz. All over the country wide-awake exhibitors are turning this love of the old songs into boxoffice profit. Book These Modernized Revivals of the Songs You Used to Sing By Norman Jefferies Each Picture Introducing Three Old Favorites for the Audience to Sing and Advertise a "Sing Them Again" WEEK 'A /{\ //v ,\\ //\ 'A 'I \l/ \V \\, v// vfc & 7» /J[/I "LONG AGO" Introducing "Annie Laurie" "Old Cabin Home" "Love's Old Sweet Song" "OLD FRIENDS" Introducing "She Was Bred in Old Kentucky" "Two Little Girls in Blue" "Star Spangled Banner" "LEST WE FORGET" Introducing "Tenting Tonight on the Old Camp Ground' "Wait Till the Sun Shines, Nellie" "Mother Machree" "HOME AGAIN" Introducing "Old Black Joe" "Little Annie Rooney" "Home, Sweet Home" EDUCATIONAL FILM EXCHANGES, Inc. J=>~.c.Vf.n» For foreign rights address Far East Film Corporation, 729 Seventh Avenue, New York City