Exhibitors Herald (Mar-Apr 1924)

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When you want a one^reel comedy that is full of fast action, laughs and thrills BOOK CameO CLEAN CUT COMEDIES ^^^^T Exhibitors everywhere who really BUILD PROGRAMS instead of just running pictures have found these comedies the ideal rough-and-tumble subjects to balance a long dramatic feature. "BARGAIN DAY" A new kind of bargain rush that is a scream. "CAVE INN" High-speed love as it was in the days of the dinosaur. "OH CAPTAIN" A ship-load of fun on the briny deep. "HERE AND THERE" An uproarious evening in a rented dress suit. "OH GIRLS" A whole boarding school full of them. "PARIS LIGHTS" The funny side of Gay Paree. For foreign rights address Far East Film Corporation, 729 Seventh Avenue, New York City r?. EDUCATIONAL FILM EXCHANGES, Inc. President *~