Exhibitors Herald (Dec 1923 - Mar 1924)

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EXHIBITORS HERALD SPECIAL SHOPTSUBJEQ HEWS There's Nothing Like Universal Short Subjects To Put "Pep'' into Your Show! THAT ORIENTAL GAME is the title of this two-reel Century, and you'll say Pal, the Dog and his Mah Jong opponent, Harry Sweet, didn't miss a comedy bet in it. Every move is a laugh and the climax is a riot! Get in the game with them and watch how your fans respond to your judgment and their fun! "Fast Steppers" New Era in Short Features UNIVERSAL is making no secret ui the fact that they are greatly excited and highly enthusiastic over their forthcoming series of two reel features of the turf, "Fast Steppers." Billy Sullivan, the popular star ot the great "Leather Pushers" serit^s. is featured as "The Information Kid, and is supported by a splendid cast. Exhibitors are promised something entirely new and decidedly different in this race track series of youthful romance and adventure. New International News Packed with Interest No. 20 CONTAINS: RADIO RUMBLINGS— Tuning on Station W-E-A-F, the world's largest broadcasting station; CULEBRA. VIRGIN ISLANDS.— Island defenders in war game shower attacking force with rain of poison, gas bombs; International snapshots from the news of the day, — Maison-Lalitte France Epinard, greatest race horse in France, getting ready to^ sail for America; Britain's new ambassador tc. Washington; A new shrine for the Nation; Boston. — The giant Leviathan goes into drydock again for repairs; Port Landore, — the latest in pets (sure to be popular with the ladies) ; Catalina Island, — The "Cubs" begin 1924 baseball practice; Portland, Ore.. — Trench-digger doing work of a hundred men ; Los Angeles and Frisco, — Testing of new fire-proof paint; Ashton, O.,— America's dog derby won by boy of sixteen; In the Caribbean Sea, — Rough-riding on the sea, newest Navy thriller; Los Angeles, — 75,000 exlowans hold California reunion; Chantilly Forest, France. — (International Special) — fnusual pictures of royal stag hunt. Universal Westerns Better Than Ever T TNIVERSAL is proving with its smashinft array of stars and directors that two-reel westerns can be real features on any program. This year's two-reel western series is simply a revelation to oldtime showmen who've only needed to seo. them to book them — and find them box-office sensations ! With such stars as Jack Mower, Helen Gibson, King Fisher Jones, Kent Sanderson, Harry Carey, Bob Reeves, Pete Morrison and KJngsley Benedict, you can't help but get them in and feel their graet box-of?ice drawing power ! "Gumps" Real Hit Wherever Shown A NDV. Min and little Chester are still on ■^ the job and as usual they are among the outstanding comedy characters of the year. These Universal "mirthquakes" in two reels are putting laughs into many programs — every fan knows "The Gumps" from their funny paper — they are based on the nationally famous newspaper comic strip by Sidney Smith. Many papers carry the feature as a colored page in their comic section. Cash in on this great national exploitation. Sullivan Big Hit in Fourth **Leather Pushers" EVERY exhibitor knows of the results obtained by the first, second and third series of the "Leather Pushers." The fourth series is the best of them all. Handsome and dashing Billy Sullivan, nephew of the great John L. Sullivan is featured. Young Sullivan is one qf the fastest lightweights in the ring and knows just where to put the punch into the "Leather Pusher" series. They are full of lightning action, real romance and titles that make your audience ask for more. Universal Comedies Help Pack 'Em In To fill that gap that comes in between the larger subjects live showmen have founa there is nothing more effective than Universal One-Reel Comedies. They pep up the program and, as a result, pep up the box-office. Get them with these big drawing cards! NEELY EDWARDS, BERT ROACH, CHUCK REISNER. SLIM SUMMERVILLE, BOBBY DUNNE and JOE MARTIN, the funny monk. Showmen Cashing In On Big Valentino Re-issue NOW is the time to cash in on the tremendous pulling power of \'alentino. Live exhibitors everywhere are taking advantage of Universal's splendid two-reel de luxe re-issue of his popular feature success, "A Society Sensation." Note these bookings: Strand Theatre. Brooklyn. X. Y. ; Fox's Washington, Detroit, Mich.; Kinema, Salt Lake City, L'tah ; Sun Theatre, Omaha, Neb. ;• Cameo, Oil City, Pa.; Capitol, McKeesport, Pa.. Chester J. Smith, in Motion Picture News, says : "Rudolph Valentino has all the charm of manner and appearance in this two-reeler as in his more recent productions. It is a fast moving story, well acted. It is bound to be a winner in any house." UNIVERSAL SHORT SUBJECTS