Exhibitors Herald (Jun-Sep 1924)

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Ang-nst 2, 1924 EXHIBITORS HERALD 231 Producers Distributing Corp. THE CONFIDENCE OF the Producers Distributing Corporation in the future, displayed by the magnitude of their 1924-25 program, is receiving immediate justification in the concrete form of contracts from the foremost exhibitors. Immediately following the publication of its 1924-25 announcement contflinhig complete information on the twenty subjects to be released by February I, 1925, the Producers Distributing Corporation received a contract through its Boston branch for the entire twenty, plus eighteen of the current releases making a total of thirty-eight features to be shown at the Modern, the Beacon and the Fenway theatres in Boston with a provision calliiig for at least three extended runs in the Park theatre of Boston. Other branches quickly turned in equally fine contracts. + + + PERCY HEATH, scenarist has arrived in Fan Francisco from Hollywood and is now at the Peninsula Studios in San Mateo, doing the titling on "The Wise Virgin," Elmer Harri.<;’ initial production for the Producers Distributing Corporation. . . . Hunt Stromberg announces that W.allaee Mac Donald has been .ngned for one of the principal roles in "Roaring Rails" with Harry Carey zvhich will be started this week under Tom Forman’s direction and will be issued by Producers Distributing Corporation as one of its early Fall offerings. United Artists CHARLIE CHAP.LIN IS making what it is claimed will be his greatest comedy. The comedian, in this new picture, returns to the typical character which has wen him popularity and is said to inject laughs in abundance into the new prcduction. The picture is to be ready in Fall and issued by United Artists. It will be eight or more reels. + + + “HER SON,” A college story by John Peter Toohey, will be Jack Pickford’s next production. The star recently completed “The End of the World.” . . . Many endorsements of D. W. Griffith’s production “America” are being accorded the picture, recent endorsements being by the Chicago Teachers’ Federation and William Jennings Bryan. Universal WITH THE ADDITION of Gertrude A.ztor the cast has been completed for "The Best in Life," Mary Philbin’s new starring picture for Universal. Production is under way under the direction of Sven Cade, continental director. Norman Kerry plays oppo.nte Miss Philbin. . . . The House Peters-King Baggot unit has returned to Universal City from a trip to Idaho zvhere scenes for “The Tornado" were made. + + + UPON COMPLETION OF_ the first ten pictures included in the "Fight and Win" series. Jack Dempsey will make a personal appearance tour covering virtually all of the larger cities of the United States. This has been decided upon and Jack Kearns, Dempsey’s manager, has left New York for Universal City, Monday, to make arrangements for the tour and to complete an act which zmll include not only the champion and his leading lady but Jack Kearns hunself. . . . The biggest program of short subjects ever issued in one week by the Company has been put out by Universal. The schedule includes ten different subjects, totalling to seventeen reels of him. The four short specials include Jack Dempsey picture, a Gumps comedy, a Baby Peggy comedy and another of the "Fast Steppers” scries. Pathe has brought a familiar theme to the screen in “Maud MuUer.” Marjorie Day is the principal player of the cast. Selznick A SERIES OF TWELVE Nell Shipman two-reel dramas of the Great Northwest has been acquired by Selco Pictures, Incorporated, for publication through the Selznick Distributing Corporation. The first of the series, “The Trail of the North Wind,” is finished and will be issued August 1. The second two-reeler, “The Light on Lookout”, is also completed, and will be issued on September 1. The others of the series, now being filmed, will be issued thereafter at the rate of one a month. Nell Shipman, who has long been a prominent figure in the production of outdoor pictures, is author, star, director and producer of this new series. Grand-Asher KATHRINE HILLIKER has been engaged by Grand-Asher to edit their latest picture, "Desires of Men", and R. William Neill production starring Marie Prevost. Supporting Miss Prevost, are William V. Mong, George K. Arthur, Claire McDowell, Anders Randolph, Sidney Bracey, Carl Miller, Raymond McKee, Dana Collins and Calvin Carter. "Desires of Men", will be issued by GrandAsher through the state right market. C. B. C. “A RACE FOR LIFE,” second in the series of Perfection productions starring Eva Novak and William Fairbanks, has been changed to “Racing for Life.” Henry jVIacRae directed it. ... George W. Hill, who is directing “The Foolish Virgin” for C. B. C., has been engaged by Harry Cohn, vice-president and production manager, to direct two more Columbia productions. + + + JOE BRANDT announces the closing of a contract with All-Star Features Distributors of California for the showing of Columbia and Perfection Productions in California, Arizona, Nevada and Hawaiian Islands.. . .Word from the West Coast Studios reached the local office of C. B. C. that “The Midnight Express” will he the feature on the list of productions after the conclusion of “The Price She Paid.” “One Glorious Night,” fourth in the Columbia series, will follow after that. Announcement was also made that the third production in the Perfection series featuring Eva Novak and William Fairbanks will be titled “A Fight for Honor.” Century FOUR CENTURY COMEDIES will be published through Universal in August. "Her Fortunate Face,” hrst of the new series, starring Wanda Wiley, heads the list. The others are “Scared Stiff" with Henry Murdock and Bessie Welch: "The Blow Out" with Buddy Messinger and "Eat and Run," featuring Max Davidson , Harry McCoy and Al Alt. .. .Edward J. Lambert, vaudeville artist, appears ziitli Buddy Messinger in “His First Degree.” Lambert was vacationing out in Hollywood when his friend. Director Edward I. Luddy, induced him to step in front of the camera. Developing, Tinting, Titling Printing, Toning, Editing The “Laboratory of Individual Attention” Cameramen and Small Producers, Write for Estimates on Your Work DIRMEYER STUDIOS 259 Monroe Avenue Rochester, n Released in September — Now Booking PRODUCERS DISTRIBUTING CORPORATION VELCOME stranger: "biOM m CRUT BROADWAY PLAY BY A\R0N HOFFMAN a BELASCO PRODUCTION FLORENCE ViOOft, DORE DAVIDSON, VIRGINIA BROWN FAIRE, NOAH BEEftY aoyo HUGHES, ROBERT EOESON, WILLIAM V. MONO-, and OTIS HARLAN