Exhibitors Herald (Dec 1924-Mar 1925)

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4 EXHIBITORS HERALD December 27, 1924 nnoMcm NEWS is always first in showing! senseMmAl or current events' Remember These INTERNATIONAL SCOOPS during the past year! Captain Ariel Varges, international globe-trotter and his 250,000 mile adventure tour. Series of Safety First Pictures made in cooperation virith the New York Police Department and the Motion Picture Theatre Owners of America, backed by the National Safety First Council. A ride with dentli into the crater of Vesuvius in Italy. One of the most outstanding, thrilling news pictures ever made. Only authentic pictures shomng tlie tribute to the dead leader, Lenine. Moscow, Kussia. Flight tlu-u the death trap in the Grand Canyon, Arizona. A tiny slip means destruction. Airplane squadron hides New York City behind smoke screen. C. S. Army planes try out protective scheme. Daring flight into the mist of the Niagara Falls lor tlie first time. First pictures of the Olympic Carnes at Paris, luternational News released these pictures four days before anyone else one of the outstanding scoops of the year. IntemxLtional’s Tenth Anniversary Special on the begrinningr of the Great Wai— a concise, K^raphic liistoi'y of the great conflict. Pictures of the Prince of Wales playingr polo at Syosset, L. I. Greatest news picture in years — released exclusively by International. Scenes taken on b^rd the Z R-3 (now the I.zOs Angeles) on the flight across tlie Atlantic from Germany to the United States. Many other big notes events too numerous to mention were recorded by International, T| CALIFORNIA THEATRE STOCKTON, CAL “International News is by far the best!” THE CAPITOL, Scranton, Pa. “Best news in field always first with events. Patrons ask for it!” RIALTO THEATRE, Erie, Pa. “Always first in showing any sensational or current events!” CALIFORNIA THEATRE, Stockton, Cal. “A pleasure for me to comment on it . . . the best in the field!” OSAGE THEATRE, Kansas City, Kan. “Wish to compliment you on big scoops . . . we were first in our territory to show these . . . many favorable comments from patrons!” BALABAN & KATZ, Chicago, III. “Absolute superiority of the weekly subject matter and continued scoops!” CAPITOL THEATRE, Vancouver, B. C. In no other news reel do exhibitors get such sei'vice as in International News! Scoop after scoop, combined with exclusive features, during the past year made International a sensational box office power. Combined with this is Internationai*s lightning service — the fastest news reel service in the world insuring you pictures of great events days iihead, in many Instances, of all competition. Every exhibitor booking International News gets such service at no extra cost. T'he one rental includes every International news event. In no other news reel do exhibitors get such service as in International News! Released thru 'LXNIV’ER.SA.L'^