Exhibitors Herald (Dec 1924-Mar 1925)

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154 EXHIBITORS HERALD December 27, 1924 First National "CLASSMATES”, the Grossett & Dunlap book novelized from the William de Mille play which has been Aimed by Inspiration pictures for First National will come off the press next week. It is illustrated with stills from the photoplay. . . . Frank Lloyd’s pro duction of May Edington’s story has been changed from “Judgment” to “Her Husband’s Secret”. XXX COLLEEN MOORE, in her next First National picture “Sally”, will be supported by Leon Errol, Lloyd Hughes, Eva Novak, Louise Dresser, Charles Murray, Dan Mason, Myrtle Stedman and others. . . . First National says that the Sam Rork production, “Inez of Hollywood”, issued November 30, is taking its place among its biggest Pace Makers. XXX M. G. LEVEE has started production of “One Year to Live” with Aileen Pringle, Antonio Moreno, Dorothy Mackaill, Rosemary Theby, Rose Diona, Chester Conklin, Sam de Grasse and Joseph Kilgour in the cast. . . . The cast of “One Way Street”, which John Francis Billon is directing now, includes Anna Q. Nilsson, Ben Lyon, Marjorie Daw, Thomas Holding, Dorothy Cummings and Lumsden Hare. Educational THE CAPITOL THEATRE, New York’s largest picture playhouse, made an excellent feature item of “From the Windows of My House”, one of the “Wilderness Tales” by Robert C. Bruce, released through Educational Film Exchanges, Inc. The reel, which is com■ posed of many well chosen scenes of mountain, lake, and ocean views, was surrounded with an especially arranged musical score in which various sound effects were interpolated. . . . Two comedies from the program of Educational have been booked over the Loew Circuit, New York, for extended runs. “Jonah Jones”, staring Lloyd Hamilton, is listed for seventy-two days and “Court Plaster”, a Christie Comedy with Neal Burns, will get a total of ninetynine days on this circuit. XXX MERMAID COMEDIES have signed A1 St. John to play leading comedy roles. The popular comedian has been appearing in Tuxedo Comedies also released by Educational Film Exchanges, Inc., and his new affiliation will keep him under the Educational banner. Judy King has been chosen as his leading lady and the pair have been added to the Mermaid forces, which now em brace. Lige" Conley, Ruth Hiatt, Peg O’Neill, Lee Moran, Ned Sparks, Otto Fries and Frank Lloyd. Century FIVE CENTURY comedy units are at work in Hollywood headed by Charles Lamont, A1 Herman, Edward I. Luddy, Jess Robbins and William Watson. Herman is directing a picture featuring Hilliard Karr and Billy Engle; Watson is directing Wanda Wiley in “You Litte Devil”; Luddy is directing Edna Marion and Arthur Lake in “Rich Ideas”, and Lamont is making “Camping Out” with Bessie Welsh, Les Bates, Hilliard Karr and Tony Hayes in the cast. XXX H. M. HERBEL, sales manager for the Century Film Corporation, of which Julius and Abe Stern are the heads, report that the Stanley Circuit of theatres, Philadelphia, Pa., has booked the Baby Peggy special feature production “The Family Secret”, to run over the entire circuit. “The Family Secret”, “The Law Forbids”, and “The Darling of New York”, are all Baby Peggy special productions made jointly by Century and Universal. “The Family Secret” is the last of the three to be issued. Producers Distributing Corp. A NEW contract has been signed by John C. Flinn, vice president of Producers Distributing Corporation, with Hunt Stromberg for the distribution of eight western subjects during 1925 starring Harry Carey. A print of Frank Woods’ production “Let Women Alone" has been received by P. D. C. in the East. Pat O’Malley, Wanda Hawley, Wallace Beery, Ethel Wales and J. Frank MacDonald are in it. It is the first picture on the company’s 1925 program. XXX “THE CHORUS LADY”, produced by Ralph Ince for Regal Pictures from James Forbes’ play, has just been issued by Producers Distributing Corporation. It was presented at the Mission theatre, San Diego, at which time Margaret Livingston appeared in person at the showing. . . . Editing and titling of “The Mirage”, an adaption of Edgar Selwyn’s play, has been completed. Florence Vidor stars in it. XXX GEORGE MELFORD has been signed by A. H. Sebastian to direct the film adaption of the play “Friendly Enemies” in which Weber and Fields will feature . . . “Her Market Value” is the title of the first of the Agnes Ayres pictures to go through Producers Distributing. . . . R. William Neill will direct “Off the Highway,” the second Jacqueline Logan starring picture on Producers Distributing Corporation’s program. Pathe HARRY LANGDON has completed another comedy for Pathe, “The Marriage Vow,” and prints of it have been shipped to Pathe exchanges. Natalie Kingston plays opposite Langdon. . . . Two new comedies have been started on the Mack Sennett lot with Ben Turpin heading one and the Sennett All-Star group enacting the second. XXX ARTHUR STONE is another comedian who has begun a new mirth-provoker for Pathe, but as yet no name has been selected for it. Ralph Cedar and Clyde Hopkins are directing it. . . . Two “Chronicles of America” productions came in for considerable praise at the hand of the Parent-Teachers Association of Massachusetts when that organization passed a resolution lauding “The Frontier Woman” and “The Declaration of Independence.” XXX WITH THE completion and publication of Pathe’s latest serial, “Galloping Hoofs”, starring Allene Ray, plans are already under way for the starting of a new chapter photoplay. Director George B. Seitz will leave shortly with his company for Miami, Florida, where work will be started on the Albert Payson Terhune story, “Black Caesar’s Clan.” To date, the cast has not been selected except for the starring role which will be in the hands of Miss Ray. Metro-Goldwyn MONTA BELL has started work on a story by Adela Rogers St. John which as yet has been given no title. Norma Shearer and Malcolm McGregor have the leading roles in it. . . . “Strange Bedfellows”, Barry Connor’s Broadway success, has been purchased for picture production by Metro-Goldwyn. XXX LEWIS STONE is pretty busy at present, appearing simultaneously in Robert Z. Leonard’s production “Cheaper to Marry” and in Victor Seastrom’s “Kings in Exile”. . . . Victor L. Schertz inger is to direct Elinor Glyn’s next production for M-G-M, which will be Miss Glyn’s novel “Man and Maid”. XXX FILMING ON Rupert Hughes’ production “Excuse Me”, directed by Alf Goulding under Hughes’ supervision has been completed. Norma Shearer, Conrad Nagel, Walter Hiers and others are in the cast. . . . The new Willard theatre, Richmond Hill, N. Y., latest addition to the Marcus Loew circuit of theatres, was opened with Buster Keaton in “The Navigator” as the initial attraction. ClifFord S. Elfelt REPORTS FROM the Eastern sales office of Clifford S. Elfelt Productions, Inc., producer and distributor for the independent market, indicate, that the 1924-25 film output of this concern will shortly be placed in all territories and in foreign countries as well. Already more than 75 per cent of the available state rights districts have contracted for the Elfelt current program and doubtless the remaining territory will be disposed of before another thirty days elapses. Elfelt is highly elated over the reception given his screen “find”, Ken Maynard, society stunt star, whose initial production is “$50,000 Reward”. For Release in December — Now Booking PRODUCERS DISTRIBUTING CORPORATION Priscilla Dean i Dirt-cttd bv CHET WITHEY Adapted )iy HAKVEY GATES '/rom, the novtl bf IZOLA FORRESTER^ ^HUNT STROMBERG PRODUCTION . 'i Season 1924-25 Thirty First Run Pictures