Exhibitors Herald (Dec 1924-Mar 1925)

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December 27, 1924 EXHIBITORS HERALD 165 Ibu can now secure real bm-ofiiGe Bovdlies from F.B.O. Include thesB tma sure-fire patim getter. A fascinating reel with Famous Movie Stars at work and at play — Movie Fans just eat it up — BOOK and BOOST it every week. Combination Photographic Effects and Pen and Ink Comedy Cartoons Featuring “DINKY DOODLE” The famous animated A recent issue presents MR. and MRS. VALENTINO DORIS KENYON MILTON SILLS MAY ALLISON BESSIE LOVE MABLE BALLIN HUGO BALLIN MAJORIE DAW BEN LYON JOHN BOWERS Kid of the screen and his famous Cat Latest Releases “THE PIED PIPER” and “RED RIDING HOOD” They make the Idds scream and the older folks roar SEE AND BOOK THESE NOVELTIES FROM F. B. O. NX Special Cartoon Posters for Every Release Written and Directed by Walter Lautz STANDARD 723 Seventh Ave. New York Exchanges Everywhere CINEMA CORP.