Exhibitors Herald (Dec 1924-Mar 1925)

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82 EXHIBITORS HERALD January 3, 1925 THE FILM MART Fox PIERRE GENDRON, J. Farrell MacDonald, who has signed a contract with Fox, Allen Sears, Rose Trappley, Maine Geary and Eugenia Gilbert comprise the cast which is supporting Shirley Mason in “The Scarlet Honeymoon,” the first picture, to be directed by Alan Hale .... Chester Bennett is directing Edmund Lowe in his next Fox attraction, “Trailing Shadows,” by Max Brand. Barbara Bedford has the leading feminine role. « XXX so POPULAR was “Dante’s Inferno” at Columbus, O., that it was held over for an additional week at T. J. Pekras’ Dreamland theatre .... The latest Fo.x educational, “The Last Word in Chickens,” shows a Long Island chicken farm with a “population” of 15,000 White Leghorns Important changes have been made in the forthcoming schedule of Fox. “Gold Heels” and “Folly of Vanity,” due for release Christmas week, has been set back to January 4. Shirley Mason’s, “The Stardust Trail,” will be released on February 8 instead of December 28. “The Dancers,” due on January 4, has been set back one week. XXX GEORGE O’BRIEN, according to Fo.x, has won the confidence of exhibitors. The company bases this statement on the many contracts which have been signed for “The Roughneck” .... Philadelphia newspapers were unanimous in their approval of “Teeth,” the new Tom Mi.x special in which Tony, his wonder horse, and Duke, his dog, play important roles .... George Eastman has written Fo.x congratulating it upon its masterful production of “The Iron Horse.” XXX F. B. O. THE FIVE MILLION dollar production program of Film Booking Offices is under way with the launching of production on “Parisian Nights,” which Gothic will make; “Drusilla with a Million,” which Associated Arts is filming, and “Breed of the Border,” starring Lefty Flynn. Stories for Fred Thomson and Evelyn Brent are now in preparation .... Large sets are now being erected on the F. B. O. lot for “Parisian Nights.” One of these will represent the catacombs of Paris while another will duplicate La Cave, the Parisian center of night life. XXX A NEW SERIES of short subjects to be written by H. C. Witwer is planned by F. B. O. Decision to remain actively in the short subject field was prompted by the success of “The Go-Getters,” "Fighting Blood” and “The Telephone Girl.” The new series, yet untitled, will deal with small town college life • • • • Featured in this new series will be George O’Hara, Alberta Vaughn, Kit Guard, A1 Cooke and Stanley Taylor. NAT G. ROTHSTEIN is planning an aggressive and far-reaching advertising and exploitation campaign on the new series of Witwer stories .... Having previewed and shipped its second aviation stunt melodrama, “The Cloud Rider,” the Van Pelt-Wilson Productions is ready to launch its third attraction starring A1 Wilson. It is yet untitled . . . . Tom Buckingham has been signed to direct “Lawless Blood,” starring Evelyn Brent .... Bob Custer has completed his second picture, “Flashing Spurs.” XXX Chadwick Pictures PRELIMINARY plans for the first production in which Chadwick will star George Walsh are now under way. 1. E. Chadwick, president of the company, has just returned from the Coast and will announce the Walsh program shortlv. While at the studio, Mr. Chadwick witnessed the shooting of the final scenes of Larry Semon’s “The Wizard of Oz.” XXX “FLATTERY,” the Mission Film Cor Motion Picture Producers knew only one dependable NEGATIVE Raw Stock, until — NEGATIVE RAW STOCK proved its superior quality. They naturally prefer Stock registering more detail and definition, even under poor light conditions, in fact the only stock doing full justice to the cameraman’s GOERZ lens. GOERZ POSITIVE RAW STOCK GOERZ NEGATIVE RAW STOCK GOERZ PANCHROMATIC STOCK Sole Distributors: Fish-Schurman Corp. 45 West 45th St. New York City poration attraction which Chadwick will distribute, has been sold to Independent Film Company of Kansas City for that territory. This picture, which is being handled outside the Chadwick 9, was directed by Tom Forman. XXX FRANK BAUM, JR., son of the author of “The Wizard of Oz,” wrote this comment to Mr. Chadwick: “Last night held the greatest thrill of my life. I viewed the preview of your production of my father’s book, ‘The Wizard of Oz.’ My only regret is that dad couldn’t live to see such a magnificent interpretation of his work.” XXX First National WITH THE engaging of Marion Orth and Elaine Sterns, well-known scenario and magazine writers, Earl Hudson’s First National units now have a formidable staff to carry out the literary phases of the Eastern production program arranged by General Manager R. A. Rowland. Miss Orth is to prepare the adaptation of “Chickie,” Elinore Meherin’s novel. Miss Sterns is adapting “Uriah’s Son,” in which Ben Lyon is to be featured. Hudson’s staff now contains four women, including Marion Fairfax, who is chief of the editorial staff, and Alice Scully. On the male side are Earl Snell, Joseph Poland, Arthur Statter and two others now in Pittsburgh doing research work on “United States Flavor,” an epic of the steel industry. Miss Fairfax is editing “The Lost World,” which First National and Watterson R. Rothacker are producing from Conan Doyle’s adventurous novel. Arthur Statter and Alice Scully have completed the continuity of “One Way Street,” which John Francis Dillon has started filming with Ben Lyon and Anna Q. Nilsson in the featured roles. XXX “HIS SUPREME MOMENT” has been chosen as the titl^ of the next Samuel Goldwyn-George Fitzmaurice production previously announced under the title of the author’s story, “World Without End.” Blanche Sweet and Ronald Colman have been chosen for leading roles thus far .... The cast of “One Year to Live” which Irving Cummings is filming for M. C. Levee has been completed and now includes Rosemary Theby, Joseph Kilgour, Leo White, Aileen Pringle, Antonio Moreno, Dorothy Mackaill, Tully Marshall, Marc MacDermott, Robert Edeson and Marjorie Daw. XXX RICHARD BARTHELMESS has completed “New Toys,” his latest Inspiration production for First National and will start work February 14 on “Soul Fire.” This is an adaptation of Martin Brown’s new play, “Great Music.” ( Continued on page 84.)