Exhibitors Herald (Dec 1924-Mar 1925)

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January 3, 1925 EXHIBITORS HERALD XXVH the house power or light load. This distribution group is arranged to be re-located when the stage is enlarged. * * * All local power and lighting panels are of the safety type. Conduit indoors is generally of enameled black conduit, and outdoors and underground of hot dip galvanized. The same applies in general to outlet boxes. All wires are of the New Code insulation type. All receptacles and wall switches have composition bases and 06 brass cover plates ; all switches are of the tumbler type. Fan outlets of a finished wall type are provided where portable fans may be installed directly to the outlet by simply attaching a plate by means of integral catches in the receptacle. Stage foot and border lights are controlled by safety switch and magazine panels and also continuous duty dimmers located in the projection booth, giving the operator a flexible control over the stage. The main house lights installed for colors are controlled from a safety panel on stage operated through its main feeds only by remote control from stage, the ticket office and the projection booth. This completes the booth operator’s control over the entire house. A separate section of this stage panel with independent buss cares for all work lights at the stage end of building. The main entrance with its complement of rooms and the outside of building lighting is controlled from a locked panel in a passage between the ticket office and manager’s office. The supply for emergency lighting is a well guarded feeder circuit tapped from service entrance and brought in separate conduit under the floor to a separate locked switch cabinet at manager’s office entrance, provision being made for future connection to a local emergency source. * * * Ample stage, orchestra pit, vacuum cleaner and similar outlets are installed as well as aisle, directional, exit and other standard device lights. The aisle lights are of a new design with special anti-glare louvres. The under marquise has 200 porcelain lamp receptacles in G. I. condulets on approximately 354-inch centers interconnected with G. I. pipe nipples. In addition to this there are two feature fixtures for all period sidewalk illumination and heavy duty circuits for marquise side sign lighting. The top of the marquise carries five 500 watt floodlights, three of intensive type and two extensive type ; these fixtures in conjunction with the other marquise lighting flood the entire building front uniformly. Communication within the house is established for production team work by means of an intercommunicating push button telephone system between the manager's office, his pet seat in the balcony, the operator, the orchestra leader, stage and janitor, in all, seven stations are interconnected for passing word. Buys Ottawa Playhouse OTTAWA, ONT. — The Princess Theatre, 160 Rideau Street, Ottawa, Ontario, has been purchased by the present proprietor, A. H. Coplan, irom the Capital Paper Stock Company, Ottawa, for $45,000. M clnnis-V inson Open House TILLAMOOK, ORE. — A. H. Mclnnis and I. J. Vinson have opened their new Circuit theatre. Ben H. Krey Consulting Engineer 101 PARK AVENUE NEW YORK Check Up! OOs r-i OLYMPIC aBJ.1!?^ ro CMMMNtf l%lM «a* t TOT At TuPtfdTel76« CM K> d TM WIOMWII* flM How many tickets have you in stock? Do you have to count rolls or figure it out? Then you need INVENTORY NUMBERED TICKETS that will tell you at a glance exactly how many you have. We will gladly send you samples and more information about them. Qlobe^ckel Companiji Specialists in Tickeis and Checks Since 1873 122N. I2lh St Phllcidelphia. Pa. THE ON BROADWAY (42ND TO S9TH STREET) RIALTO THEATRE uses “HAFTONE^^ CRITERION uses ‘‘HAFTONE” LOEWIS NEW YORK uses “HAFTONE” LOEWIS N. Y. ROOF uses “HAFTONE” ^STRAND uses CAPITOL uses “HAFTONE” ^RIVOLI uses PICCADILLY uses “HAFTONE” COLONY uses “HAFTONE” COSMOPOLITAN uses “HAFTONE” This List Includes All the Exclusive Picture Houses in New York’s Great Theatrical Centre *Not Equipped with "Haftone” RAVEN SCREEN CORPORATION 345 West 39th Street New York City, N. Y.