Exhibitors Herald (Dec 1924-Mar 1925)

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A J*^o-velty F'e ^yitl he hadS^as a bleat! His father had Jf|kd every man in the place, was cock walk^md ran things with an iron hanoT (He jl^s \ blacksmith, so it came natural.) His brothers slumber, fo: were called to their faces. the time spent in ley couldn’t hght. They fighting Tylers,” but not Oh, no! It wasn’t safe. But he was likSl^Hl^on in a hawk’s nest, a lamb in a Hem’s cage, a gold fish in an acquarium witi a bass. He couldn’t fight but he could tak, — some and then more. What happened to make those tough eggs, his father ^j^brothers, proud of him? Well, it wilPWill you just as it did them! ent^ Pafh^picture w