Exhibitors Herald (Dec 1924-Mar 1925)

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24 EXHIBITORS HERALD January 17, 1925 Florence Gilbert, whose radiant beauty is cleverly caught by the camera in the Fox short subjects, “The Van Bibber Tales,” which William Fox produced. Edna Tichnor, who has a striking role in “So This Is Marriage,” a Hobert Henley production for MetroGold wyn-Mayer. Marguerite De La Motte, another Fox beauty, who has the leading role in the adapted stage success “In Love with Love,” a Fox feature. Paul Bern, Paramount director, at work on the deck of an ocean liner, making scenes for “Tomorrow’s Love,” starring Agnes Ayres. Raymond Hatton sits near Miss Ayres. RIGHT — Tom Brierley, art director for fifteen years for the Christies at Hollywood, with two of his chows. LEFT How Bath ing Girls Dress for Winter Sports — Virginia Vance, the Cameo Comedies Educational star, is unable to decide what means of locomotion to use for her holiday outing. Harry Rowson, managing director for Ideal Films, Ltd., of London England, and Milton L. Cohen, of Interglobe Export Co., New York, learn the secrets of comedy making from Cliff Bowes and Virginia Vance of Educational-Cameo comedies.