Exhibitors Herald (Dec 1924-Mar 1925)

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38 EXHIBITORS HERALD January 31, 1925 Howard Elinor Glyiv's Flojorng Story^ A Toma.do of Cove ^ Oftf EjccitiiMROTumcc <?f RccWcds umara'*» The enliir»]line ■^ \ romance of the k3l\ lovely Jamara HBs \ and the reck* A leu, fascinat njL U ing panlJter* like pnncr. U'ctrh them niahc Love John Giibert Pringle BETTY BRONSON Pekn^Rwi Poll’s MAJESTIC Theatre COMING SUNDAY VANCE COMING SOON PRICES LARRY SEAMON MU.E. AMAUA & CO. SAMOK NOVAESO ENID BENNETT WALLACE BEEEV Beginning Sunday BETTY BBONSON ERNEST TORRENCE i^st Talked ofJHctwe of the Season — James M. Barrie^ Betty Ebjdkson NCf^tltT BRCNON 'Tip<y1‘D th« photoplay editioa of MXE. AMAUA CMIPANY PETER PAH Beginning SUNDAY, JAN. 4 Pofomuai: II Jp. IfOO, ZJO. 4:15. S*!. 7J0, 9:15 WISHES YOU ALL A HAPPY NEW YEAR m V/lut Mr. Gmey. Fonner Muufcr of the Bijeo [ j m Thestre, New Havea, Hu to Say About “PETER ^ PAfii^hovra Here Neit Week. -r£ P ^ uniwN ■ I.-' telMram WHAT SHOWMEN ARE DOING FOR “PETER PAN”— Ads reproduced above illustrate letters in the “What Showmen Are Doing to Get Business” column constituting a comprehensive campEiign book for the ParEunount picture. Contributors of these letters are: Perry Spencer, Howard theatre, Atlanta; Eldrid Fisher, Strand theatre, Lexington; Maurice A. Fox, American theatre, Terre Haute, and M. Rosenthal, Poli’s Majestic theatre, Bridgeport, Conn. Their letters are the first received in response to this department’s suggestion that showmen take advantage of Paramount’s simultaneous issuance of the picture throughout the country to build up an exploitation reference record for second run theatres.