Exhibitors Herald (Dec 1924-Mar 1925)

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12 BETTER THEATRES SECTION OE January 31, 1925 New combined effect, slide and flood light projector developed by the Brenkert Light Projection Company New Slide, Footlight Projeetor Developed By Brenkert, An improved combined eflfect, slide and ^ floodlight projector, which, it is stated, makes possible new artistic achievements in theatre entertainment, has been developed by the Brenkert Light Projection Company of Detroit, A feature of the new projector, known as the “F3,” is the fact that it offers a much greater range of effects for both stage and picture presentations. With the new projector it is possible to project moving stage effects on the screen or on drops on the stage, lending atmosphere and beauty to the music of the orchestra or realism to the work of singers or performers. The projector can also be used in throwing colored borders with moving objects around the screen itself while pictures or slides are being shown. Or, it is possible to project lantern slides with moving objects projected around the entire image. ^ ^ ^ For use in connection with the new projector the company has available a large variety of combination moving or color lighting effects for the stage or screen of standard size from which many novel and artistic effects can be obtained. These may be operated individually or simultaneously, as desired. In fact, the many uses and spectacular effects which can be obtained are proving a daily revelation, acording to the company, as reports of new and unusual combinations worked ou,t in theatres where the projector is being used are received. Among the many effects which may be obtained and which give an idea of the many ways in which the projector may be used are the following: A moonlight water ripple effect with moving fleecy clouds above ; a babbling brook ; a moving river or a turbulent ocean ; snow storms, rain storms with dark clouds; the aurora borealis, a midnight sun ; fire and smoke, cyclones and other effects. * it! * In the way of color effects can be shown falling flowers, falling flags, flying butterflies, flying angels and the like. These may be depicted on the entire stage with a drop or 'without a drop. Or, the effects may be made to cover the picture screen or they •can be shown around the picture border while the film or slides are being shown. To meet instances where it is necessary to alter the size or shape of an effect or color scheme to be projected, metal masks and border devices which fit into openings in front of the condensor are provided. One metal mask, for instance, which resembles a Christmas tree in design and which gives an effect of silvery moonlight playing on the water can be regulated so that the correct width and the desired perspective of the moonlight reflection is obtained. * * * The projector is equipped with 100 ampere arc lamps with top and bottom carbon adjustments, large well ventilated lamphouses, 100 ampere fully enclosed switches, large diameter condensing lenses for full opening of stage effects, throwout slide carriers, stage effect holders and dual lenses for long and short focus projection. General Electric Cuts Prices on Lamps 10 Per Cent Announcement is made by the General Electric Company of a reduction to the trade and public on the prices of its larger sizes of incandescent lamps, which became effective with the first of the year. The announcement effects, and is of particular interest to the users of lamps of 100 to 1,000 watts. It amounts to approximately 10 per cent on these types. Factories and all industrial shops, stores, office buildings, places of business and amusement will be largely benefited by the decreased costs. As the trend of modem commercial lighting has been toward this larger and more efficient type of lamp, lighting bills for business will be lowered everywhere. This cut in the cost of lamps, the sixA made by the General Electric Company in the last two years, has again been made possible by improved machinery and processes which have resulted in greater manufacturing economies. The electric lamp of today, of better quality and longer service, is one of the few articles essential to human progress which is actually selling below pre-war prices. The new price lists for MAZDA C lamps are as follows : Bowl Clear Enamel Daylight 100 watt $0.50 $0.55 $0.80 150 watt 65 .70 1.05 200 watt 80 .85 1.30 300 watt 1.25 1.35 1.85 500 watt 2.00 2.15 2.85 750 watt 3.50 3.70 1000 watt 3.75 3.95 Hinged Ends on Music Boxes Permit Easy Access to Rolls For the convenience of piano-player owners, music-roll boxes with hinged ends have been manufactured so that records can be withdrawn or put back with little trouble. The exposed drop front bears the name of the roll and is pulled out easily with a tab. 'E' ■O. tf ^ '■if 5; F iri/' V'' pH ':k! P Si' 1 w Selecting a pional player roll from a pile without disturbing the other records Piled on top of the piano or in any other convenient position, rows of the containers are as handy as a filing cabinet. Any record can be quickly selected without removing the box or disturbing the others. {Courtesy Popular Mechanics')