Exhibitors Herald (Dec 1924-Mar 1925)

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January 31, 1925 EXHIBITORS HERALD 13 CONTROL YOUR LIGHTING WITH “DIAMOND H” “Diamond H” Remote Control Switches needs but a single experience to demonstrate the remarkable advantage of this type of control — ” FINKELSTEIN & RUBEN The Type “G” Double Throw Switch affords a ready solution for the control of any load or lighting circuit where two different sources of supply are available and where current interruption would form a hazard. The Double Throw Remote Control Switch will perform any of the functions ordinarily obtained by hand control of a double throw switch. The control is always connected to _ the emergency service, the operation being full automatic. The armature of the Relay drops by gravity upon failure of the normal service and closes a set of contacts which transfers the load from the normal to the emergency service. Upon resumption of the normal service the armature of the Relay is pulled upwards, connecting a set of contacts, which restores the Switches to the normal position ; i. e., the load is again connected to the normal service. The consumption of the continuous current solenoid is about IS watts. Type “G” Double Throw Combinations are furnished on slate bases with Switches and Relays mounted as a unit on a metal subbase, furnished with either front or back connected lugs for remounting on panel or switchboard. Write now for your copy of “A Manual of Remote Control Equipment,” a book of information you will Bnd of great interest. The services of our engineering department are at your disposal THE HART MANUFACTURING CO. HARTFORD, CONN. DIAMOND REMOTE CONTROL SWITCHES