Exhibitors Herald (Dec 1924-Mar 1925)

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68 EXHIBITORS HERALD February 14, 1925 ACCOLA. E. C. 1*4 ADAMS. R. W 1* alubn. a * ALGUIRB. Mr*. C. C. 64 ANDERSON. C. V 11* ANDBRSON, J. A 143 ANDERSON. R. L. *6 ANDBBSBN, J. W 104 ANOELU H. H ISO ARBIBNTROirr. B. 72 ARBaSTBAD. B. A. 6* ASHWORTH & BARTELS 180 BABIN. VL J 7 BAILET. J. 159 BAKER. C. C. 195 BARBER. C, B. 87 BARTLETT A SON. C. W 108 BATS. E. G 170 BELL. Mr». L. 22 BERGER. S. A *7 BICKEL. J. C 108 BIGGS. W. T. 207 BIERWIRTH. H. C 62 BILLS. C. H 88 BINOINS. H. H 188 BIFARELLO, P — 215 BODWELL. M. F. 141 BOLLMAN. V. G. * BREITRICK. D. M. 198 BRENNER. W. H 10 BROADUS. J. N 177 BROWN. C. L. 42 BROWNE. F. L. *9 BUBSOM. L. A 158 BYERLT. a M. 48 BTEBLT. 8. L. 80 BTBNE. E. E. 147 CAIRNS. J. 28 CARTER. Mra. L. M. 55 CAUSEY, H, 70 CHAPMAN & EVANS 210 CLARK. W. M. 105 COLLINS. E. N 101 CRAIG, Bt T. 186 CRAIG, W. E. 152 CREAL, W. H 4 CRONKHITE. C. C 89 CROSBY & SCHWIERSKE 44 DASPIT, H. 81 DeBAGGIO, H. 48 DeHORDANT, P 76 DEYO, L. 174 DINSMORE & SON 90 DOLWING. R. L. 41 DURBIN. P. J 127 EAGAN. H. 112 ELUOTT. E. H (8 ENLOB, J. J 184 ESTBE, P. G. 24 EULER. J. R. 26 FARNSWORTH. R. 110 FARRAR, S. 206 FAWKS, E. L. 219 FAY, L. M. 202 “Herald Only” Club "Beeatus the ‘HeraUC woe the pioneer in thie field, and beeatiae u>e wtU have a better journal to vhieh to turn for guidanee if io« lolidly eontribute to Ote tame one, just as long at the ‘HeraUC keeps up its high standard of senvice I shall isrite solely for this tnagasine.” — PhMp Rand, Rex theatre, Salmon, Idaho. PILLIOD, L. A PORTELL. J. G.__ POWERS, C. H — price, a. j.. RADTKB, T. W.. RAND, P. REA, G. A.. REDISKB, G. F.. REEVE, H. RESTIVO, J. . U 69 . 20 -208 -220 5 _ 1 24 -202 .167 FAYTLE, M. F. 162 FOSTER, M. P 72 FOX, Mr. and Mrs. E. 64 FREEMAN. F. FRY. S. G GAILEY, E. E GARDNER, B. B— GARDNER, J. M.. GAUDING. H. W._ GEETING, R C. — GIACOBIA BROS. . GRAY. L. E. 81 231 *4 214 212 45 201 199 136 KOOPMAN. J. KOTTAS. E. V. KRAUTH. P. KUDLACEK. J. J. LAMBERT. O. W LANGACHER, C. W. LEEK. L. N LO W ELL. B. S.— LUNA. E. D.„ 182 160 149 67 148 59 196 86 96 LYMAN. C. H 128 LYNCH, C. H 71 MacPHERSON. O. E. 117 178 W. P. MARTIN, H. G. 48 HARRIS^' ^ — 77 McCORMICK, B. P 49 TTAffPTQAK M McCOY, H. C. ...... 19i HARTMAN Ct M* . 154 McCUAN, L. W 228 HAWKINS, J. W 200 MEECE & H A 1 iB i ■ 1 1 1 i .. 121 HRl/D, Pt 82 MENDENHALL, C. A— 12 HPQQ,' 1-. S. _ 95 MRVRR, F. a. 2 HICKMAN, R. W. . ~ 88 MILES, A. N. . . ._ . 13 HTl.T.YFR,' M. 1S7 MTT.l.F.R, r. F. Ififi HIIiTON, 0. A. B. 28 MILLER^ C. R. . . _ 14 HINDS, F. C 11 MILLER, L. A._ . .... 145 nfvna] w. 178 MILLWARD, V. . . 102 HOADLEY, E. C. _ 197 MITCHELL. R. E.. . .. 221 HOFFMAN, P, Br 114 MOORE, I R. 74 HOPKINSON, JR., F. S. 131 MOORE, Mrs. J. W. ... 25 HORN & MORGAN . .. 58 MOORE, P __ . -124 nORKlTVO, A. SIS MORGAN, A. M. -136 HOTTSFY, j. A. . . -198 MORRIS, P. E. . 126 HITRSTIS, B. R 106 MOULTON, C. H. .. — 68 HUMPHREY, W. H .. 212 MUNSON, C. . . .122 HUTCHISON, R. 0. .. 194 MUSSON, W. H 50 fnnp, 54. ’ 46 NEIS, A. R— 125 JENKINS, J. C 3 NICKELL, C. W ._ _ .. . 216 JENSEN BROS. . Ill NORTON, H. 182 JESSES, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. 47 O’HARA, P. J— .. 80 TOnKSON, F. I 205 Of.I.RR, I 139 JOHNSON' 0. W 78 O'NF.IT., F. J. 109 ninoF, r.' , ....164 O’TOniiE, A. R. 176 KATZENBACH, E. L. ^218 OTTEN, H. J. 197 KENNEASTERi J. S.— 172 PARES. 0. E. 60 KHATTAR, G. „. 61 PARTRICK, H. E 204 KIMRRO, Mpa. W, M. !l!11 PATRICK, W. n. 97 KING, LL G._ 209 PEITZ, P. H. 11.5 KINGEHY, R. H 12s PERR-Y, E. 1S« KIRKMAN. W. G 190 PERUNKO, L. J. 227 KOBORG, C. W. 188 PPEIFPER, R. 113 KOCH. G. H PPLUGER. H. H. 171 KOORFR n. A 52 PHILLIPS. D. H. - 197 reels. — C, went out of their way to tell me how good it was. will call REYNOLDS, E. J 91 REYNOLDS, J. M. 179 RICE, R B 191 RILEY. R R 28 RITTER, a J 76 RIVA, Mrs. C. A 16 RODGERS, F. C 144 ROSSER, R P 1*1 ROYSTER, M. 176 RYAN, a H 67 SABIN. F. E 1* SAMPLE, F. R 61 SAUNDERS. R 129 SCHAFER, C. W 230 SCHMIDT. J, W 92 SELK, H. G, 188 SHOUP, W. J 189 SHOYER, Dr. M 182 SILVER & SON, W. H 120 SIMPSON. C. H.— 157 SITTON & SON, A. P 161 SMITH, Mrs. R B 142 SMITH. R W 217 SPAINHOUR, C. A 100 STANTON, M. 27 STARKEY, G. C 17 STEEL, A. 98 STETTMUND, H. G. 6 STEVENSON, G. 160 SUSZYCKI, A. A 99 SWARTOUT, E. W. 26 TALBERT, J. H 102 THOMPSON. H. P. 21 TILLER. J. 29 TOPE, G. W. 119 VAN ALSTTNE, L. A 187 VAN NOT, H. 26 VAN STRATT, W. J 118 VAUGHAN. G. S3 VEATCH, A. L. 65 VETTER. R H 153 WALDEN, K. H 229 WEAKLEY, C. D 226 WENGER R S. I8I WERNER A. C 146 WETZ, J. H 140 WHARTON, R L. 79 WILCOX. L. M 185 WHITE, D. A. 84 WILUAMS, R J 146 WILLIAMS, J. M. 93 WILUAMSON. A R 156 WINTERBOTTOM. W. 18 It will put ’em in and please ’em. A. Spainhour, Twilight theatre, Greensburg, Kans. — General patronage. A GIRL OF THE LIMBERLOST: Gloria Grey —A vei-y good one that you need not be afraid of. Six reels. — H. G. Stettmund, Jr.. Odeon theatre. Chandler, Okla. — Small town patronage. A GIRL OF THE LIMBERLOST: Gloria Grey — They all liked this, and said so. They even NATIONAL SCREEN SERVICE Inc. NEW YORN CHICAGO LOS ANGELES Two nights to good business. Follows the book very good. Buy it, and step on it, and make some change. Seven reels. — F. J. O’Hara. Community theatre, Elgin. Neb. — Neighborhood patronage. GALLOPING GALLAGHER: Fred Thomson— Fred is there and over in this. There is sure a lot of bunk in this, but it gets over and that is what we want. Had a house full on this and they were all satisfied. Five reels.— F. J. O’Hara, Community theatre, Elgin. Neb. — Neighborhood patronage. THE FIGHTING SAP: Fred Thomson— I don’t think that the Thomson pictures are so wonderful by themselves, but that horse. Silver King, is a dandy and the crowd goes wild over him. An exhibitor is missing a Chance to make money if he doesn’t buy these pictures I suppose my old partner, Dickerson, of the Motion Picture News, me a "plain fool” for stating this, but after playing the first six of this star’s pictures F. B. O. came along and sold me the next eight at the same price I am paying for all my pictures on the average. So I think they are due a little word of praise. — George C. Starkey, Opera House, Montour Falls, N. Y. — General patronage. THE FIGHTING SAP: Fred Thomson — A picture full of action and pleased a Saturday night audience 100 per cent. Five reels.— R. C. Geeting. Lyric theatre, Chappell, Neb. — Small town patronage. STEPPING LIVELY: Richard Talmadge — Detective story which pleased the men and boys especially. The women and girls admire Dick and his antics so much that the story is forgotten. General satisfaction and they are asking for more like it. Five reels. — Oscar Reinert, Elite theatre, Humboldt, Kan. — Small town patronage. STEPPING LIVELY: Richard Talmadge— Finest one I have shown yet. Believe me. if I’m guessing, right here is a coming star. He has NOW BOOKING ANDERS RANDOLPH TAYLOR HOLMES-HEDDA HOPPER i EDWARD EARLE from lie celebrated stoge succea /I PAUL POWELL /■nooL/CT/ON Heleosed by AGNES AYRES IHER' market VALUE' everything and a little more. Men, you cannot possibly go wrong on these Talmadges. They will draw all classes and never fail to please. A fine looking boy that everyone is fond of. Pleased 100 per cent without a doubt. Six reels. — Chas. E. Lawrence, Star theatre. Tuckerman, Ark. — General patronage. A WOMAN WHO SINNED: Special cast— A dandy good picture for our house. Drew well in spite of 30 below weather. Seven reels. — O. Troyer. Lyric theatre, Rugby, N. D. — General patronage. THE SPIRIT OF THE U. S. A.: Johnny Walker — A real program. Sure pleased them. All walked out satisfied. — Zak & Makousky, Opera House, Clarkson, Neb. — Neighborhood patronage. THE SPIRIT OF THE U. S. A.: Special cast — They will all like this because the flag waves in every scene. Mighty good small town picture especially. — Geo. C. Starkey, Opera House. Montour Falls, N. Y. — General patronage. THE SILENT STRANGER: Fred Thomson —