Exhibitors Herald (Dec 1924-Mar 1925)

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22 EXHIBITORS HERALD February 21, 1925 In Thi s Issue OF SPECIAL INTEREST Quigley’s Appraisal of Current Trade Topics 21 Radio benefits to be realized. . . .Offers suggestion for print relief. . . . Picture bargains build business. The Patron, second of John Hamrick’s business articles for Exhibitors Herald 26 NEWS OF THE WEEK Booking Combine Movement Growing in Face of Opposition 23 Report That “Ben Hur’’ Hit Unusual Woes Denied by Niblo 23 Secrecy Surrounds Activity of New Booking Combine 25 Kansas Exhibitors to Support Campaign for Repeal of Censorship 25 Synchronized Illustrated Song-Reel Is Introduced at Chicago Theatre 25 Senator Smoot Asks U. S. to Protect Eilms Abroad by Legislation 26 DeMille Allies with Pro-Dis-Co in Forming Ten Million Dollar Corporation 27 Statements by De Mille, Pro-Dis-Co. officials and exhibitors. . . . News of the big deal in pictures. Exhibitors Give Live Tips to Producers in Herald Survey 31 C. M. McCoskey, a Showman All the Way Through _ 32 Organized Exhibitors Figures in Fewer Arbitration Cases, Says Staab 33 Bill for Abolition of New York Censorship Introduced 33 Good Fellowship and Good Food at Naked Truth Dinner 34 Million Dollar Bonfire Held to Observe Vitagraph Birthday 35 One-Man Killed, Negatives Destroyed in Laboratory Fire 35 PICTURES OF THE WEEK Pictorial Section 37 -Mberta Vaughn Conceives Cross-Word Puzzle for Herald Readers 24 The News of the DeMille Deal in Pictures 28 WRITTEN BY EXHIBITORS What the Picture Did for Me 63 Letters From Readers 61 What Showmen Are Doing 43 The Contributor’s Column 65 SERVICE DEPARTMENTS The Theatre 41 Sendee Talks on Pictures — 49 New Pictures 51 Theatre Construction and Equipment.... 78 Index to Announcements 59 The Film Mart 60 Short Subjects 48 Copy Service for Exhibitors 42 FEATURES Hollywood, by Harry Hammond Beall.. 36 New York, by John S. Spargo 40 Re-Takes, by J. R. M 22 Purely Personal 54 Broadway 24 Middle West Events 76 Says ROBERT SLOTE, Manager of the Strand theatre, Cumherland, Md.: ‘7 subscribe to three trade papers, one of which is Exhibitors Herald. I consider Exhibitors Herald the best of all, because it tells the news of the industry concisely and accurately, Everything is presented in such fashion that I get a clear idea of what is going on in every branch of the industry. More power to Exhibitors Herald.” Says W. L. O. FISHER, owner of the Maryland theatre, Frederick, Md. : “Some time ago I decided that it teas necessary for me to read one trade paper each tveek. I investigated all of them, and decided that Exhibitors Herald was the paper for me. I subscribed to it, and am glad to say that my judgment proved right. I wouldn’t be without Exhibitors Herald. It leads them all.” Says GUY WONDERS, Managing Director of the Rivoli theatre, Baltimore, Md. : I subscribe to Exhibitors Herald and read ^t regularly because: (1) It covers every end of the news of motion pictures in a thorough and accurate manner. (2) It is not filled with sickening superfluities. (3) It has the right angle on summarizing new pictures. The exhibitor only wants the news. He doesn’t ivant to be told what is good or bad. (4) Exhibitors Herald is independent in every way, and therefore it is to be relied on. Re-Takes WELL, WELL, now that the Naked Truth dinner is all over, and the Wampas boys have had their Frolic, and Jack and Estelle are married, there’s nothing else to do but get down to work and make “bigger and better” pictures for the next year. * * * Speaking of Jack and ’Stell, though, do you recall that interview on Jan. 30, when the heavyweight said “I will never fight again . . .” and “I’m to be married May 20th.” Jack ought to work at writing press notices. * * * A lot of bankwets are just as wet as ever and some more so. * * * Harmless Then By the way, what have the “drys” got to say to the argument that an oyster is better when stewed? * * * Didja See Him Raymond Griffith’s imitation of a cat in “Miss Bluebeard” will stand as one of the year’s classics in pantomimic art. It certainly was the cat’s meow. * * * Tough Met two exhibitors last week who said business was bad. But both had plans in their pockets for new theatres. ^ ^ ^ Doesn’t Work Arthur Brisbane, who is always worth a couple of quotation marks, sez: “Thinking comes easier when the head is tilted downward or hanging.” If this is so, why don’t those trapeze performers think up some new stunts? ^ ^ ^ Turn About Is Fair Play Aren’t censors funny people? The New York board wants to censor not only the pictures, but the private lives of the actors and manufacturers. Now the actors ought to turn around and investigate the private lives of the censor busy-bodies. * * H= Futile They tried to kill an Italian gunman in Ghicago the other day with garlic, but he didn’t succumb. * Lots of Titles Gloria wasn’t satisfied with one title, — movie queen — was she? She thought as long as she was over there in a country where they grow ’em she might as well grab off another. * * + What’s Next Chicago restaurants are serving radio steaks. They’re so juicy you have to wear earphones to keep the gravy out of your ears. * * * Another Universal Idea After Carl Laemmle gets that universal language lets urge him to plug for universal traffic rules. * * * Needed ’Em It’s a good thing that picture, “The Lost World,” came along just at this time. It gives the cross-word puzzle dopesters a lot of funny words to juggle with. J. R. M.