Exhibitors Herald (Dec 1924-Mar 1925)

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February 21, 1925 EXHIBITORS HERALD 67 enwm SPECIAL COMEDIES «wre re To iT . ]res-e‘nt^ 5# KID SPEED” J^ealjy a “special ” COJTiecy^ —<JohnTA^fIa,'f/l<ins‘, CapiioJ Theater-, j/sy^Sedford, in Jhihibiioirs JTera.li . Another knock, ou-t . A real comedy wifK more thrills and spills than ever before put in a come^ "We class it as the besb come^ for TTianx rnoons. It has ever/bhin^ a hi^ crome^ should have -Ned PeJi£o, Sy/aJ-ci Uiestre , Guthrie , QhJa.., in N.BWorU . 4 6 HER BOY PRIEND*' Packed ho bursiinj with laughs GSan Irancisco (Ta.ll— T^o st Two More (oinlngf jPT'OffuceJ Ixy CHADVICK picrums CORPORATION EDUCATIONAL FILM EXCHANGES incorporated . SHADOWS OF THE EAST: Mildred Harris— A failure as far as the box office is concerned. — J. M. Cluwell, Strand theatre, Davis, Okla. — Small town patronage. THE SHEPHERD KING: Special cast— This picture is good, but will not go over without help. It is a direct tie-up with the I. O. O. F, lodge as it pictures on the basis of their first degree. The lodge here will recommend it to your lodge. Nine leels. — F. A. Ferguson, Royal theatre, Fairmount, Ind. — Mixed patronage. , THE WOLF MAN: John Gilbert—A fair program picture, but only pleased about 50 per cent of the people. Six reels. — Burt Parsons, Grand theatre, Springfield, Minn. — General patronage. OH YOU TONY: Tom Mix— They like Mix and name brought out good crowd two nights in spite of extra cold snap. Lots of applause. Seven reels. — C. B. Roney, Star theatre, Milford, Mich. — Small town patronage, THE SILENT COMMAND: Special cast— Print was so bad we can't report honestly on this picture, so we will let you decide. — Oscar Troyer, Lyric theatre, Rugby, N. D. — General patronage. KENTUCKY DAYS: Dustin Farnum — This is a fair i)rogram picture and will please most of the poeple. Five reels. — Burt Parsons, Gi'and theatre, Springfield, Minn. — General patronage. WHEN ODDS ARE EVEN: William RussellMade a fair Saturday night’s program with Aesop’s Fable and a comedy. Certainly would not go over without some short stuff. Five reels. — Frank Brock, Grand theatre, Okolona, Miss. — Small town patronage. THE SPOILERS: William Farnum-My people still like Farnum, as all of these re-issues have pulled a good crowd. “Wolves of the Night’’ and “The Conqueror” the same. — C. B. Roney, Star theatre, Milford, Mich. — Small town patronage. LADIES TO BOARD: Tom Mix— Mix like a fish in a sand pile. Keep him where he belongs and he will keep making us money. More like this one and even the people who hold annual passes will (luit coming. Had a good house but everyone seemed disappointed. Six reels — Frank Bi'ock, Grand theatre, Okolona, Miss. — Small town patronage. IF WINTER COMES: Percy Marmont — Why do the exchanges let out such stuff? Had it booked for two days, but had to take it off after the first day on account of the condition of the print. Could not read half the titles and the connections were awful. It was impossible to follow the picture. The prints I have been getting from Fox out of New Orleans certainly have been rotten. I doubt if I will book any more Fox pictures. Can’t -get a print fit to run and their pictures have been nothing to brag about. Mix is their only star. Then they make most of their pictures too long. Six reels is long enough. Ten reels — Frank Brock, Grand theatre, Okolona, Miss. — Small town patronage. Metro Goldwyn THE SNOB: John Gilbert — A darn good picture. If you can’t please them with this there’s no use to try any longer. Norma Shearer is indeed beautiful. — Mrs. Frank Paul, Marvel theatre, Carlin ville. 111. — Genera! patronage. THE SNOB: John Gilbert— A good society drama that pleased. Acting and directing was fine and a good cast. Seven reels. — R. M. Fletcher, Lyric theatre, Hartingrton, Neb. — General patronage. THE SILENT ACCUSER: Peter the Great— Here is a wonderful action picture with a well trained dog. Pleased 100 per cent. Buy it. Six reels, — R. M. Fletcher, Lyric theatre, Hartington, Neb. — General patronage. HE WHO GETS SLAPPED: Lon Chaney— A tragedy, well produced and well acted, though it will not appeal to the masses. — Mrs. Frank Paul, Marvel theatre, Carlinville, III. — General patronage. HIS HOUR: John Gilbert — An excellent pictuj-e that pleased the women 100 per cent and also the majority of the men. The entire cast does fine work. You can put your steam behind this one. H. G. Stettmund, Jr., Odeon theatre. Chandler, Okla. — Small town patronage. HIS HOUR: John Gilbert — More hot stuff, but they like it. Our friend John Gilbert is sure full of pep in this. — Mrs. Frank Paul, Marvel theatre, Carlinville, 111. — General patronage. WILD ORANGES: Frank Mayo — Weil done and works up to good climax, but very improbable and some acting seemed to go over their heads, as they did not seem to get the ix)int and made fun of it. — E. J. Reynolds, Liberty theatre, Pasco, Wash. — General patronage. THE ARAB: Ramon Novarro — The desert sheik pull seems to be minus. Weather good and not much competition, but got a very small crowd two nights. Those who came were not dissatisfied. Seven reels. — C. B. Roney, Star theatre, Milford, Mich. — -Small twon patronage. REVELATION: Viola Dana — Viola Dana had in this one the biggest part she ever put across and I, along with old man Jenkins, am mighty glad. You know that they said she could not do it. but she did. and does in this picture. The characterization done here by Dana, while different than Nazimova, is just as convincing. Business, while not so big, was satisfactory. Eight reels. — W. H. Brenner, Cozy theatre, Winchester, Ind. — General patronage. DON^T DOUBT YOUR HUSBAND; ROUGED LIPS: Viola Dana — Two very good program pictures. Those two seem to be better than the others we have run. Bought at a very reasonable price and seemed to please. Six reels — Schaghticoke Amusement Assn., I. O. O. F. Hall, Schaghticoke, N. Y. — General patronage. NAME THE MAN: Mae Busch— Good picture. Business very ordianry. — E. J. Reynolds, Liberty theatre, Pasco, Wash. — General patronage. A BOY OF FLANDERS: Jackie Coogan— A heavy part for so young an actor, but it drew them in and satisfied them and that’s all we want. Drawing power 95 per cent. — George J. Mahowald, Alhambra theatre, Garrison, N. D. — General patronage. THE SHOOTING OF DAN McGREW: Barbara La Marr — (Jood V)usiness. Every one well pleased. Six reels. H. B. Frank, Royal theatre, Macomb, 111. — General patronage. THE SHOOTING OF DAN McGREW: Barbara La Marr — Picture caused more favorable comment than any feature run this year, barring none. Did four times the business that I did on “Alaskan.” — C. M. Dunn, Lane theatre, CleElum, Wash. — Small town patronage. THE SHOOTING OF DAN McGREW: Barbara La Marr — This was another picture I was afraid of on account of reports on the Hula dance, but we did not see anything so dreadful about it here. A year or so ago I ran “The Midnight Guest” from Universal and that contained a dance which had this hula in “The Shooting of Dan McGrew” skinned a city block. It was sure enough shocking. I had a preacher and his family out that night and he got such a shock he has not been in my theatre since. I had NOW BOOKING PRISCILU DEAN ftkCrinm Runtv^ HUNT STROMBERG *7 Haivey Cates personally supervised Ward Crane, Alan^Hale, Mitchell Lewis PRODUCTION f ^ dlfUased by / ~ prodlICtrs,dis TRjDUTiNR~.conpon/TrrQ^