Exhibitors Herald (Dec 1924-Mar 1925)

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February 28, 1925 EXHIBITORS HERALD 3 The Proof “ ‘BETTER THEATRES’ will be of invaluable aid to West Coast Theatres, Inc., in the building and equipping and furnishing of its new theatres.” —HARRY C. ARTHUR, General Manager, West Coast Theatres, Inc. LOS ANOELES SAN FRANCISCO HOLLYWOOD SAN o I eo O LON3 BEACH SANTA BARBARA SAN PCORO P O M O N A BAKERSFIELD TAFT ANAHEIM VENICE OCEAN PARK ;SANTA MONICA REDONDO M E R M O S A INOLE WOOD HIGHLAND PARK ■ f ‘ ^est (Boast ^Lealers. lao. M done. P>««ea>0Ch.r' SOL L£SSE;».v<ce Pne* ikOOLPH RAMiSH.fMa A OORE. SSCMCTA PHONE TRIN ITY 7jAl 200 KNICKERBOCKER BUILDINO LOS ANGELES, CALI F. O A K U A N D SAC RA M E NTO SAN JOSE berhelev F R E S N O •STOC KTO N R I C H M O N D WATSONVILLE S A L. I N A S PA S A O E: N A RIVERSIDE GLENDALE hUNTINGTON park SAN LUIS OBISPO V e N T U R A ALMAM BRA OFFICE OF OENERAL MANAGER Pet). 2, 1 9 2 5 Mr, Martin J. Quigley, Exhibitors Herald, 407 Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111. My dsar Mr. Quigley: Upon n^y return to Los Angeles, I 'found the first issue of your BETTER THEATRES, and I wish to take this occasion to advise you that it is mighty interesting to me and wij.1 be of invaluable aid to T/est Coast Theatres , Inc . in the building and equipping and furnishing of Its new theatres. It should also be of great interest and aid to builders and contractors, I am sure that you have furnished everyone concerned with a medium that vylll make for the oonstruotion and operation of better theatres exactly as the name Implies, Please enter a subscription for our Mr. R. D. Hornbrook, Construction Engineer; our Mr. Art Smith, Eloctrioal Engineer and our Mr. C. A. Caballero, Purchasing Agent, Cara West Coast Theatres, Inc., above address. With very kird regards and cordial wishes, I am Yours very truly. hca/p ADDRESS At.L COR RES PON DENCE TO WEST COAST THEATERS.ImC MARK FOR ATTENTION OF DEPARTMENT I NTE RE STE D. NOT INDIVIDUALS West Coast Theatres, Inc., operates more than 100 theatres on the Pacific Coast. The company has announced an appropriation of $5,000,000 for new theatres within the next few years.