Exhibitors Herald (Dec 1924-Mar 1925)

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26 EXHIBITORS HERALD March 7, 1925 HEART?''' TEMPTRESS" CLOSE-UP SAYS: STARR//VC BARBARA LAMARR AfVD “I’ve seen ‘ ‘HEART OF A TEMPTRESS.’’ And it lives up to all 1 ve heard about it from the “wise boys.” You can chalk it down in the little back pocket memo book as a sure thing for the box office. Why? Because “HEART OF A TEMPTRESS” is one of those rare things — a picture with a story, a beautiful love story trimmed with corking melodramatic touches, real comedy relief and natural acting, moulded into enjoyable entertainment under the master touch of Phil Rosen. Barbara La Marr and Conway Tearle will * stand em up anywhere, not to mention Harry Morey, Arnold Daly, Clifton Webb, Ben Finney, Florence Auer, Ida Darling, Florence Billings and William Ricciardi. CONWA/ TEARLE WITH A SUPPORTINGCAST THAT WILL "STAND’ EM UP" ANYWHERE FROM THE BROADWAY STAGE SUCCESS "MAIL AND FAREWELL" ^WILLIAM MURLBURT adapted by FREDERIC AND FANNY HATTON A I, I, SAW'YEIl LUBEN PRODUCTIONS MADE UNDER SUPERVISION OF ARTHI’R H. SAWYER Phil Rosen Reads the Script to Barbara La Marr A SAWYER-LUBIN PRODUCTION DIRECTED BY PHIL ROSEN "THE MAN WHO MADE ABRAHAM LINCOLN** FIRST NATIONAL PICTURE