Exhibitors Herald (Dec 1924-Mar 1925)

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March 7, 1925 EXHIBITORS HERALD 59 NEW PICTURES The T hundering Herd Distributor: Paramount Producer: Famous Players-Lasky Length: 8 reels DIRECTOPv WILLIAM K. HOWARD Author Zane Grey Adaptor Lucien Hubbard PLAYERS Tom Doan Jack Holt Milly Fayre Lois Wilson Randall Jett Noah Beery Jude Pilchuck Raymond Hatton Clark Hudnall Charles Ogle Bum Hudnall Colonel T. J. McCoy Mrs. Clark Hudnall ..Lillian Leighton Mrs. Randall Jett Eulalie Jensen Ory Tacks Stephen Carr Sally Hudnall Maxine Elliott Hicks Catlett Pat Hartigan Pruitt Ed J. Brady Follansbee Fred Kohler Joe Dinn Robert Berry TYPE: Western tale of 1876, when buffalo herds roamed the Wyoming planes. HIGHLIGHTS: Council of Indian chiefs. . . . Holt meets Milly. . . . Jett's revenge on Holt. . . . The buffalo hunt. . . . Indian attack. Story: Tom Doan meets Milly Fayre and incurs the enmity of Randall Jett, a gambler. Jett ties Tom to the saddle of his horse and shoots him. Jett and his followers waylay a lone wagon driver, kill him and steal his furs. The Indians, fearing the loss of their winter’s supply of food through the white men, attack them, but are beaten when the settlers combine forces. Milly and Tom are united when Tom saves her from the Indians. Folly of Vanity Distributor: Fox Producer: William Fox Length: 7 reels DIRECTORS MAURICE ELVEY and HENRY OTTO Author Charles Damton PLAYERS Alice Billie Dove Robert Jack Mulhall Mrs. Ridgeway Betty Blythe Ridgeway John Sainpolis TYPE : Modern domestic drama with dream sequence, of a married woman who worships pearls. HIGHLIGHTS: Scenes aboard the yacht. . . . Colorful under seas spectacle. . . . Alice’s awakening . Story: Alice craves beautiful jewels and her husband objects when she accepts a string of pearls from Ridgeway, She falls asleep with the pearls around her neck and dreams she has drowned herself. She awakens and realizes her husband’s love and respect is more to be valued than pearls. Alma Rubens, who has the leading role in “The Dancers,’’ a Fox production adapted from the stage success. Emmett Flynn directed. A Broadway Butterfly Distributor: Warner Bros. Producer: Warner Bros. Length: 7 reels DIRECTOR WILLIAM BEAUDINE Author Darryl Francis Zanuck Adaptor Darryl Francis Zanuck Camei'aman Ray June PLAYERS Irene Astaire Dorothy Devore Cookie Dale Louise Fazenda Charles Gay Willard Lewis Crane Wilder John Roche Donald Steel Cullen Landis Thelma Perry Lilyan Tashman Stage Manager Wilfred Lucas Riding Mistress Eugenie Gilbert Mrs. Steele Margaret Seddon TYPE: A story of wild parties in New York and of the adventures of a country girl on Broadway. HIGHLIGHTS: Roof garden scenes. . . . Back stage incidents. . . . Work of Louise Fazenda, Dorothy Devore and others. Story: Irene Astaire is befriended by Cookie Dale and gets a job in the chorus, although Cookie is dismissed to please male backers of the show. Irene falls in love with a wealthy youth, Ronald Steel, but Crane Wilder wants Irene and plots with Thelma to disgrace Irene. Cookie foils them although Donald sees Wilder leaving Irene’s apartment, and he turns to Thelma. Irene is discouraged and seeks diversion on Broadway. Cookie saves her again and it then develops Cookie is the runaway daughter of a wealthy family and Donald and Irene are once more united. The Cloud Rider Distributor : F. B. 0. Producer: Van Pelt Wilson Length: 5 reels DIRECTOR BRUCE MITCHELL Author A1 Wilson Adaptor L. V. Jefferson PLAYERS Bruce Torrence A1 Wilson Blythe Wingate Virginia Lee Corbin Juan Lascelles Harry Von Meter Zella Wingate Helen Ferguson Hank Higgins Frank Rice David Torrence Melbourne MacDowell Peter Wingate Brinsley Shaw TYPE : Story of the love affairs of an aviator interspersed with much daring airplane work. HIGHLIGHTS: Hero jumping from one plane to another loith wheel strapped to his back. . . . Rescue of heroine. . . . Airplane stunts. Story: Bruce Torrence, member of secret service, is in love with Zella, His rival attempts to get rid of him by loosening the wheel of his airship. Zella goes aloft in the machine, and Bruce follows in another with a new wheel. He rescues Zella, but later falls in love with Blythe Wingate, whom he rescues from the water after she has wrecked her machine. He also captures the villain. Red Blood and Blue Distributor: State Rights Producers: Roberts and Cole Productions Length: 5 reels DIRECTOR JAMES HUTCHINSON Author Not given Cameraman J. P. Whalen PLAYERS Tom Butler “Big Boy” Williams Leona Lane Peggy O’Day Dave Butler John Bailey Jim Lane Fred Butler Bill Brown Frank Baker Pete Smith Irvin Wofford “Slim” C. Oliver Drake TYPE : Western story of Eastern youth who rounds up a gang of thieves. HIGHLIGHTS : Tom is driven from home. ... His capture of the runaway horse. . . . Protecting the stock certificates. . . . Capture of the thieves. . . Reunion with father. Story: Tom Butler becomes an outcast when he displeases his father. He goes West and while convalescing from a broken ankle, is told to guard certificates for valuable stock. The rival gang, however, gets possession of the certificates. Tom is suspected. He rides away when the Sheriff’s posse arrives and captures the crooks in their cabin and recovers the certificates.