Exhibitors Herald (1925)

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(r X, EXHIBITORS HERAL QJie independent i 'Blm Srade ^aper Martin J. Quigley, Publisher Editor J Five Rothchild theatres in Frisco purchased by Paramount — Metro denies reports of big European theatre projects — Butterfield and Famous in race for control in Michigan. National council organized by reformers to “improve pictures” — Movement appears as another form of motion picture censorship — Headquarters will be in New York. Elliott pledges equitable contract at New Jersey convention — President Seider thanks trade press — Cohen voices disapproval of elaborate presentations — Woodhull honored. M. P. T. 0. A. begins inquiry on block booking — Holds practice unfair — L. A. Young head of Tiffany and affiliated companies — Sol Lesser deal for Metro films involves million. North and South Carolina may merge — Condemns cut rate admission prices — Craver elected president — Woodhull addresses Southern conclave — Praises Hays address. Two men die in Gillis theatre disaster— Bank charges Doolittle and others with misuse of trust fund — Selznick creditor asks $113,000 — Robber slays exhibitor. “Greater Movie Season” drive takes on national aspect — Lasky directors to share in any saving affected in production — British company buys entire Tiffany output. Famous school for theatre managers opens in August — Mooney launches $500,000 picture and theatre company — Bonns rejoins Warners — To have charge of exploitation. Elaborate Grauman prologue opens “The Gold Rush” — Flinn appoints managers under eight-division plan — Controlling stock in A. E. acquired by Oscar Price. Elliott names zone directors for independent association — Five more companies join organization — Five distributors made defendants in trust suit in Ohio. New overnight air mail to aid theatre owners in Middle West — Fox to rebuild or enlarge eight branch offices — Denies rumor that Australia has doubled tax on film. DEPARTMENTS WHAT THE PICTURE DID FOR ME 59 Letters From Readers 72 What Showmen Are Doing 43 The Theatre 41 Service Talks on Pictures 47 “The Ten Commandments” . . . “The Manicure Girl” . . . “His Supreme Moment” . . . “King Cotton” . . . “Isn't Life Terrible” . . . “Two Shall Be Bom” . . . “Hurricane Kid” . . . “I’ll Show You the Town.” New Pictures 49 “The Manicure Girl” . . . “Steele of the Royal Mounted” . . . “Don Q, Son of Zorro” . . . “The Man of Iron” . . . “Beggar on Horseback” . . . Newspictures. Short Subjects 46 Theatre Construction and Equipment 73 The Film Mart 67 Index to Product Announcements 69 House Organ Exchange 43 Classified Advertising 66 FEATURES Hollywood 36 New York 38 Purely Personal 54 Rroadway 24 Chicago Personalities 74 Re-Takes 25 Vol. XXII July 11, 1925 No. 3 Published Every Wednesday by EXHIBITORS HERALD COMPANY Publication Office: 407 So. Dearborn St., CHICAGO, U. S. A., Telephone Harrison 9248 Martin J. Quigley, President Edwin S. Clifford, Secretary George Clifford, Asst. Treasurer All editorial and business correspondence should be addressed to the Chicago office. Edwin S. Clifford, managing editor; George Clifford, business manager; Jay M. Shreck, news editor; William R. Weaver, exhibitor editor; John S. Spargo, New York news editor. Subscription price: United States and its possessions, $3.00 a year:. Canada, $4.50 a year; other parts of the world, $6.00 a year. Single copies, 25 cents. Other publications: The Box Office Record, published semi-annually and Better Theatres published monthly as supplements to Exhibitors Herald. Member Audit Board of Circulations. Copyright, 1925, by Exhibitors Herald Company. ... . . NEE Jf<?R?CT 0FJICK. LOS ANC-ELES OFFICE 565 Fifth Ave. (Tel. Vanderbilt 3612-3613) 5617 Hollywood Blvd. (Tel. Gladstone 3754) James Beecroft, Manager ray Murray, Manager J