Exhibitors Herald (1925)

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102 EXHIBITORS HERALD August 1, 1925 episode, it is holding up well and going big with the Western fans. — Roy W. Adams, Pastime theatre, Mason, Mich. — General patronage. THE RIDDLE RIDER: (Universal) William Desmond — Friend, if you want a good serial, book this one. Step on the advertising for the first few chapters and then look at them coming. It is just the type of serial we need. It is different from the others, with a lost or stolen map or jewel in every chapter. I showed the last chapter. I cannot replace the showing on the same day, which was my best of the week. I will try one more like it, if they make it. — Arch Catalano, Victory theatre, Rossiter, Pa. — General patronage. Short Subjects EDUCATIONAL BETWEEN SHOWERS: This is as good as the average one-reel comedy or a little better. We find that Educational short subjects are as good or a little better on an average than most of them. One reel. — Crosby & Schwierske, Rex theatre, Colby, Wis. — General patronage. BREAKING IN: Benny Leonard — These tworeelers with Benny Leonard are not so bad. Two reels. — A. A. Zeimis, Helena theatre, Rockdale, 111. — General patronage. FILM FOOLISH: Educational has some fine comedies, but this one is not among them. One reel. — W. J. Shoup, DeLuxe theatre, Spearville, Kans. — Small town patronage. FLYING FINANCE: Among the best in comedies. Laughs all the way through. Enjoyed as well as any comedy I ever showed. Two reels. — Daniel T. Clary, A-Mus-U theatre, Lincolnton, Ga. — General patronage. GOING EAST: Lloyd Hamilton — Very good. Kept the crowd laughing. Two reels. — A. G. Witwer, Grand theatre. Rainier, Ore. — General patronage. HANG ON: Fairly good one-reel comedy. — W. J. Shoup, DeLuxe theatre, Spearville, Kans. — Small town patronage. HIGH GEAR: Bobby Vernon — Another Bobby Vernon knockout. It is a pippin. Had a laugh almost in every foot of film. He made some race driver. Two reels. — C. A. Anglemire, “Y” theatre, Nazareth, Pa. — Better class patronage . HOLD EVERYTHING: Bobby Vernon— Got a few laughs ; that’s all. Two reels.— A. A. Zeimis, Helena theatre, Rockdale, 111. — General patronage. HOLD TIGHT: Christie — Got quite a few laughs, so I guess it must have been all right. Two reels. — S. G. Ihde, Photoplay theatre, Ashland, Kans. — Small town patronage. KIDDING KATE: Christie — Rotten; nothing to it. Two reels. — A. A. Zeimis, Helena theatre, Rockdale, 111. — General patronage. LYMAN HOWE’S HODGE PODGE: We have found that these Hodge Podges are a real novelty and are fine. They are a little of news reel, little of cartoon comedy and a little of sport and scenic views mixed up and make a very nice filler for any program. If you have not run any of them, try and see if they are not O. K. — One reel. — Crosby & Schwierske, Rex theatre, Colby, Wis. — General patronage. THE OPTIMIST: Lloyd Hamilton — Good comedy, like all the Educationals. — Bert Silver, Silver Family theatre, Greenville, Mich. — General patronage. ROLLING: STONES Lloyd Hamilton — Just fair. Nothing extra. Two reels. — Ernest W. Hatcher, Star theatre, Harlem, Ga. — Small town patronage. THREE STRIKES: Mermaid — Excellent. Two reels. — S. G. Ihde, Photoplay theatre, Ashland, Kans. — Small town patronage. TURN ABOUT: Cameo — As poor as the average Cameo. I have run nearly twenty-four of these comedies and haven’t run onto a good one yet. Their worst fault is that exactly the same characters are in every one. No more for me. One reel. — Joseph W. Springer, Strand theatre, Elizabethtown, Ind. — General patronage. WAKE UP: Cameo — Fair. One reel. — S. G. Ihde, Photoplay theatre, Ashland, Kans. — Small town patronage. WILD GAME: Lige Conley — This is a dandy, full of fun and action. Two reels. — Robert L. Anderson, Olympic theatre. Forks, Wash. — Small town patronage. FILM BOOKING OFFICES THE GO-GETTERS: Alberta Vaughn — Just finished No. 8. This one is entitled “Who’s Whooligan” and is a little above the average of these. I would consider the whole series, however, very foolish and mediocre. Two reels. — Wm. B. Trags dorf, Trags theatre, Neillsville, Wis. ■ — ■ General patronage. PRETTY SOFT: Jimmy Aubrey — Fair comedy but very disgusting. Two reels. — W. J. Shoup, DeLuxe theatre, Spearville, Kans. — Small town patronage. PATHE AESOP’S FABLES: Always good; draw no blanks. One reel. — Edwards & Case, Opera House, Paw Paw, 111. — General patronage. CHAMPIONS: Sportlight — Have run several of these and find them all good. Most of our patrons like them and comment about them. One reel. — ■ A. G. Witwer, Grand theatre, Rainier, Ore. — General patronage. EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF: Our Gang— This is one of their weak comedies. We consider it not as good as the usual run of Gang comedies. Two reels. — W. J. Shoup, DeLuxe theatre, Spearville, Kans. — Small town patronage. THE GOOFY AGE: Glenn Tyron — Very good. Two reels.. — Wm. E. Tragsdorf, Trags theatre, Neillsville, Wis. — General patronage. HOT TIMES IN ICELAND: Aesop FableHave been running Fables for some time and they all are popular. — R. L. Nowell, Idlehour theatre, Monroe, Ga. — General patronage. LOVE’S SWEET PIFFLE: Ralph Graves — Pretty fair comedy. Nothing extra. I can’t see a thing funny about Graves. Two reels. — R. L. Nowell, Idlehour theatre, Monroe, Ga. — General patronage. MYSTERIOUS MYSTERY: Our Gang— One of the best Our Gang comedies. Joe, the little fat fellow, climbs out on the wing to get the pigeon, then the pilot falls out and Mickey runs the plane. Farina gets on the rudder and does some tricks. Two reels. — Bricker & Green, Gem theatre, Greenriver, Utah. — General patronage. OUCH : Stereoskopik — Our audience enjoys these novelty subjects 100 per cent. To hear their exciting screams, one would think the subjects on the screen were going to fall in their lap. This is so different in its idea from any other novelty that it deserves feature space in your attraction board, newspaper ads and house organs. — Chas. H. Ryan, Milford theatre, Chicago, 111. — Neighborhood patronage. PATHE NEWS: They are all good. One reel. — Ernest W. Hatcher, Star theatre, Harlem, Ga. — Small town patronage. RIDERS OF THE KITCHEN RANGE: Hal Roach — Fair. One reel. — S. G. Ihde, Photoplay theatre, Ashland, Kans. — Small town patronage. RIDERS OF THE PURPLE COWS: Mack Sennett — Good slapstick. Two reels. — Wm. E. Tragsdorf, Trags theatre, Neillsville, Wis. — Small town patronage. ROUGHING IT; HUSTLING HANK: Not comedies, just aggravations. These birds don’t increase my joy of happiness. Two reels. — Earle Eveland, Twin City Opera House, MeConnelsville, O. — General patronage. SHE KNEW HER MAN : Aesop Fable — Not so good as some of former releases. — A. G. Witwer, Grand theatre. Rainier, Ore. — General patronage. SPORTING JUDGMENT: Sportlight — Very good. One reel. — Wm. E. Tragsdorf, Trags theatre, Neillsville, Wis. — Small town patronage. TOPICS OF THE DAY: Our first of these and seem to be good stuff. Got some good laughs and should be a good addition to any program. — A. G. Witwer, Grand theatre. Rainier, Ore. — General patronage. UNIVERSAL ALMOST A HUSBAND: Buddy Messenger — A comedy that will please the ladies but hasn’t many laughs to it. Two reels. — W. J. Shoup, DeLuxe theatre, Spearville, Kans. — Small town patronage. AN EYEFUL: Billy Sullivan — A snappy short Western. Two reels. — A. G. Witwer, Grand theatre, Rainier, Ore. — General patronage. BETWEEN FIRES: Edmund Colb — Good Western subject to bolster up a weak program. Two reels. — A. G. Witwer, Grand theatre, Rainier, Ore. — General patronage. THE FLOWER GIRL: Baby Peggy — Not so good as some of Peggy’s former comedies, but will get by. Two reels. — A. G. Witwer, Grand theatre. Rainier, Ore. — General patronage. HER FORTUNATE FACE: Wanda Wiley— This is a very good two-reel comedy. Lots of good stunts, and, although they have stolen some of them from Lloyd, Semon and others, as a whole it is very good. We find the Universal two-reel comedies are O. K. but the majority of the one-reelers are the bunk. Two reels. — Crosby & Schwierske, Rex theatre, Colby, Wis. — General patronage. SCARED STIFF: Very good comedy. Plenty of action and new gags. Kept the crowd laughing. Two reels. — A. G. Witwer, Grand theatre. Rainier, Ore. — General patronage. SOME TOMBOY : Wanda Wiley — Lots of action and some good laughs in this. Two reels. — A. G. Witwer, Grand theatre, Rainier, Ore. — General patronage. SOME TOMBOY : Wanda Wiley — One of the saddest sights of the season is to see this little beauty doing her darndest to make something of the terrible stories they give her. She’s got the looks, pep and action to make a real trouper if they would give her a fair chance. These Centuries run terrible nowadays, except those that are worse. — Roy W. Adams, Pastime theatre, Mason, Mich. — General patronage. UNDER A SPELL: Neely Edwards — A comedy from Universal which was a little better than the average. We got quite a few laughs from the kids and the comedy on the whole wasn’t so» bad. Good film. One reel. — W. T. Davis & Son, Rialto theatre, Sharon, Wis. — General patronage. WHY BE JEALOUS: Bert Roach — About up to usual standard of these comedies. One reel. — A. G. Witwer, Grand theatre. Rainier, Ore. — General patronage. VITAGRAPH LARRY SEMON COMEDIES: Some are poor; others are rotten. These old ones are killing him here. — Roy W. Adams, Pastime theatre. Mason, Mich. — General patronage. SKIDS AND SKALAWAGS: Larry Semon— A good one-reel comedy, as are most of these that we have had so far. One reel. — A. G. Witwer, Grand theatre, Rainier, Ore. — General patronage. MISCELLANEOUS DOGGONE IT: This came from Ludwig Film Exchange of Milwaukee and was a good comedy. A good lot of laughs in this and one that pleased our audience. Book it. Two reels. — W. T. Davis & Son, Rialto theatre, Sharon, Wis. — General pa1> ronage. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Five Cents per Word Payable in Advance. Minimum Charge, $1.00. EQUIPMENT WANTED WANTED— Organ, ventilating system, two machines, screen and chairs. Condition must be good. Box 403. Exhibitors Herald, 407 South Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. COSTUME RESEARCH FRED GILBERT BLAKESLEE, Consulting Costume Expert. Author of “Army Uniforms of the World,” 670 Main St., Hartford, Conn. THEATRE WANTED KANSAS OR OKLAHOMA town, 3,000 to 4,000 population. To purchase equipment, lease building. M. J. Aley, Eureka, Kansas. EQUIPMENT FOR SALE FOR SALE; Approximately 270 7-ply new veneer chairs. Also generator, frames and used projecting machines. Bargains. Atlas Moving Picture Company, 534 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. FOR SALE; Wurlitzer orchestra complete with all attachments; in excellent condition just overhauled, roll mechanism and attachments used less than one year. Priced reasonable. Orpheum Theatre, Richland Center, Wis. EXHIBITORS, LET US SAVE YOU MONEY, two thousand brand new. heavy 5-ply theatre chairs. Also 1,000 folding chairs at 33 per cent less than factory prices. For immediate shipment. Lowest prices on used upholstered and veneer chairs and all theatre equipment. Write us your needs and we will save you money. Illinois Theatre Equipment Company, 12 East Ninth Street, Chicago, 111.