Exhibitors Herald (1925)

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18 August 15, 1925 EXHIBITORS HERALD fay$ the flew Jtork^ ‘Tribune The Half Way Girl is a good picture. A complete success. Miss Kenyon has never been as good as she is in this one. It is exciting every minute! 3ir*t national Picture* Inc. presents % HALF WAT GIRL Adapted from, an original story by E. LLOYD SHELDON untk DORIS KENYON, LLOYD HUGHES, and HOBART BOSWORTH Directed by JOHN FRANCIS DILLON produced under the supervision of EARL HUDSON S Sctna.no bit JOSEPH POLAND and EARL SNELL, photographed bp CEORGE FOLSEY -*-1 M.a.-oi, Avuuc. New Yo,k f jrt Direcfdr ' TvfTLT O N MENASCO, Jilm Cditor ARTHUR TAVARES editorial Direction MARION FAIRFAX, Supervised by EARL HUDSON A TirAt national Picture Members ,/ Motion Picture Producers amt Distributors of America Inc. Will Hays JSoulcnt