Exhibitors Herald (1925)

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August 15, 1925 Address. EDISON MAZDA LAMPS A GENERAL ELECTRIC PRODUCT Get Full Value from Your Lighting rO get full value from every dollar’s worth of current you buy use lamps that give maximum light from the current they consume. Some lamps require 2j per cent more current to produce as much light as the same size Edison Mazda Lamps. For Edison Mazda Lamps incorporate all the latest improvements resulting from intensive laboratory research. And there are proper Edison Mazda Lamps for every department of the theatre. Specify Edison Mazda Lamps and be assured the best in lighting. MAIL THIS COUPON Edison Lamp Works, Harrison, New Jersey. Please send me a copy of your theatre lighting handbook, free of cost, and with no obligations. Send for this Free Handbook On Theatre Lighting THE proper use of light is a subject that every theatre owner should study carefully. For in every theatre, large or small, light can be employed effectively to increase the attractiveness of the theatre — both inside and outside. Our lighting experts have recently prepared a booklet that is one of the most complete and up-to-date treatise on the subject of theatre light that has ever been published. A few topics discussed in this booklet are : (1) How to use direct and indirect lighting. (2) The proper intensity of light that should be used in each department of the theatre. The secret of coordinating light and music. Decorative and ornamental lighting. (3) (4) (5) The use of colored light for psychological and decorative effects. (6) The selection of orchestra lights. This valuable handbook will be sent free on request to any theatre owner. City. .State.