Exhibitors Herald (1925)

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76 EXHIBITORS HERALD September 19, 1925 real good ones. A story that is done right and holds the interest every minute it is on the screen. Menjou was never better and Miss Shearer most appealing. Carmel Myers good in an unpleasant part. The kind of a picture that pleases all classes. — Ben L. Morris, Temple theatre, Bellaire, Ohio. — General patronage. DADDIES: Special cast — Pleasing picture that failed to draw. Parts of print missing from Tunstall of Milwaukee, but that is nothing unusual for them. Seven reels. — I. R. Gavin, Hammond theatre, Hammond, Wis. — General patronage. State Rights AMERICAN PLUCK: George Walsh — A very good picture with plenty of action. George Walsh is as good as he was when he was making pictures for Fox, but due to hot weather this picture did a very poor business. Six reels. — F. R. Ewing, Masonic theatre, Hinton, W. Va. — General patronage. BLACK LIGHTNING: Thunder — Very popular dog picture here. Fine box office draw. — H. S. Robbins, Robbinhood theatre. Grand Haven, Mich. — General patronage. THE BORDER WOMAN: William Fairbanks— A good Western picture. Good print. Five reels. — L. Deyo, Miers theatre, Schoharie, N. Y. — General patronage. THE COURAGEOUS FOOL: Special cast— Pretty good mystery comedy-drama. Good surrounding program helped put this over. Will fit in fine as a double feature bill. Five reels.— Nyman Kessler, Atlantic theatre, Atlantic, Mass. — Family patronage. THE NIGHT SHIP: Special cast — Fair melodrama.— H. S. Robbins, Robbinhood theatre. Grand Haven, Mich. — General patronage. OUT OF MY WAY : Leo Maloney — Very good automobile racing story which makes it a pleasing two reel feature. Book it if you can get a decent print. Two reels. — Nyman Kessler, Atlantic theatre, Atlantic, Mass. — Family patronage. Serials THE FIGHTING RANGER: (Universal) Jack Daugherty — Started this on Monday with "Sinners In Heaven" and sure did please. Two reels. — W. U. Shelnutt, City theatre, LaFayette, Ala. — General patronage. GALLOPING HOOFS: (Pathe) special cast — This serial is holding up fine for us. On fifth chapter. We are running a child’s automobile contest with it and all this together with the fact that we have enjoyed a bumper crop this year has increased attendance on serial night 100 per cent. — Horn & Morgan, Star theatre. Hay Springs, Neb. — Small town patronage. INTO THE NET: (Pathe) Jack Mulhall— One of those serials where they come in to see the serial and not walk out when the serial starts. This condition naturally draws extra business. Two reels. — H. Bettendorf, Opera House, Foley, Minn. — General patronage. PLAY BALL: (Pathe) special cast — This picture was misrepresented to me. I was informed that this serial would have John McGraw and his New York Giants ball team in each and every chapter. I have used three of them and will say that I personally think that they are a pile of junk and have failed to show any drawing power. Roy Furher's Temple theatre, Yates Center, Kansas.— General patronage. PLAY BALL: (Pathe) special cast — A pretty good serial which is drawing fair. Two reels. — I. T. Brisco, Princess theatre, Elwood, Ind. — General patronage. SUNKEN SILVER: (Pathe) special cast — I was afraid this was going to prove a flat tire after the first chapter, but what a surprise 1 Just finished No. 6 and it is building up every week, so they must like it. It is taken from the novel, "Black Caesar's Clan,” which may have something to do with the drawing power. It’s interesting and the chapter endings are good. Two reels. — Wm. E. Tragsdorf, Trags theatre, Neillsville, Wis. — Small town patronage. SUNKEN SILVER: (Pathe) special cast — Just finished No. 6 and for some reason it is picking up every week. They must like it. Having been made from "Black Caesar’s Clan” may have much to do with it. Two reels.— Wm. E. Tragsdorf, Trags theatre, Neillsville, Wis. — Small town patronage. Short Features EDUCATIONAL BALTO’S RACE TO NOME: A fine hot weather novelty. Well worth buying. Two reels. — H. S. Robbins, Robbinhood theatre. Grand Haven, Mich. — General patronage. BELOW ZERO: Excellent comedy. Two reels. — L. Feldman, Orpheum theatre, Pipestone, Minn. — General patronage. BLAZES: Lige Conley — -At the risk of becoming tiresome, we shall have to pronounce this another good Mermaid. Two reels. — -Clarence C. Fuller, Loxley Hall theatre, Loxley, Ala. — Small town patronage. HOOKED: A funny comedy. — -Bert Silver, Silver Family theatre, Greenville, Mich. — General patronage. CASEY JONES, JR.: Lige Conley — This comedy sure has the goods and will bring the laughs. Funny and clean. Two reels. — Clarence C. Fuller, Loxley Hall theatre, Loxley, Ala. — Small town patronage. CRUSHED: Lloyd Hamilton — A good comedy. — Bert Silver, Silver Family theatre, Greenville, Mich. — General patronage. CRUSHED: Lloyd Hamilton — Film short 200 feet at end, which spoiled what would have been a good comedy. "Wild Game” was also short about 200 feet at end, which ruined it. Patrons kicked on both of these on account of it. Two reels. — I. R. Gavin, Hammond theatre, Hammond, Wis.— General patronage. DIRTY HANDS: Very good. Two reels.— L. Feldman, Orpheum theatre, Pipestone, Minn. — General patronage. DRAGON ALLEY: Fine. Two reels.— H. Bettendorf, Opera House, Foley, Minn. — General patronage. FAMILY LIFE : Good comedy. Two reels. — C. H. Martin, Strand theatre, McKenzie, Tenn. — General patronage. FAST AND FURIOUS: Just a funny, and one is as good as another as a drawing card. The best short feature in the world will not get them in if the feature is not attractive. Get just as much business if we simply advertise comedy and news with no names. — Ben L. Morris, Temple theatre. Bellaire, O. — General patronage. FAST AND FURIOUS: This is good comedy. Two reels. — E. W. McClelland, Rex theatre, Gilman City, Mo. — Small town patronage. GETTING GERTIE’S GOAT: Extra good and got lots of laughs. Some motorcycle stunts that got yells. A Fred Thomson feature drew a big house and they roared at the comedy. The same comedy with a poor feature would have meant nothing. — Ben L. Morris, Temple theatre, Bellaire, O. — General patronage. GREAT GUNS: Bobby Vernon — Fine comedy. — H. S. Robbins, Robbinhood theatre, Grand Haven, Mich. — General patronage. HOLD TIGHT: Lige Conley — Brought the laughs and that is what a comedy is for. The Mermaids are consistently good. Two reels. — Clarence C. Fuller, Loxley Hall theatre, Loxley, Ala. — Small town patronage. HOT AND HEAVY: Good. Two reels.— L. Feldman, Orpheum theatre, Pipestone, Minn. — General patronage. IN THE SPIDER’S GRIP: Great novelty. Beautifully done. Children did not appreciate it, but the adults enjoyed it immensely, as I did. These fables in colors should go good as an added attraction during Greater Movie Season. One reel. — -Nyman Kessler, Atlantic theatre, Atlantic, Mass. — Family patronage. LOOK OUT: Cameo — Couldn’t see much to this one. Got a few giggles, but no laughs. One reel. — S. G. Ihde, Photoplay theatre, Ashland, Kan. — Small town patronage. LOOK OUT BELOW : Lige Conley — Extra good. It looks as though our reports on Mermaid comedies are going to be of unvarying monotony, but we should worry as long as they are as good as this one. Two reels. — Clarence C. Fuller. Loxley Hall theatre, Loxley, Ala. — Small town patronage. THE NEW SHERIFF: Good comedy. Two reels. C. H. Martin, Strand theatre, McKenzie, Tenn. — General patronage. OH BRIDGET: Good. We haven’t had a poor comedy from Educational for a long time. Two reels. — L. Feldman, Orpheum theatre, Pipestone, Minn.— General patronage. OCEAN SWELLS: Old print and subject. Were promised new product by Educational but sent us all 1922. Cannot handle any more until assured of quality. Two reels. — Squires Luth, Alamo theatre, Pembine, Wis. — General patronage. POOR BUTTERFLY : Pretty good comedy and got lots of laughs. Ran it with a poor feature and of course it got poor business. The comedy means absolutely nothing unless the big feature is what it should be. They want a funny and are not particular what. — Ben L. Morris, Temple theatre, Bellaire, O. — General patronage. THE TOURIST: A dandy, with a number of good stunts with a Ford, a goat — and a peach of a girl. Print brand new. Two reels. — I. R. Gavin, Hammond theatre, Hammond, Wis. — General patronage. WAITING: Lloyd Hamilton — Good comedy, although Hamilton is not well liked here. Two reels. — L. Feldman, Orpheum theatre, Pipestone, Minn. — General patronage. WATCH OUT: Bobby Vernon — A positive riot from start to finish, and the finish was a wow. Print new. Thanks. Two reels. — I. R. Gavin, Hammond theatre, Hammond, Wis. — General patronage. WEAK KNEES: Good. Two reels. — H. Bettendorf, Opera House, Foley, Minn. — General patronage. WILD GAME : Lige Conley — Good, Mermaid comedies generally are. Two reels. — H. Bettendorf, Opera House, Foley, Minn. — General patronage. YANKEE SPIRIT: Ben Alexander— Good juvenile comedy. As this one was about Boy Scouts, 1 invited several Boy Scouts as my guests. Incidentally, it helped draw extra business and helped put over “The Courageous Fool,” which I played on the same bill. Two reels. — Nyman Kessler. Atlantic theatre, Atlantic, Mass. — Family patronage. FILM BOOKING OFFICES BRAY CARTOONS: Fifty good short features, but my people don’t like them, so I guess that shows they are not good for me. Half of the crowd left after the end of the feature. One reel. — R. Duba, Royal theatre, Kimball, S. Dak. — General patronage. FIGHTING BLOOD, (THE SWITCHING HOUR) : George O’Hara — Last round of second series wound up with a bang. Tons of excitement in audience. Everyone liked this series and we are glad we played them. Two reels. — Clarence C. Fuller, Loxley Hall theatre, Loxley, Ala. — Small town patronage. THE GO-GETTERS: Alberta Vaughn— We are playing the last one this week. Some are good and others not so good. Not as good on the average as "The Telephone Girl.” Two reels. — C. A. Jordan, Opera House, Cogswell, N. D. — Small town patronage. THE GO-GETTERS: Alberta Vaughn— Well liked here. Alberta drew good. Can say we drew at box office, while running these, about 20 per cent more than usual. 12 episodes of 2 reels each. — Squires Luth, Alamo theatre, Pembine, Wis. — General patronage. THE GO-GETTERS: Alberta Vaughn — Can’t be beat for short stuff. — W. Colburn, Palace theatre, Burkburnett, Tex. — General patronage. THE GO-GETTERS: Alberta Vaughn — Finished these last week and must say they are not in the same class as “Fighting Blood.” I believe a good 2 reel comedy would have given better satisfaction. Am not knocking them but am not boosting ’em such a heluva lot either. Two reels. — Wm. E. Tragsdorf, Trags theatre, Neillsville, Wis. — Small town patronage. THE PACE MAKERS: Albert Vaughn— On the 9th series and are going fine for us. We have played “Fighting Blood,” "The Telephone Girl,” and now “The Pace Makers” and find these to be very good short features. Two reels. — W. W. Sprouse, Rialto theatre, Altamont, 111.— General patronage. THE PACE MAKERS: Alberta Vaughn— Very good two reel feature and looks to me that these two reelers will be better than the "Fighting Blood.” Run them and you will build up your house. Two reels — R. Duba, Royal theatre, Kimball, S. Dak. — General patronage. STAN LAUREL COMEDIES: Fair. Better than Jimmy Aubr.ey comedies. Lots of laughs out of the Stan Laurels. Two reels. — R. Duba, Royal theatre, Kimball, S. Dak. — General patronage. FIRST NATIONAL THE BALLOONATIC: Buster Keaton — Somewhat old but a real good comedy. Two reels. — H. Bettendorf, Opera House, Foley, Minn. — General patronage. THE FROZEN NORTH: Buster Keaton— Very good. Just the thing for the warm weather. In fact, all his two reelers are good. — Nyman Kessler, Atlantic theatre, Atlantic, Mass. — Family patronage. FOX A NIP ’O SCOTCH : Good comedy. Two reels. — L. Feldman, Orpheum theatre, Pipestone, Minn. — General patronage.