Exhibitors Herald (1926)

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EXHIBITORS HERALD 71 April 3, 1926 the leather pushers s Roffinald Denny That's the spirit. Plenty of good laughs and some lusty hollering. Two reels. — E. A. Enuaert, Emiaert theatre, Alcester, S. D« — General patronage. love my DOG; Arthur Lake — Whoever told Carl Laemmle that this bird was a star was a jaut. These comedies are terrible, but have to take them to use with Internationa! News, which is okay. One reel. — F. K. Shaffer, Lyric theatre, Frostburg, Md. — General patronage. MARRIED NEIiQHBORSs Billy Engle — Poor stuff, vulgar to say the least. Concerned with the doings of a group of inebriates who are helping the prospective groom celebrate a coming wedding. Two reels. — P. G. Bstee, S. T. theatre, Parker, S. D. — Small town patronage. MIN’S HOME ON THE CLIFF; Joe Murphy— A very good comedy. I have all the Gumps booked. They are great. Two reels. — A. O. Lambert, Monticelio Opera House, Montioello, la. — General patronage. MUDDLED UP; Charles Puffy — Good little comedy. The kids seem to like Puffy. One reel. A. G. Witwar, Grand theatre, Rainier, Ore. — General patronage. NICELY REWARDED s Charles Puffy— Most of Puffy comedies are good, bat this is punk. Not one chuckle in 1000 feet. One reel. — H. J. Eagan, American theatre, 'Weutoma, Wia. — Small town patronage. ONE WILD NIGHT; Neely Edwards— Above the average one reel comedy — Henry Reeve, Star theatre, Menard, Tex. — Small town patronage. ONE WILD TIME: Pee Wee Holmes— The kids had a lot of laughs and quite a few of the grownups did too. Two reels. — Wm. S. Tragsdorf, Trsga theatre, Neillsville, Wis. — Small town patronage. RIDERS OF THE PASS; Fred Hines— Very good action. Western featurette. Two reels. — A. G. Witwer, Grand theatre. Rainier, Ore. — General patronage. SCANDAL HUNTERS ; Ai Alt — Can't say much for this one. A very ordinary comedy. Two reels. — A. G. Witwer, Grand theatre. Rainier, Ore. — General patronage. SO THIS IS PARIS; Neely Edwards— Clean, but no laughs to speak of. One reel. — G. Estee, S. T. theatre, Parker, S. D. — Small town patronage. UNCLE TOM’S GAL: Edna Marian— The worst comedy I've had to look at for many a long day. Not one single laugh in it. This young lady deserves better treatment. Two reels. — Henry Reeve, Star theatre, Menard, Tex. — Small town patronage. WATCH PAPA : This comedy might have registered but print in terrible condition. Print was rainy, misframes, bad patches and sprocket hole. Two reels. — C. McDonough, Auditorium theatre, Libertyville, 111. — Small town patronage. WESTWARD HOs Charles Puffy — ^Another good 1 reeter from this star. — ^A. N. Miles, Eminence theatre. Eminence, Ky. — General patronage. A WINNING PAIR; Wanda Wiley — Good comedy which registered. Lots of laughs. Two reels. — C. McDonough, Auditorium theatre, Libertyville, 111. — Small town patronage. WON BY LAW; Wanda Wiley— Satisfactory. However, I do not hear any comment. Two reels. — C. McDonough, Auditorium theatre, Libertyville, III. — Small town patronage. EIGHTEEN CARAT: Edna Marian— Lots of action and some good laughs in this comedy. Two reels.— A. G. Witwer, Grand theatre. Rainier, Ore. — General patronage. THE GREEN EYED MONSTER: Arthur Lake — A fair comedy. One reel. — A. H. Roeper, Leeds theatre, Leeds, la. — Neighborhood patronage. HAPPY GO LUCKY; Neely EdwardsPretty fair little comedy. One reel. — -A, G. Witwer, Grand theatre, Rainier, Ore. — General patronage. HERE’S YOUR HAT; Arthur Lake— This is the bunk. No more Arthur Lake comijdies for me. Nothing to it. One reel. — A. B. Sharer, Globe theatre, Savannah, Mo. — General patronage. HONEYMOON HOTEL; Better than the average one reelers from Universal. One reel. — A. H. Roeper, Leeds theatre, Leeds, la. — Neighborhood patronage. the horse LAUGH: Charles Puffy— Charlie is another of Carl Laemmle’s stars. We have yet to hear anyone laugh at him or Arthur Lake. If you can help yourself do not run these. One K. Shaffer, Lyric theatre, Frostburg, Md. General patronage. KICK ME AGAIN : Charles Puffy — Charles, you are the best bet in 1 reel comedies now, we think. But this one has two or three vulgar touches that almost spoiled it. Please be funny without resorting to vulgarities to try to get a laugh. One reel. — A. N. Miles, Eminence theatre, Eminence, Ky. — Small town patronage. A HONEYMOOM SQUABBLE: Edna MarianGood enough slap-stick, only the directors — both feature and comedy — majority of them, that is, think they must have pajamas and then some pajamas. Two reels. — P. G. Estee, S. T. theatre, Parker, S. D. — Small town patronage. HOT DOG; Arthur Lake — The one-reelera with this star and his bright young sweetheart and rival are picking up. One reel. — P. G. Estee, S. T. theatre, Parker, S. D. — Small town patronage. JUST COWBOYS; Pee Wee Holmes — A dandy good short Western with as many laughs as most two reel comedies. Two reels. — O. P. Craig, Royal theatre, Newark, Ark. — Small town patronage. JUST IN TIME, THE POLO KID: Wanda V/iley, Eddie Gordon — Universal Century comedies. Pretty good. All the Centuries have been good lately except “Married Neighbors.” — Roy W. Adams, Pastime theatre, Mason, Mich. — General patronage. THE LEATHER PUSHERS: Billy SullivanGot these on my complete service contract and they have gone over in good shape. Fourth series with Sullivan as good as third with Danny. Sorry there are no more. Two reels. — Vick Millward, Harris theatre, Bancroft, Idaho. — Small town patronage. OR BUSTER; Buster Brown — Good, as are all Buster Browns. They’re clean, they please the kids and most grown-ups, so what more can we ask? Two reels. — ^F. A. Millhouse, Star theatre, Sumner, Nebraska. — Small town patronage. O WHAT A DAY: Andy Gump — This comedy went over good with the audience. It is a fair comedy. Nothing to rave over. Two reels. — Schaghticoke Amusement Assn., Odd Fellows Hall, Sehaghticokc, N. Y. — General patronage. PREHISTORIC MAN: Just about one reel of film wasted. One reel. — W. J. Shoup, Do Luxe theatre, Spearville, Kan. — Small town patronage. THE RAID; TAKING CHANCES: Universal Mustang Westerns. These Mustangs are all good snappy stories and please the Western fans here. Two reels — Roy W. Adams, Pastime theatre. Mason, Mich. — General patronage. RAISIN CAIN: Better than most Centuries. Centuries for me are nothing extra and quite a few not worth running, but this one is better than most. Two reels. — F. A. Mlllhouso, Star Theatre, Sumner, Nebraska. — Small town patronage. TEMPEST CODY’S MAN HUNT: I find these two reel Westerns are all good and fill in fine when the feature la not Western. Two reels. — F. A. Milihouse, Star theatre. Sumner, Nebraska. — Small town patronage. THE TROUBLE FIXER: Wanda Wiley— Another good one from Wanda. We have never yet received a poor comedy from Wanda Wiley. Two reels. — w. J. Shoup, De Luxe theatre, Spearville, Kan. — Small town patronage. WESTWARD HO: Charles Puffy— A good one reeler. Got several laughs from the audience, which is the best criticism. One reel. — H. G. Selk, Selk theatre, Scotia, Neb.— Small town patronage. VITAGRAPR THE FALL GUY: Larry Semon— Plenty of action and comedy. Larry can’t be bent for slapstick. Two reels.D. M. Spado, Majestic theatre, Portland, Ind. — General patronage. CLASSIFIED Advertising Five cents per word, payable in advance. Minimuin charge, $1 00 Copy and checks should be addressed Classified Ad Dept, Exhibitors Herald. 407 So. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. THEATRES WANTED WANTED — ^To lease or purchase one or more theatres in the U. S. A. Give full parti^lars. Address Manager Rex Theatre, Box 3S2, laber, Alberta, Canada. WANTED — To rent or buy, motion picture theatre. Give full particulars in first letter. Mrs. J. B'eucher, 2880 Elston Avenue, Chicago, 111. THEATRES FOR SALE NEW COMBINATION THEATRE and commercial building consisting of 800 seat theatre, five stores and sixteen apartments in manufacturing city of 15,000, sixteen miles South of Chicago loop. Wonderful opportunity to acquire highly desirable property in rapidly growing Calumet district. If interested, act quick. Address Exhibitors Herald, Box 609, 407 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY to obtain real bargains on 1000 brand new five and seven ply veneer chairs at a big reduction of the original cost. 300 newly upholstered theatre chairs and other lots of upholstered chairs as well as 1000 used veneer chairs in A-l condition at bargain prices. Write Illinois Theatre Equipment Company, 12-14 East 9th Street, Chicago, III. FOR SALE: Coin changer machine, “Lightning.” Factory rebuilt. Also automatic ticket selling machine, 3 unit, factory rebuilt. Bargain. Atlas Movng Picture Co., 538 S. Dearborn St,, Chicago, III. WE BUY AND SELL used theatre chairs, all makes of machines. Generators, Frames and other theatre equipment. Be sure to our prices before you buy or sell. United Theatre Supply Co., 845 South Wabash Avenue, Chicago, 111. ORGANS FOR SALE BARGAINS in used Wurlitaers, Fotoplayers, Cremonas, Seeburgs, Reproduces, Kimballs, Kilgens Robert Mortons. Also Grand, player or electric pianos. Buy. sell and exchange music rolls. D'ART RIDGE, 845 S. Wabash Avenue, Chicago, III. equipment for sale THREE REBUILT Simplex Type S motor driven machines in guaranteed mechanical condition One rebuilt 50-50 Hcrtner Generator; six pairs of Peerless Arc Controls in A-l condition $50 a pair. Also a big stock of lobby display frames on band. Equipments ofterod at bargain prices. Write Illinois Theatre Equipment Company. 12-14 East 9th Street, Chicago, 111. PEERLESS ARC CONTROLS, Factory Reilt, absolutely guaranteed. Bargain. Hcrtner ncrator. Double 50 Amp., 220 Volt. 3 Phase, las Moving Picture Company, 538 So. Dcar FOR SALE — 2 Simplex latest Style Type S lamphouses — perfect condition. Bargain. Adas Moving Picture Company, 538 So. Dearborn St., Chicago, III. FOR SALE — Approximately 270 7-ply nc\v veneer chairs. Also generator, frames and used projecting machines: Bargains. Atlas hlovmg Picture Company, 534 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111.