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Exhibitors Herald (1926)

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96 EXHIBITORS HERALD August 7, 1926 D. Metcalf, Grand theatre, Ash Grove, Mo. — General patronage. SHORT CHANGE: Walter Hines — Not much of a comedy. It got very few laughs. Two reels. — C. S. Watson, Electric theatre, Caldwell, Kan.— General patronage. SIT TIGHT : Not as good as some others that I’ve run. — E. H. Vetter, Maejstic theatre, Homer, Mich. — Small town patronage. FILM BOOKING OFFICES ADVENTURES OF MAZIE : Alberta Vaughn — We are just finishing up the series and they are fine. Everybody likes them. — J. A. West, Houston theatre, Houston, Miss. — General patronage. ALL OUT : Extra good comedy. Two reels. — Nicolaides Bros., American theatre, Scofield, Utah. — Small town patronage. THE BEAUTY PARLOR: Fair comedy. Two reels. — Robert W. Hines, Hines theatre, Boudle, S. Dak. — General patronage. CINDERELLA: Dinkey Doodle — This was very clever, as are all of these cartoon comedies. You should play them if you are not at present. One reel. — W. T. Davis & Son, Rialto theatre, Sharon, Wis. — General patronage. FIGHTING HEARTS: Alberta Vaughn— The “Fighting Hearts” are all just fine. Have my 10 chapters now, sure will be sorry when they are gone. This cast has more pulling power than any two reel stuff that I have ever run. Bar none. Two reels. — L. D. Metcalf, Grand theatre, Ash Grove, Mo. — General patronage. FIGHTING HEARTS: These subjects do not draw with my people any more. Witwer’s snappy titles are missing in the last few series and they do not seem to hit for that reason I think. Two reels. — P. C. Schram, Orpheum theatre, Kalamazoo, Mich. — General patronage. A FRATERNITY MIX UP: Blue Ribbon— A good comedy and just a few saw it, so that’s all I can say about it. Two reels. — R. Duba, Royal theatre, Kimball, S. Dak. — General patronage. IN THE ARCTIC: Dunky Doodle — Very good comedy. Two reels.— Robert W. Hines, Hines theatre, Loyalton, S. Dak. — General patronage. THE PACE MAKERS: George O’Hara— None better for my theatre, large or small. I have both “Adventures of Mazie” and “Fighting Hearts,” under contract, and I don’t regret it at all. Two reels.— H. C. Mauler, Liberty theatre, Pleasanton, Nebr. — Small town patronage. THE PEACEFUL RIOT: Alice Ardel— Can’t give this comedy very much. It failed to get many laughs. Two reels. — C. S. Watson, Electric theatre, Caldwell, Kans. — General patronage. SALUTE: Fair comedy. Two reels. — Nicolaides Bros., American theatre, Scofield, Utah. — Small town patronage. THE SNOW HAWK: Stan Laurel — Not much to this comedy. There isn’t a laugh in it. I don’t know what to call this. The poorest comedy I’ve ever had from the company. Two reels.— P. Kullman, Monarch theatre, Ponteix Sask., Canada. — General patronage. THE TELEPHONE GIRL: Alberta VaughnSecond and third episode of this run and going better than “Adventures of Mazie.” Two reels. — Giacoma Bros., Crystal theatre. Tombstone, Ariz. — General patronage. PATHE AESOPS FABLES: Always good. — E. E. Gailey, Crystal theatre, Wayne, Nebr. — General patronage. THE COW’S KIMONO: Comedy that pleased all, and when I say “All,” that means everyone that saw it. Two reels. — M. J. Babin, Fairyland theatre. White Castle, La. — General patronage. FLICKERING YOUTH: Harry Langdon — Harry, you surely didn’t build your reputation on this comedy. It’s about as punk as we’ve had. Two reels. — A. N. Miles, Eminence theatre. Eminence, Ky. — General patronage. GOOD CHEER: Our Gang — The weakest Gang yet. Many more like this one and they will die soon. Two reels. — J. E. Dragginis, Grand theatre, Yoakum, Texas. — General patronage. IN THE GREASE: A Hal Roach Pathe comedy. Above the average and a clever dog to help out. One reel. — E. M. Biddle, Strand theatre, Paoli, Ind. — Small town patronage. THE IRON NAG: Very good comedy. The kids were laughing from start to finish. Two reels. — E. H. Steele, Venice theatre, Neph, Utah. — General patronage. MARY QUEEN OF TOTS: Our Gang— This is the one in which the magnified furniture is used. The photography is very clever and will keep them wondering how it was done. Two reels. — Wm. E. Tragsdorf, Trags t heal re; Neillsville, Wis. — Small town patronage. POSTAGE DUE: Just fair. Two reels.— H. C. Mauler, Liberty theatre, Pleasanton, Nebr. — Small town patronage. THUNDERING LANDLORDS: Can’t say much for this comedy. Two reels. — P. C. Schram, Orpheum theatre, Kalamazoo, Mich. — General patronage. THE WHITE WING’S BRIDE: Harry Langdon— Good Langdon comedy. Many a laugh. We play his first big one soon and are certainly looking forward to it. Two reels. — Henry Reeve, Star theatre, Menard, Texas. — General patronage. A WILD GOOSE CHASER: Ben Turpin— It’s one of the best Turpin ever made. Funny? I’ll say so. Two reels. — Russell Armentrout, K. P. theatre, Pittsfield, 111. — General patronage. MISCELLANEOUS A LOVE SUNDAY : This comedy was full of laughs. The work of Eddie Cullon was greatly enjoyed. He sure kept them laughing. — K. Vaveris, Grand Opera House, Mount Pleasant, Pa. — General patronage. RUN TIN CAN: Very good comedy and somewhat different. Seemed to please. Two reels. — E. E. Gailey, Crystal theatre, Wayne, Nebr. — General patronage. SCHOOL DAYS; THE BARNYARD: Larry Semon — Both these comedies are very good. You small towns who haven’t played the Larry Semon comedies are missing a good bet. Vitagraph will sell ’em right and furnish good prints. Two reels. — H. C. Mauler, Liberty theatre, Pleasanton, Nebr. — Small town patronage. FOX ALL ABOARD: Pretty high class comedy with an excellent cast. No slapstick but the kind our high brows like with the better pictures to round out a high class program. Women will like them better than the usual comedy. — Hugh Gardner, Orpheum theatre, Neosho, Mo. — General patronage. BLUE BLOOD: A fair slap-stick comedy. Two reels. — P. C. Schram, Orpheum theatre, Kalamazoo, Mich. — General patronage. BLUE BLOOD: A very poor comedy. Two reels. — A. N. Miles, Eminence theatre, Eminence, Ky. — General patronage. HEAD OVER HEELS: Good comedy. Two reels. — Nicolaides Bros., American theatre, Scofield, Utah. — Small town patronage. HEAVY SWELLS: Good comedy.— Bert Silver, Silver Family theatre, Greenville, Mich. — General patronage. MILK BANDITS: Extra good comedies. Two reels. — Nicolaides Bros., American theatre, Scofield, Utah. — Small town patronage. THE MYSTERIOUS STRANGER: Just a 2 reel comedy is all I can say for this one. Two reels. — P. C. Schram, Orpheum theatre, Kalamazoo, Mich. — General patronage. THE MYSTERIOUS STRANGER: Very good comedy, but was not very much left ; was cut out about half of film of each reel. Length of the two reels was eleven hundred feet. Two reels. — Nicolaides Bros., American theatre, Scofield, Utah. — Small town patronage. THE NICKEL PLATED WEST: Good comedy. Two reels. — Nicolaides Bros., American theatre, Scofield, Utah. — Small town patronage. A SPANISH ROMEO: Just an ordinary 2 reel comedy. Two reels. — P. C. Schram, Orpheum theatre, Kalamazoo, Mich. — General patronage. A TON OF TROUBLE: Charley Puffy— Talk about a funny comedy, this is it. Run with “Deadwood Coach,” Fox, and an unexcelled program was the result. Two reels. — H. C. Mauler, Liberty theatre, Pleasanton, Nebr. — Small town patronage. UP ON THE FARM: Extra good comedy. Two reels. — Nicolaides Bros., American theatre, Scofield, Utah. — Small town patronage. THE WRESTLER: Earle Foxe— Not so much to it, until the wrestling begins, then it was a hokum until the end. Two reels — R. Duba, Royal theatre, Kimball, S. Dak. — General patronage. UNIVERSAL BUSTER’S BUST UP: Buster Brown— Nice comedy for children. Some of the grown-ups got a kick out of it too. Two reels. — R. Duba, Royal theatre, Kimball, S. Dak. — General patronage. BUSTER’S HEART BEAT: All these comedies are good. Consider Pete, the dog, the best comedy dog on the screen today. Kids are well cast and directing is far above the average. Two reels. — P. C. Schram, Orpheum theatre, Kalamazoo, Mich. — General patronage. BUSTER’S NIGHT MARE: Another good Buster Brown comedy. This series is especially good. Two reels. — A. N. Miles, Eminence theatre. Eminence, Ky. — General patronage. BUSTER’S NOSE DIVE: This is my fifth comedy in this series and haven’t seen a bad one yet. Two reels. — A. N. Miles, Eminence theatre. Eminence, Ky. — General patronage. CROWNING THE COUNT: This comedy did not get a wrinkle here. — Bert Silver, Silver Family theatre, Greenville, Mich. — -General patronage. CROWNING THE COUNT: Poor, poor, poor. We’ve had more poor 2 reel comedies lately than you can count on two hands. Two reels. — A. N. Miles, Eminence theatre. Eminence, Ky. — General patronage. DRY UP: Just another Century comedy. One is about as good as another. They are all the bunk. Two reels. — W. T. Davis & Son, Rialto theatre, Sharon, Wis. — General patronage. THE EMERGENCY MAN: Mustang— An average Mus.tang. Two reels. — Wm. E. Tragsdorf, Trags theatre, Neillsville, Wis. — Small town patronage. FRESH PAINT: Not bad for a single reel comedy. One reel. — P. C. Schram, Orpheum theatre, Kalamazoo, Mich. — General patronage. GOING GOOD: Wanda Wiley — This was so foolish it was almost funny. Two reels. — Robt. L. Anderson, Olympic theatre. Forks, Wash. — Small town patronage. THE FIRE BARRIER: Fred Hines.— Good two reel Western. Should satisfy the ones that crave action and thrills. Two reels. — R. Duba, Royal theatre, Kimball, S. Dak. — General patronage. HONEYMOONING WITH MA: This story has been done several times in comedies before, but got quite a number of laughs and seemed to please the majority. On a par with other comedies made by this company. Two reels. — P. C. Schram, Orpheum theatre, Kalamazoo, Mich. — General patronage. A HONEYMOON SQUABBLE: Real squabble of two couples of newlyweds. The title tells it all. No one hardly cracked a smile, so I do not think it very good. Two reels. — R. Duba, Royal theatre, Kimball, S. Dak. — General patronage. MIN WALKS IN HER SLEEP: A very funny comedy. — Bert Silver, Silver Family theatre, Greenville. Mich. — General patronage. MISS AWAY : Good comedy. Two reels. — Nicolaides Bros., American theatre, Scofield, Utah. — Small town patronage. MOVIE MADNESS: Wanda Wiley— Seemed to get the laughs once in a while, so presume it must have been fairly good. No comments from patrons. Two reels. — P. C. Schram, Orpheum theatre, Kalamazoo, Mich. — General patronage. THE OPTIMIST: Fair. One reel.— Wm. E. Tragsdorf, Trags theatre, Neillsville, Wis. — Small town patronage. OUTLAW LOVE: Josie Sedgwick — Nice tworeeler for a filler. With a feature comedy, will do good. Two reels. — R. Duba, Royal theatre, Kimball, S. Dak. — General patronage. PAINLESS PAIN: Wanda Wiley— Very good comedy. One of the best this star has made for some time. Two reels. — P. C. Schram, Orpheum theatre, Kalamazoo, Mich. — General patronage. TRAPPED. Fred Hume — Poorly directed, old style knock ’em down western. Two reels.— P. G. Estee, S. T. theatre, Parker, S. Dak. — Small town patronage. TWIN SISTERS: Pretty good. Two reels.— Wm. E. Tragsdorf, Trags theatre, Neillsville, Wis. — Small town patronage. YEARNING FOR LOVE: Wanda Wiley— The star is good, the story funny. — Bert Silver, Silver Family theatre, Greenville Mich. — General patronage. MISCELLANEOUS CHARLESTON IN TWO LESSONS: Arthur Murray — Very good one reel series of six lessons. Well liked by the younger sets. Really good instructions of Charleston. One reel. — Miss Thelma Cassil, Gulf theatre. Goose Creek, Tex. — Small town patronage. THIRTY YEARS AGO: (Aywon)— This was very interesting. My patrons seemed to get a good kick out of it, and the illustrated song that came with it. One reel. — Rae Peacock, Mystic theatre, Stafford, Kans. — Small town patronage.