Exhibitors Herald (1926)

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50 BOX OFFICE RECORD SECTION OF September 25, 1926 Kimball, S. D.) Very good. Lots of action. (Rex, Newport, Wash.) HER LUCKY LEAP, Wanda Wiley, 2.— Good comedy; better than the average. (Silver Family, Greenville, Mich.) No laughs in this one. (Grand, Rainier, Ore.) An absolute knockout. Everything is funny from start to finish. Wanda Wiley is mighty good in all her comedies. (Star, Tuekerman, Ark.) We are playing all of the Universal short subjects. We have a Complete Service Contract and use all comedies and Westerns. Sorry to say, but we can’t say very much good for Century comedies. They do not get any laughs in our theatre. (Liberty, Mason City, 111.) Always plenty of kick and a lot of laughs in Wanda. It’s good. (Royal, Kimball, So. Dak.) INTERNATIONAL NEWS, 1 — Every house should run news and from what I have seen I think these are the best. (Willey Memorial Hall, Cabot ; K. P. Hall, Marshfield ; Town Hall in Danville, and Plainfield, Vt.) Have used two of these and I believe they are a good bet. People seem to like them fine. (Strand, Ransom, Kan.) My patrons like this subject, as it is good, depieting lots of news, although I would like it much better if I got it sooner. (Strand. Ransom, Kan.) Are always good and entertaining. (Majestic, Hebron, Neb.) Usually good. (Karlen, Monticello, Wis.) Some of these are good ; others only fair, but for a news reel they are all hard to beat. (Strand, Ransom, Kan.) JIMINY CRICKETS, Neely Edwards, 1 — Only fair, but got some laughs, especially from the kids. (Strand, Ransom, Kan.) Weak, as weak as its length. Universal two-reel comedies are better. (Rex, Madisonville, Tex.) Fair only. Poorest Bluebird I have used. (Strand, Ransom, Kan.) JUST IN TIME, Wanda Wiley, 2.— Very little comedy to it. (Photoplay, Ashland, Kan.) A subject that seemed to have more of a story than the average run of those Centurys. However, it is not very funny. (Rialto, Sharon, Wis.) LIFE’S GREATEST THRILLS, 2. — Extra good. (American, Scofield, Utah.) This is very good. (Shuler, Raton, N. M.) This short subject surprised me. It's getting old but it is very good. By all means play it. (Rich, Montpelier, Idaho.) Of all the nerve Universal has it. Charge me rental for this advertisement of its news service. Nothing but robbery. Any time they sell me another one like this, I will take a good swing at the salesman. (Reel Joy, King City, Cal.) LOVE MY DOG, Arthur Lake, I — A mess. (Texas, Grand Prairie, Tex.) Good one-reeler on the dog’s love and how a dog cured a girl by coming back and bringing her three little puppies. (Royal, Kimball, S. D.) LUCKY ACCIDENT, A, Charles Puffy, 1.— Pretty fair comedy that seemed to please generally. (Grand, Rainier, Ore.) Just an ordinary comedy, about as good as the average. (Hopkins, Cotter, Ark.) MIN’S HOUSE ON THE CLIFFS, 2 — A very good comedy. I have all the Gumps booked. They are great. (Monticello Opera House, Monticello, la.) Dumb luck, substituted for this which is very good. Not so many laughs but plenty of thrills. (Grand, Rainier, Ore.) Pleased all who like Gumps. (Princess, Elwood, Ind.) First reel a little slow, but oh boy ! The second reel kept ’em in a howl. It wasn’t only funny, but very thrilling. This comedy pleased 100 per cent. (Globe, Savannah, Mo.) Poorest Gump ever made, at least I don’t see how they could make a poorer one. Absolutely nothing to it. (Community, Surprise, Neb.) A funny Gump. (Silver Family, Greenville, Mich.) MIN WALKS IN HER SLEEP, 2 A very funny comedy. (Silver Family, Greenville, Mich.) Very good. Many thrills and laughs in this one. (Grand, Rainier, Ore.) Very good. Lots of laughs. (Eagle, Eagle River, Wis.) MORTGAGED AGAIN, Arthur Lake, 1.— Here is another good one from Arthur that keeps you guessing and smiling till the last end. (Royal, Kimball, S. Dak.) Fair to middling. (Trags, Neillsville, Wis.) MOTOR TROUBLE, 2. — Just a two reel comedy.— (Orpheum, Kalamazoo. Mich.) Pretty good slapstick. (Trags, Neillsville, Wis.) MUSTANG WESTERNS, 2.— These Mustangs are more than making good for me. No padding, good stories and plenty of action. (Strand. Paoli, Ind.) These work in fine on a short subject night or to balance up a comedy feature. (Pastime, Mason, Mich.) These Mustang westerns are very good. This one was better than the average. Miss Sedgwick surely can ride a horse. (Strand, Valuable in Colorado EXHIBITORS HERALD is certainly the most interesting and useful trade journal. The BOX OFFICE RECORD I find very valuable in the selection of pictures. — Community Theatre, Castle Rock, Colo. Paoli, Ind.) These average pretty fair and W. C. Tuttle stories with PeeWee Holmes and Ben Corbett are sure fire comedies. (Pastime, Mason, Mich.) This two-reel Western is as good as a lot of five reelers which we have wished off on us. (Trags, Neillsville, Wis.) These little Westerns are just as good as lots of the five reelers. They are all chuck full of action and plenty of good old gun play. Use these with a serial, one reel comedy, and two reel comedy on short subject night and never have a vacant seat in the house after the first reel is on. (Star, Tuekerman, Ark.) Those Westerns seem to please fairly well. They usually have plenty of action and the majority of the younger class of trade seem to want that kind of stuff. (Community, Elgin, Neb.) These are pretty good for a change. I play them every Tuesday. The kids seem to like them and some of the older kids. (Community, Elgin, Neb.) Have not had a poor one yet. (Pastime, Mason, Mich.) NURSERY TROUBLES, Edna Marian, 2.— Only fair. They can’t seem to make two reels of real good stuff in the same comedy. (S. T., Parker, S. D.) Very good little comedy. (Strand, Ransom, Kan.) Fair comedy. (Silver Family, Greenville, Mich.) Nothing to brag about; fair filler, that’s all. (Royal, Kimball, So. Dak.) ONE WILD TIME, 2. — As usual, these are very good. A Western comedy. (Grand, Rainier, Ore.) Seemed to please everyone. (Auditorium, Nappanee, Ind.) PAINLESS PAIN, Wanda Wiley, 2.— Depicts the pleasant life of a customer in a dentist’s office. Very good slapstick. Many laffs. (Trags, Neillsville, Wis.) Plenty of slapstick in this comedy. Kids enjoyed it. (New, Kalamazoo, Mich.) Wanda seems to have lots of “pep” in her comedies and I believe we’ll get to liking her better later on. (Palace, Syracuse, Neb.) Very good comedy. One of the best this star has made for some time. (Orpheum, Kalamazoo, Mich.) Just an ordinary comedy. (Silver Family, Greenville, Mich.) Fair comedy. (Grand, Rainier, Ore.) PERILS OF THE WILD, Joe Bonomo, 10 episode serial, 2. — The first chapter of this is a disappointment but after that it picks up and is great stuff. We have played 9 chapters and we consider it one of the best serials Universal ever made. It contains all the elements of adventure so necessary to the making of a successful serial and it brings ’em back for more. (Royal, Newark, Ark.) One of the best serials ever made by any company, bar none. Drawing power good ; no fall backs. Play this one, brothers, and you’re safe. Ten episodes of animal thrills. (Khattar’s Sydney, N. S., Canada.) Even better than the first episode. Business better than opening night. Looks like it’s going over for a hit. The wild animals draw the kids. (Strand, Paoli, Ind.) Best reports from patrons of any serial recently run. (Gulf, Goose Creek, Tex.) Started this serial with 13th Chapter of “The Riddle Rider” and business jumped 25 per cent. Looks like a good one. They seem to like it. (Grand, Rainier, Ore.) This serial held up well for us and really got the people out during some very cold weather. (Boynton, Boynton, Okla.) Average serial. (Seneca, Blakely, Ga.) The best serial Bonomo has made. (Globe, Buena Vista, Va.) Have run episode four and it is proving very interesting. Some of the photography resembles “Lost World.” (Liberty, Pikeville, Ky.) Fourth chapter holding up well. Lots of animal stuff and daring feats. Seems to please. (Grand, Rainier, Ore.) First episode very interesting. Plenty of action and adventure that the young people enjoyed. Let’s hope the remaining episodes are as good. (Lily, Buffalo, N. Y.) Played the fourth episode last night, and business was just half what it was on the first episode. Don’t know where it will be before it is over. It hasn’t the stuff that it takes to get over with those liking serials. (Strand, Granbury, Tex.) A good serial. Seems to please, as the patronage is staying with it. (Grand, Yoakum, Texas.) Tenth episode. Have just completed this. It held up fine, and gave general satisfaction. Had as many at the finish as at the beginning. First serial in this town for seven years. (Strand, Paoli, Ind.) First serial I have run in seven years. The first episode was good, the attendance was average, and they seemed to like it. (Strand, Paoli, Ind.) This serial held up fine all the way through and pleased. Many beautiful scenes and daring feats throughout. (Grand, Rainier, Ore.) For three years we have tried everything to have a Saturday matinee and it couldn’t be done, but now with the help of the Universal exploitation man on this serial we are on the fourth chapter and business is bigger than ever. Especially pleasing to the children. (Strand, Newton Falls, O.) I’m proud to run Universal serials. They get me good business. (Lincoln, Milwaukee, Wis.) Here is a jim dandy serial based on the well known book, “Swiss Family Robinson.” It’s well produced, acted and full of punch and pep. Get it if you have not run it. (Pearl, Highland Park, 111.) Second chapter of this serial and it seems to be coming O. K. Nothing to rave about, but have seen worse. (Grand, Okolona, Miss.) Now on sixth episode. Holding up fair. Each episode about alike. Not much story. Acting nothing to brag about. About the only good thing is the animals and scenery. (Princess, Chilton, Wis.) Good moral tone to this one and will please the kids 100 per cent. (Strand, Atmore, Ala.) Creating some business with this serial. Well liked, on chapter 3. Would not trade my Complete Service Contract for any two products on the market at the same price. (Polo, Polo, 111.) On the 2nd episode. Only fair to date, but promises to get better. (Princess, Chilton, Wis.) Have one chapter yet to run. It is full of thrills and is holding up great. (Monticello Opera House, Monticello, la.) Finished this and it pulled because it was fine. Good serial. (Princess, Elwood. Ind.) This is a good serial. Nothing to it to burn up the town but lots of animal stuff in it and the kids like it. The hero, being one of the world famous strong men, is watched with interest by some of the village sports who come regularly to see him perform. (Grand, Pierre, S. D.) One of the best serials I’ve ever shown. Bonomo great. (Globe, Buena Vista, Va.) Mighty interesting throughout. The kind small towns like. (Lyric, Edmond, Kan.) While this star has not shown any interest in the last serial, he made up for it in this one, as the story and the children, especially the little boy, frames together with the pirate. It finished strong and was well liked. (Town Hall, Westboro, Mass.) Have shown second chapter and want to warn that first chapter hasn’t the stuff to bring them back, though the second one has. This will necessitate work on both the first and second chapter. (Tokio, Morehouse, Mo.) This is supposed to be taken from the “Swiss Family Robinson” story. Nothing like it. Where do the pirates come from? Well I am through with serials. Never again ! (Palace, Waupaca. Wis.) I have run six chapters of this and it is liked very much by the people that like serials at all and by some that didn’t like other serials. Full of jungle life and animals. Very thrilling. (Wiley Memorial Hall, Cabot, Vt.) Great. Have run all but last chapter and it has proved very interesting and a drawing card. (Cabot, Marshfield, Danville, Vt.) Good, but Oh what it would have been with an American in the place of a foreigner. My patrons want pure old American actors. (Washington, Ataka, Okla.) I have run the sixth chapter. Holding up great. Taken from “The Swiss Family.” (Monticello Opera House, Monticello, la.) This is a very good serial and one the grown-ups like as well as the kids. Lots of wild animals and always plenty of comedy. (Palace. Burkburnett, Tex.) This is out of the ordinary in serials. Clean as a whistle and is really interesting to adults as well as children. (Texas. Grand Prairie, Tex.) Fair serial. Not as good as “The Circus Mystery.” (Gem, Upper Alton, 111.) Proved good to my house. Plenty of action. (City, Lafayette. Ala.) Has proven good here. Everyone likes it. (City, Lafayette, Ala.) PERFECT LIE, THE, Neely Edwards, l.^Iust a good filler and it did bring out a good laugh, so that’s that. (Royal. Kimball. S. D.) An average comedy that will get over with any good program offering. (Grand, Rainier, Ore.) Fair. (Bijou, Conway, N. H.) PHONEY EXPRESS, THE, Charles Puffy, 1.— A good little action comedy. (Grand, Rainier, Ore.) Very good one reeler that brings smiles to the crowd and sends ’em out happy. (Royal. Kimball. S. D.l This is a dandy comedy. (Trags, Neillsville, Wis.) PLAYING THE SWELL, Wanda Wiley, 2.— Just a comedy. (Silver Family, Greenville, Mich.) Good eompdy. Lots of action and some good laughs. (Grand, Rainier, Ore.) RUSTLIN’ KID, THE, 2.— Good little Western that pleased the majority. (Grand. Rainier, Ore.) A good short Western that is packed with action. (Strand, Paoli. Ind.) ( Continued an Page 80)