Exhibitors Herald (1926)

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72 EXHIBITORS HERALD February 12, 1927 > Early stills from “7th Heaven ” indicate Frank Borzage is achieving unusual situations and characters in the production he is directing for Fox, with Charles Farrell featured with Janet Gaynor. Players as they appear from left to right in the above scenes are George Stone, Charles Farrell, Emile Chautard, Albert Gran and David Butler. Different from the rest. Two reels. — Bert Silver, Silver Family theatre, Greenville, Mich. — General patronage. PRESENT ARMS: Not much of a comedy, very few laughs and a very abrupt ending with no connection of story. One and one-half reels. —A. G. Witwer, Grand theatre. Rainier, Ore. — General patronage. SHORE ENOUGH: Good. One reel. — R. J. Williams, Pastime theatre, Johnson, Neb. — General patronage. TEA FOR TOMMY : Alberta Vaughn — Fair comedy if you don’t take it too serious. Two reels.. — R. J. Williams, Pastime theatre, Johnson, Neb.. — General patronage. WELCOME GRANGE: ’’The Pace Makers”— These comedies are sure fine. We ran the “GoGetters” series and this is our first of the “Pace Makers” comedies. Two reel6. — Mrs. H. J. Green, Gem theatre, Greenriver, Utah. — General patronage. WILD ROOMERS: Just a comedy. Two reels. Bert Silver, Silver Family theatre, Greenville, Mich. — General patronage. FOX DIZZY DANCERS: A good comedy. Two reels.. — Bert Silver, Silver Family theatre, Greenville, Mich. — General patronage. EASY PAYMENTS: Helen and Warren— This is a peach of a Helen and Warren comedy. It has a real story value and is full of laughs. My folks liked it very much. Play it up. It’s away in the front of many comedies. Two reels. — P. E. Morris, Regent theatre, Indianola, Miss. — Small town patronage. PATHE ALONG CAME AUNTIE: Glen Tryon— Hal Roach knows how to make comedies, the kind that get laughs. This one does that very thing, and that’s what counts with me. Tyler Brooke is coming to the front and I think is even better than Tryon. Two reels. — O. B. Junkins, Manzanita theatre, Carmel, Calif. — General patronage. BASHFUL JIM: Ralph Graves — Fair comedy. Two reels. — R. B. Maxwell, Illinois theatre, Sullivan, 111. — General patronage. ENGLISH CHANNEL SWIM: Good cartoon comedy. — A. G. Witwer, Grand theatre. Rainier, Ore. — General patronage. A HAREM KNIGHT : Ben Turpin — Ben Turpin comedy always good. Two reels. — Robert Kessler, Benn theatre, Philadelphia, Pa. — General patronage. THE HAUNTED HOUSE: Fairly good cartoon comedy. — A. G. Witwer, Grand theatre. Rainier, Ore. — General patronage. HE FORGOT TO REMEMBER: Clyde CookClass this as the best Cook we have shown. Quite novel and a whirlwind ending. Two reels. — O. A. Fosse, Community theatre, Ridgeway, la.— Small town patronage. HOOKED AT THE ALTAR: Ralph Graves— This was sent in the place of "Hurry Doctor,” but Ralph Graves is always good. Two reels. — Mrs. H. J. Green, Gem theatre, Greenriver, Utah. — General patronage. KICKED OUT: Harold Lloyd— There is far better stuff in these old comedies than is being put in comedies of the present. Some patrons told me that they came just to see it : however, they didn’t know that it was only one reel. — O. B. Junkins, Manzanita theatre, Carmel, Calif. — General patronage. NEVER TOO OLD: An exceptionally good and unusual comedy. Claude Gillingwater is very good in this and Jimmy Finlayson does some exceptionally clever acting. Finlayson should be starred. Two reels. — O. B. Junkins, Manzanita theatre. Carmel, Calif. — General patronage. PATHE NEWS: The newsy newsreel “you will buy and buy and buy eventually, why not now?” One reel. — O. R. Oates, Bridge theatre, Petersburg, W. Va. — Small town patronage. RAGGEDY ROSE: Mabel Normand — A very good comedy. Everybody liked it. Three reels. — Robert Kessler, Benn theatre, Philadelphia, Pa. — General patronage. RAGGEDY ROSE: Mabel Normand— Good enough for any house. Three reels. — G. Carey, Strand theatre, Paris, Ark. — General patronage. THE UNCOVERED WAGON: Hal Roach— A burlesque on the “Covered Wagon.” Simply packed with laughs. One reel. — E. M. Biddle, Strand theatre, Paoli, Ind. — General patronage. WAR FEATHERS: Our Gang — Not as good as previous Gangs. Two reels. — O. B. Junkins, Manzanita theatre, Carmel, Calif. — General pat ronage. YOUR OWN BACK YARD: Our Gang— One of the best comedies Pathe has produced. An unexpected incident was a round of applause at the end. This was run with "We’re In the Navy Now,” but quite a few people who had seen the feature in the city came to see this comedy. Two reels. — A. J. Gibbons, Illinois theatre, Metropolis, 111. — General patronage. UNIVERSAL ANDY TAKES A FLIER: Pretty punk stuff was what I would call this. Looks like Slim Summerville as Andy in place of Joe Murphy. Any child could make better comedies than the Universals which we have used. Two reels. — W. T. Davis & Son, Rialto theatre, Sharon, Wis. — General patronage. BLUEBIRD COMEDIES: I have found them real good. One reel. — -Aubrey Swearingen, Crescent theatre, Woodville, Tex. — General patronage. BUSTER BROWN COMEDIES: The kids simply eat up these Buster Brown comedies, and the adults are not far behind. Everyone loves the three stars, Buster, Mary Jane and Tige. Two reels. — Wade H. Wilson, Victory theatre, Weaverville, Cal. — Small town patronage. BUSTER’S GIRL FRIEND: A good Buster Brown comedy. The dog does some very funny stuff. Two reels. — Bert Silver, Silver Family theatre, Greenville, Mich. — General patronage. BUSTER’S HUNTING PARTY: Arthur Trimble— Best comedy we have run in a long time. Two reels. — Meldrim & Clark, Opera House, Edwards, N. Y. — General patronage. BUSTER’S NOSE DIVE: Arthur TrimbleGood. Pleased the kids. Two reels. — Meldrim & Clark, Opera House, Edwards, N. Y. — General patronage. CALIFORNIA HERE WE COME: Slim Summerville— Perhaps this would have been good with Joe Murphy ; he is the only man for Gump. Two reels.— Mr6. Berta Smith, Palace theatre. Rockmart, Ga. — Small town patronage. A COUPLE OF SKATES: Neely Edwards— This is a novelty. The entire comedy done on roller skates. It was good. One reel. — E. M. Biddle, Strand theatre, Paoli, Ind. — General patronage. FOR CRYING OUT LOUD: Neely Edwards— Laughs in this one. One reel. — A. G. Witwer, Grand theatre. Rainier, Ore. — General patronage. THE HORSE LAUGH: Charles Puffy— Above the average. One reel. — Meldrim & Clark, Opera House, Edward, N. Y. — General patronage. INTERNATIONAL NEWS: Pretty good newsreel if they would leave a lot of that foreign bologna out of it. Have good newsreel following but it took a long time to develop the “newshungeritis.” How do you like that new term? One reel. — O. R. Oate6, Bridge theatre, Petersburg, W. Va. — Small town patronage. JANE’S TROUBLES: Wanda Wiley— Fair comedy : will pass with a good feature. Two reels. — A. G. Witwer, Grand theatre. Rainier, Ore. — General patronage. LAW OF THE NORTH: Fred Gilman — Just a fair short western O. K. for filler. Two reels. — A. G. Witwer, Grand theatre. Rainier, Ore. — General patronage. LET LOOSE : Pee Wee Holmes— Another W. C. Tuttle story that is a darb. They always draw extra business here. Two reel Western. — E. M. Biddle, Strand theatre, Paoli, Ind. — General patronage. NEWLYWEDS QUARANTINED : Another good Snookums comedy. This kid is fine. Two reels. — A. G. Witwer, Grand theatre, Rainier, Ore. — General patronage. NOBODY LOVES ME: Charles Puffy— Didn’t register a laugh. Just another fillum. One reel. — A. G. Witwer, Grand theatre, Rainier, Ore. — General patronage. THE OPTIMIST: Charles Puffy — Pretty good, one reel. — Meldrim & Clark, Opera House, Edwards, N. Y. — General patronage. A PERFECT LIE: Wanda Wiley— Fair. Two reels. — Meldrim & Clark, Opera House, Edwards, N. Y. — General patronage. PLAYING THE SWELL: Wanda Wiley— The best comedy by Wanda Wiley to date. Several laughs. Two reels. — E. M. Biddle, Strand theatre, Paoli, Ind. — General patronage. PREP SCHOOL: Arthur Lake — Good. One reel. — Meldrim & Clark, Opera House. Edwards, N. Y. — General patronage. ROOMS FOR RENT: A very funny Gump comedy. Two reels. — Bert Silver, Silver Family theatre, Greenville, Mich. — General patronage. SEPARATED SWEETHEARTS: Arthur Lake — A good one reel comedy. The best yet from Lake. One reel. — Mrs. Berta Smith, Palace theatre, Rockmart, Ga. — Small town patronage. UNIVERSAL COMEDIES: With the exception of Wanda Wiley Century comedies, all they are is filler and pretty punk at that. Hope Uncle Carl makes good his promise of having the best comedies on the market next year or my John Hancock will not appear on the dotted line for his C. S. contract. One and two reelers.— O. R. Oates, Bridge theatre, Petersburg, W. Va. — Small town patronage. WHERE’S MY BABY?: Special cast— It gets the laughs, and that’s what we want. One reel. — R. J. Williams, Pastime theatre, Johnson. Neb. — General patronage. WHY GEORGE!: A good funny comedy. Two reels.— Bert Silver, Silver Family theatre, Greenville, Mich. — General patronage. WHY GEORGE!: Not so good as former comedies of this type. Two reels. — A. G. Witwer, Grand theatre, Rainier, Ore.. — General patronage.