Exhibitors Herald (1927)

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46 EXHIBITORS HERALD May 7, 1927 Epitome of F. B. O. Product Next Season THE GREATER THIRTY “THE GINGHAM GIRL.” Lois Wilson starring with George K. Arthur in support. From the musical comedy. “THE GREAT MAIL ROBBERY.” Geo. B. Seitz directing Lee Shumway. Fast action melodrama of protection of the U. S. mails by the Marines. ' “THE HARVESTER.” J. Leo Meehan to direct from the novel by the late Gene Stratton-Porter. “FRECKLES.” J. Leo Meehan also will direct this one, likewise from the pen of the late Mrs. Stratton-Porter. “JUDGMENT OF THE HILLS.” Frankie Darro and Virginia Valli starring. From “Down Our Way,” the last story by Larry Evans. “THE LITTLE YELLOW HOUSE.” Story by Beatrice Burton. Will be serialized in McCall’s Magazine. “WALLFLOWERS.” From the novel by Temple Bailey. Ran serially in Good Housekeeping. “CLANCY’S KOSHER WEDDING.” George Sidney in well-known cast. A Jewish-Irish comedy. “NOT FOR PUBLICATION.” Ralph Ince directs himself in this story of the city. “SKINNER’S BIG IDEA.” Considered masterpiece of Heniy Dodge Irving, story writer. Appeared originally in Saturday Evening Post. “THE DEVIL’S TRADEMARK.” All-star cast. Story written by Calvin Johnson. “LITTI^ MICKEY GROGAN.” Frankie Darro will star. Story of New York newsboy, written by Arthur Guy Empey. “SHANGHAIED.” Ralph Ince will direct and also star, supported by Patsy Ruth Miller. Melodrama of San Francisco and the sea. “A LEGIONNAIRE IN PARIS.” A1 Cooke and Kit Guard will take leading parts in comedy of adventures of two veterans back in Paris for Legion convention. “CROOKS CAN’T WIN.” Melodrama of city, police and romance. “CHICAGO AFTER MIDNIGHT.” Melodrama of Chicago’s night life. Story by Charles K. Harris. “SOUTH SEA LOVE.” Ralph Ince in star and directorial roles. Melodrama of South Seas. “CONEY ISLAND.” Story of the famous Coney Island and its people. “HOOK AND LADDER No. 9.” Melodrama with fireman as hero. From John A. Moroso story. “LOVES OF RICARDO.” Stars George Behan. Has played Rivoli, New York, and other first-runs. “JAKE, THE PLUMBER.” Comedy of Jewish plumber and rivalry for heart of girl. “IN A MOMENT OF TEMPTATION.” Difficult theme handled with delicate touch. “DEAD MAN’S CURVE.” Automobile racing drama. “HER SUMMER HERO.” Summer resort comedy and the life of a lifeguard. “SALLY OF THE SCANDALS.” Bohemian life and a chorus girl’s love life. “THE COWARD.” Story by Arthur Stringer is drama of fashionable New York and North Woods. “ALEX THE GREAT.” By H. C. Witwer. Story of a small town “show off.” “RED RIDERS OF CANADA.” Northwest Mounted Police and Far North melodrama. “KENT OF THE NAVY.” Ensign and his adventures on shore leave. * * * WESTERNS TOM TYLER (Six); BUZZ BARTON, BOB STEELE, RANGER, the Dog Star. * * * SHORT EEATURES “THE BEAUTY PARLOR” series. MICKEY McGUIRE series. NEWSLAFFS. STANDARD FAT MEN COMEDIES. WHIRLWIND COMEDIES.