Exhibitors Herald (1927)

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May 7, 1927 EXHIBITORS HERALD 79 versal) : Wallace McDonald — Ran the last chapter of this and the first chapter of “The Silent Flyer” on the same night and got a good crowd out. The feature was “Variety.” Two reels. — Mrs. Hulda J. Green, Gem theatre, Greenriver, Utah. — General patronage. THE RADIO DETECTIVE (Universal) : Special cast — No. 10. Have run fifty consecutive weeks of serials, and, believe me, never again. This one is not bad, but I can’t keep them interested week after week. — E, M. Biddle, Strand theatre, Paoli, Ind. — Small town patronage. THE RETURN OF THE RIDDLE RIDER (Universal) : William Desmond — We started this serial with a full house and didn’t have a walkout. Seemed to please. Lots of action. Two reels. — Mrs. Richard A. Preuss, Arvada theatre, Arvada. Colo. — Small town patronage. THE SILENT FLYER (Universal) : Silver Streak — This seems to be better than “Fighting With Buffalo Bill.” The first chapter is good and hope it will hold up well. Tw'o reels. — Mrs. Hulda J. Green, Gem theatre, Greenriver, Utah. — General patronage. Short Features EDUCATIONAL BABY BLUES: Good comedy. Two reels. — Ernest Vetter, Majestic theatre, Homer, Mich. — Small town patronage. BROKEN CHINA: Bobby Vernon— Very good comedy. Two reels. — G. Kenny, Community House, Greenwood, Ind. — General patronage. CAREFUL, PLEASE: Lloyd Hamilton— Hamilton comedies always good and this pleased. Two reels. — G. Kenny, Community House, Greenwood, Ind. — General patronage. CHASE YOURSELF: Jimmie Adams — What we would call fair. Two I'eels. — G. Kenny, Community Hou.se, Greenwood, Ind. — General patronage. CREEPS: Plenty of action and some fun. Two reels. — G. Kenny, Community House, Greenwood, Ind. — General patronage. CURIOSITIES : Interesting. Well worth showing. One reel. — G. Kenny, Community House, Greenwood, Ind. — General patronage. A DIPPY TAR: Good comedy. Two reels.— Bert Silver, Silver Family theatre, Greenville, Mich. — General patronage. FELIX THE CAT CARTOONS: More laughs in most of these than lots of two-reel comedies. One reel. — H. C. Mauler, Liberty theatre, Pleasanton, Nebr. — Small town patronage. FELIX THE CAT: This is getting to be a real good drawing card for us. One reel. — Walter C. Schultz, Kenesaw Opera House, Kenesaw, Nebr. — General patronage. GRANDPA’S BOY : These juvenile comedies always please the kids. Two reels. — George Benson, Community theatre, Minneota, Minn. — Small town patronage. HODGE PODGE: Clever. Helps any program. One reel. — G. Kenny, Community House, Greenwood, Ind. — General i^atronage. HOME CURED: Johnny Arthur — A good comedy. Plenty of action and laughs. Patrons enjoyed it. Two reels. — A. G. Witwer, Grand theatre, Rainier, Ore. — General patronage. KINOGRAMS: Best news reel I ever saw. One reel. — Walter C. Schultz, Kenesaw Opera House, Kenesaw, Nebr. — General patronage. KINOGRAMS: Always good. One reel. — G. Kenny, Community House, Greenwood, Ind. — General patronage. LISTEN, LENA: Very good comedy. Two reels. — George Benson, Community theatre, Minneota, Minn. — Small town patronage. MY SWEEDIE: Neal Burns— Just fair. Two reels. — G. Kenny, Community House, Greenwood. Ind. — General patronage. SAILOR, BEWARE: Billie Dooley comedies pretty fair for mixed patronage. Kids all laugh, but some grown-ups thought it silly child stuff. Two reels. — R. N. Smith, Mission theatre. Mission, Tex. — Small town patronage. SCENIC: Very beautiful. Adds to your show. One reel. — G. Kenny, Community House, Greenwood, Ind. — General patronage. SHORE GUY : Billy Dooley — Fair comedy. Some pretty good stunts. Two reels. — G. Kenny, Community House, Greenwood, Ind. — General patronage. SKY BOUND : Bobby Vernon — Here is a dandy comedy. Lots of laughs and action. Two reels. — • G. Kenny, Community House. Greenwood, Ind. — General patronage. TENDER FEET : Good. Two reels. — Ernest Vetter, Majestic theatre, Homer, Mich. — Small town patronage. FILM BOOKING OFFICES ADVENTURES OF MAZIE: Alberta Vaujjhn — The Alberta Vaughn comedies are the best we have ever used. She sure knows her berries. Two reels. — Walter C. Shultz, Kenesaw Opera House, Kenesaw, Nebr. — General patronage. CRY AND GET IT: "The Wisecraekers.” This chapter is a crook one with the dumb detective and bell hop stealing the picture, Cooke and Guard. Two reels. — Mrs. Richard A. Preuss, Arvada theatre, Arvada. Colo. — Small town patronage. THE FAST MAIL: These "Pacemakers” are sure fine. The best comedies going. The race between A1 Cooke and Kit Guard in this comedy is a scream. Two reels. — Mrs. Hulda J. Green, Gem theatre, Greenriver, Utah. — General patronage. FATAL FOOTSTEPS: Charles Bowers— This comedy sure had them going. I guess they are practicing at home, just like Charley did, on the Charleston. It’s good. Two reels. — R. Duba, Royal theatre, Kimball, S. Dak. — General patronage. FATAL FOOTSTEPS: Charles Bowers — Avery funny comedy. Two reels. — Bert Silver, Silver Family theatre, Greenville, Mich. — General patronage. THREE GLAD MEN : Good slapstick comedy. Two reels. — Ernest Vetter, Majestic theatre, Homer. Mich. — Small town ijatronage. UP AND WOOING: Alberta Vaughn— The ninth chapter of “Fighting Hearts,” and still holding up in fine shape. The best series of this star that we have had. Two i-eels. — W. C. Snyder, Cozy theatre. Lament, Okla. — General patronage. FOX BABES IN JUNGLES: Fair. Harry C. Kuedler, Joseph theatre. General patronage. BACK TO MOTHER: Fair. Han-y C. Kuedler, Joseph theatre. General patronage. Two reels. — Kaw, Okla. — Two reels. — Kaw, Okla. — HELLO, LAFAYETTE: A very funny comedy. Two reels. — Bert silver. Silver Family theatre. Greenville, Mich. — General patronage. IT’S A PIPE: Poor and not suitable for my theatre. Two reels. — Ernest Vetter, Majestic theatre, Homer, Mich. — Small town iiatronage. JERRY THE GIANT : Better comedy than we used to get from Fox. This is a dandy. The kid is a good actor, as well as the animals. Two reels. — R. Duba. Royal theatre. Kimball, S. Dak. — General patronage. PATHE ATTA, BOY: Monty Banks — January 7-8. Very good feature and very good business. Six reels. — Chas. J. Hohman, Globe theatre, Manchester, N. H. — General patronage. BUSTER’S ORPHAN PARTY: Buster Brown — Very good. Tige is very clever in all these Buster Brown comedies. Two reels. — L. C. Bulduc. Bijou theatre, Conway, N. H. — General patronage. DOG SHY : Charley Chase — A pretty good comedy. Two reels. — Mrs. Hulda J. Green. Gem theatre, Greenriver, Utah. — General patronage. DON’T BE A DUMMY: Arthur Lak^Do as a filler. Will get by. — Dr. F. M. Childs, Cozy theatre, Villisca, la. — General patronage. THE FAMILY ALBUM: Hy Mayer— Very good novelty short reel. — E. M. Biddle, Strand theatre, Paoli, Ind. — ^Small town patronage. GEORGE THE WINNER: If you have this one, advertise it. This Syd Taylor has all the comedians backed off the map in this one. It’s a humdinger, and not may-be. — Ur. F. M. Childs, Cozy theatre, Villisca, la. — General patronage. THE HEN PUNCHER OP PIPEROCK: Pee Wee and Smilin’ Ben run this to give me some western atmosphere with “Ankles Preferred.” W. C. Tutle’s stories are well liked. Good comedy.— Dr. F. M. Childs, Cozy theatre, Villisca, la. — General patronage. JANE’S TROUBLES: Good comedy. Wanda Wiley is liked here. — Dr. F. M. Childs, Cozy theatre, Villisca, la. — General patronage. LIGHTER THAN AIR: Good cartoon comedy. — A. G. Witwer, Grand theatre. Rainier, Ore. — General patronage. MARY QUEEN OF TOTS: Our Gang— Good. ’Two reels. — Harry C. Kuedler, Joseph theatre, Kaw, Okla. — General patronage. NURMBURG, THE TOY CITY: A very Clevel and entertaining novelty. One reel.--E. M. Biddle, Strand theatre, Paoli, Ind. — Small town patronage. PAPA, BE GOOD: Glen Tryon— Good. Two reels. — Mrs. Hulda J. Green, Gem theatre, Greenriver, Utah. — General patronage. A PUP’S TALE: A very pleasing one-reel novelty. One reel. — E. M. Biddle, Strand theatre, Paoli, Ind. — Small town patronage. RAWHIDE: Buffalo Bill, Jr.— A good western. Will please all western fans. So we should worry, — Earl Somerville, Opera House, Raymond, Minn. — General patronage. A SWEET PICKLE: Alice Day— Good. Two reels. — Harry C. Kuedler, Joseph theatre, Kaw, Okla. — General patronage. WAR FEATHERS: A fair Gang comedy, but not up to the standard. Two reels. — Bert Silver, Silver Family theatre, Greenville, Mich. — General patronage. WIFE TAMERS: Clyde Cook— Good comedy with a splendid cast. Patrons seemed to enjoy it very much. Two reels. — A. G. Witwer, Grand theatre. Rainier, Ore. — General patronage. WIVES AND WOMEN: Charles Puffy— Just a fair comedy. Will get by. Dr, F. M. Childs, Cozy theatre, Villisca, la. — General patronage. RED SEAL RED SEAL NOVELTIES: Good. One reel.— G. Kenny, Community House, Greenwood, Ind. — General patronage. UNIVERSAL BUSTER’S HEART BEATS: Arthur TrimbleGood comedy, with the kid cut-ups and Tige doing funny things. Two reels. — Mrs. Richard A. Preuss, Arvada theatre, Arvada, Colo. — Small town patronage. THE COLLEGIANS: These two-reelers are packed with more real entertainment than many of the five or six reel comedies. Action, humor, romance and clean. While not in the habit of extensively advertising short subjects, I do so in this case. Two reels. — Peter Bylsma, Victory theatre, Napoleonville, La. — General patronage. THE COLLEGIANS: Ed Lewis — Am sorry to say that this was the last one, for they sure are business getters for me, and watching for the day when the next number of them start, as my folks here are anxious for me to get them. Have had more comments on them than any short reel series I ever run. No one can go wrong on buying the “Collegians.” Two reels. — W. L. Rockwell, Odeon theatre. Cottonwood Falls, Kan. — Small town patronage. DOUBLE TROUBLE: The usual western type with some comedy makes a good filler. Two reels. — A. G. Witwer, Grand theatre. Rainier. Ore. — General patronage. INTERNATIONAL NEWS: '^This news beats the other news reels we have run. One reel. — Mrs. Hulda J. Green, Gem theatre, Greenriver, Utah. — General patronage. JANE’S FLIRTATION: Wanda Wiley— This is about the best of this series so far, but they are the weakest of Universal’s two-reel comedies. Two reels. — A. G. Witwer, Grand theatre. Rainier, Ore. — General patronage. MIXED BRIDES: Wanda Wiley— O. K. Two reels.— E. M. Biddle, Strand theatre, Paoli. Ind.— Small town patronage. MIXED DOUBLES: Charles Puffy— Got the laughs. One reel. — E. M. Biddle, Strand theatre, Paoli. Ind. — Small town patronage. NEWLYWEDS AND THEIR BABY: Snookums Generally liked, but i>eople comment on the sameness of the ending of every one. Smookums always has to go to sleep and this is getting monotonous. — H. R. Cromwell, Bedford theatre, Bedford, Pa. — Small town patronage. PAPA’S MAMA: Arthur Lake— Satisfactory one-reel comedy. One reel. — E. M. Biddle, Strand theatre, Paoli, Ind. — Small town patronage. PLEASE EXCUSE ME: Good comedy, lots of action and some good laughs in this one. Two reels. — A. G. Witwer, Grand theatre. Rainier, Ore. — General patronage. ROOMS FOR RENT: Mighty good. Two reels. — Harry C. Kuedler, Joseph theatre, Kaw, Okla.^ — ■ General patronage. SNOOKUMS DISAPPEARS: Pleases the children fine and the older class like ’em, too. Two reels. — Mrs. Richard A. Preuss, Arvada theatre, Arvada, Colo. — Small town patronage. SOME MORE EXCUSES: A fair comedy. Two reels. — Bert Silver, Silver Family theatre, Greenville, Mich. — General patronage. THANKS FOR THE BOAT RIDE: A good