Exhibitors Herald (1927)

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A SURVEY OF PICTURES Spring ^ 192 7 It has just been announced that Lillian Qish in "Annie Laurie” will follow "Slide, Kelly, Slide” into the Embassy at $2 admission. An' other feather in M'Q'M’s cap! GAIN this Spring Metro^ Goldwyii'Mayer commands the attention of the industry. In every city of the nation M'G'M attractions are doing the outstanding business at Box-Offices. A N unprecedented line-up of hits is being delivered to M-G-M exhibitors. The gold-rush is on! And the end is not in sight, for M-G-M has in store for you some of the greatest productions it has ever released. Lon Chaney in ' Tell Jt to the Marines" Iff ^^ROOKIES IS just one diamond in the M-G-M sky. Lon Chaney in “Mr.Wu,” “Captain Salvation” are among many other Big Young Blood this Spring continues its uninterrupted march to supremacy in the motion picture industry 1 IT TAKES a smooth -working, dependable organization to give you pictures like “Flesh and the Devil,” “Tell It to the Marines” and “Slide, Kelly, Slide” in rapid succession. Then to follow through with hits, hits, hits! EPEND on M-G'M always. No other organization has its personnel of practical showjohn Gilbert and men, nor its production Greta Garbo in f .... "Flesh and the Devil" lacilitiCS. D' AND WHEN you have checked the lists carefully you’ll find that the stars who mean money at the box-office are under M-G-M’s banner. “OLIDE, kelly, SLIDE” is enjoying a merited success at legitimate theatre prices at the O Embassy Theatre, N. Y. Showmen who plan to run a baseball picture this Spring will find that “Slide, Kelly, Slide” is the only baseball subject playing as a road-show and has been acclaimed the greatest of its kind ever made. Box-offices everywhere agreee!