Exhibitors Herald (1927)

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August 27, 1927 EXHIBITORS HERALD 3 ^olid ^eek t)f new era pictures Now comes the big week of the year for movie fans— 10th Annual Paramount Week when the best theatres everywhere show one solid week of Paramount Pictures only. Greatest Paramount Week of all— because Paramount Pictures were never better. Come — see all the new ones, catch up on the good ones YOUR TOWN joins in the Paramount Week Celebration! FIRST RUN THEATRE Sept, i, S, 6, 7 CLARA BOW in “HULA” Sept, a, 9, 10 ADOLPHE MENJOU in “SERVICE FOR LADIES’* PLAZA— 85 E, BROADWAY Sept. 4-S — Clara Bow 8s Esther Ralston in "Children of Divorce.’* Sept. 6-7 — Eddie Cantor in “Special Delivery.” Sept. 8-9 — Raymond Griffith in “Time to Love.” Sept. 10 — Zane Grey’s "The Mysterious Rider” with Jack Holt. NORTHVILLE— CAPITOL Sept. A — Bebe Daniels in “Senorita.” Sept. 5 — Florence Vidor in “The World at Her Feet.” Sept. 6— Ed Wynn in "Rubber Heels." Sept. 7 — Richard Dix in “Knockout Reilly.” Sept. 8 — Zane Grey’s "Drums of the Desert” with Warner Baxter. Sept. 9 — Lois Moran in "The Whirlwind of Youth.” Sept. 10 — Gilda Gray in "Cabaret.” “If it’s a Paramount Picture, it’s the Best Show in Town” ^ this ad free in your local or key city newspaper if you book Paramount Week solid. Already set for 2000 newspapers reaching a combined circulation of over Fifteen Million! I Tie up your theatre to the nation-wide celebration of the New Era in Motion Pictures during Paramount Week, September 4th to 10th. The only special '^Veek” in the business that means nything to exhibitors. Because it’s the only ''week” that means anything to the public the exhibiar serves. ^ You get free newspaper advertising, free ad sales items, mats, one-sheets, etc. You get Le accumulated prestige of ten years’ national advertising of Paramount Week. And you get |hose great 100% Paramount Pictures in the modern manner, the talk of a nation. ^ See ^he Paramount salesman today and celebrate with a solid week of "new era” pictures. lOth annual paramount w September 4th to e e k 10th