Exhibitors Herald (1927)

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August 27, 1927 EXHIBITORS HERALD LLOYD HAMILTON Year after year Educational carries on an impressive national advertising campaign. . . . Whetting the appetites of millions of steady picture goers for the irresistible fun and merriment, the speed, pep, punch, novelty and charm of Educational Short Features. . . . Driving them into the theatres where EducationaVs uniquely different comedies, novelties and news reels are shown. Inducing them to go again and again Entertainment That Never Lets Down Advertising That Never Lets Up! to see the new Educational releases — to become your regular patrons, if you feature them and because you feature them. During 1927, 34 full pages are being employed in the six leading fan publications to teach fans to prefer Educational Pictures. Show Educational Pictures on every program — exploit them — then all this advertising will work directly to increase your patronage and profit. ^ipiitor^nei^ineclte9 Up/i/iy Smwn Gomedks Tuxedo Comedies With Johnny Arthur OUTDOOR SKETCHES By Robert C. Bruce BIG BOY Juvenile -COMEDIEShelix the CARTOONS by Pat Sullivan Cuiio5itieS Produced by WALTER PUTTER HAMIltom I * COMEDIES ^ OROTHY COMEDIES KINOGRAMS The News Reel Built Like a Newspaper. Twice-a-Week 'COMEDIES LYMAN H-HOWE5 HODGE-PODGE MERMAID COMEDIES Jack White Productions Member Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America, Inc. Will H. Hays, President DOHOTHy DEVO/IE