Exhibitors Herald (1927)

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but what kind are they? BEERY G^ HATTON tj It means nothing for a company to have a lot of stars. The question is: Who are they? What kind of stars are they? Young folks 17 to 30 years of age compose 70% of motion picture audiences. Restless, up-to-date young folks. The class most affected by these changing times. €| Thumbs down, cries this youthful hard-boiled public, on the doll-faced heroines and too heroic heroes of yesterday. Up with breezy Harold Lloyd, saucy Clara Bow, regular-guy Richard Dix, virile Emil Jannings, slam-bang Beery-Hatton, sophisticated Adolphe Menjou. Spotlight for modern stars sparkling with color, honesty, fun, action. Spotlight, in other words, for Paramount stars, and curtain for the has-beens and never-wases! Cold facts — box office figures, fan mail totals, exhibitor reports — prove the superiority of Paramount’s list. Surround this stellar galaxy with the industry’s shrewdest showman brains, the finest resources, national advertising hitting 70,000,000 readers — and try and tie iC