Exhibitors Herald (1927)

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30 EXHIBITORS HERALD September 24, 1927 Griffith Weighs Writers’ Ideas on “Drums of Love” Title Jesse Goldburg Gives Birthday Celebration for Scott Pembroke — I\iblo’s “ Camille ” Opens at Criterion Theatre By RAY MURRAY HOLLYWOOD, Sept. 20. — D. W. Griffith started his first United Artists picture, “The Drums of Love,” last Friday, and to commemorate the occasion staged a little party for the press. There was plenty of food, a short speech by D. W. himself, and music. THERE was considerable debate as to the title, some thinking it was a good name for the picture, while others did not. Votes were taken as to providing a better one and these are being considered by Griffith and his staff. * * * * Goldburg Fetes Pembroke And while we are on the subject of parties, must mention that Jesse J. Goldburg gave a birthday celebration for his director, Scott Pembroke, the day the latter started work on “Polly of the Movies.” Gertrude Short has the lead in this feminine version of the “Merton of the Movies” story and has been surrounded by a splendid supporting cast, including Jason Robards, Stuart Holmes and Rose Dion. It will be a First Division picture for I. E. Chadwick. * * * “Camille,” Fred Niblo’s modern version starring Norma Talmadge, had a brilliant opening at the Criterian theatre last Wednesday night. D. W. Griffith acted as master of ceremonies and many film luminaries attended. * * * Dr. Tullio Balboni, brother of Sylvano Balboni, director, has been appointed administrator of the $200,000 estate of June Mathis, who died suddenly in New York city in July. The estate will be distributed under the inheritance law of California. * * * Work has been held up on Bob DeLacy’s first special for F B O’s “The Red Riders of Canada,” through the sudden illness of his leading lady, Patsy Ruth Miller. Miss Miller was taken ill while on location at Mammoth Lakes, Cal., in the high Sierras, and had to be rushed to a hospital when she was threatened with pneumonia. She is now on the road to recovery. * * * Ambassador Pictures Corp., H. E. Ross president, has purchased the old Golden State studio, Culver City, and changed the name to the Ambassador studio. A film version of the life of A1 Jennings, former outlaw and bandit, will be the initial picture of the company. The cast includes Mildred Harris, Edward Piel, Jr., Neely Edwards and Edwar Piel, Sr. Locations in Oklahoma are now being sought. * * * Diana Miller Recovering Diana Miller, film actress, wife of George Melford, LTniversal Pictures director, is slowly recovering from a serious illness at Monrovia sanatarium, where she has been the past two months. * * * About 2,000 members of the 233 Club of Hollywood and guests attended the inaugural ball at the Ambassador hotel last Tuesday night. Many stars were introduced and a musical program was interspersed with the dancing. Those in charge of the affair were John LeRoy Johnston, chairman; Lionel Belmore, Orville Caldwell and Henri LaGarde. Monte Blue, Tom Mix, Darryl Zanuck, Harry Zehner, Rex Goodcell and others prominent in film circles were present. * * * Kiesling in Commercial Field Barret Kiesling, for seven years personal representative of Cecil B. DeMille, who resigned recently, has entered the field of commercial advertising and publicity. * * * Pathe-DeMille officials are seeking a name for their new picture of West Point life, starring William Boyd, which Donald Crisp directed. Metro-GoldwynMayer is also making a West Point story and has prior right to the caption “West Point” in its title. ifc & Fox has solved the problem of long periods of idleness for carpenters while working on the stages where directors are making pictures. Heretofore all hammering ceased when the director’s assistant blew a whistle and the workmen had to “hold everything” until notified to go ahead. Now these mechanics are being called about 3 o’clock each day and work all night building new sets, thus not interfering with shooting on many sets. Here’s an economy measure that looks feasible. * * i*C Thomas Burtis, writer of short stories, has sold four airplane yarns to Charles R. Rogers, producer for First National. Rogers has also purchased the exclusive picture rights to all of Burtis’ “Russ Farriell” series, appearing in American Boy. j|: SjJ sfc Louis Golden, popular manager of the Criterion Theatre, has been transferred to the Boulevard Theatre, at Washington and Vermont boulevards. * * * The smoke has cleared away following the “terrific” battle of Inspiration Point, Utah, between Edwin Carewe, director of “Romona,” and A1 Rogell, First National director of “Shepherd of the Hills.” With both companies represented on the ground by former newspaper men the wires were kept hot for a few days dispensing accounts of the progress of the battle, which was caused by a clash over the location selected by both companies for use at the same time. The only casualty was a broken stillcamera and several keys on a press agent’s typewriter. Rogell won after several conferences and paid for the “peace dinner” which followed the victory. * * * Maynard in Circus Picture Iven Maynard has long wanted to make a circus picture, because of his many years association with the big tops, being a star stunt rider with Barnum and Bailey’s and Ringling Brothers tent shows. Now he is to have his wish come true, for he is to make “The Caravan Trail” with Harry J. Brown directing. The picture started last week. Little Johnny Downe, former “Our Gang” comedian, who has just completed a role in Clarence Brown’s picture, “The Trail of ’98,” has been signed by First National to play in “The Valley of the Giants.” * * * A1 Boasberg, comedy constructionist, who recently married Miss Roslyn Goldberg in Minneapolis, is spending his honeymoon on the Great Lakes. Re-Takes WELL, all the Wampas boys went sailing over the bounding main last Saturday night, having hired a clipper ship from Mr. DeMille and set sail from Long Beach. It was the regular meeting of the advertisers association combined with a pleasure trip. The only thing that marred the occasion was the fact that someone forgot to cast off the hawser that tied the boat to the slip. Most of those on board, however, didn’t notice the nautical error on the part of Skipper West and his First Mate, Oliver Garver. Plenty of eats were provided below decks and most of the boys stayed below. * * * And D. W. Griffith invited a few of the press boys and girls (about 65) to a little luncheon on his “Drums of Love” set, a sort of dedication for his new picture, last Friday, which was hugely enjoyed. D. W. made a little speech and said that the purpose of the luncheon was to get his name in the papers, and being a former newspaper man himself, he knew that that was the way to do it. Everyone present voted D. W. the perfect host. * * Chicago JSalute Mayor Thompson of Chicago came to town last week and was met at the station by a group of film luminaries, city officials and folks interested in water ways. He visited Warner Brothers’ studio where a volley of twenty-one automatics and sawed-off shotguns was fired on the set of “The Girl from Chicago.” It made “Big Bill” feel right at home. % % Honored Col. Chas. A. Lindbergh arrives in Los Angeles today (Tuesday) and one of the news reels is going to take a picture of him. This is said to be the first time Lindy has had his picture on the screen (this week) and he’s tickled as Puck. * * H= I see where one Chicago baby has been named for the aviator’s Atlantic flight. A little Chinese baby, who was too young to protest, has been christened “One Long Hop.” * * A Tough Job Being mayor of Los Angeles is no cinch. No, sir. You have to meet all trains, both outgoing and incoming, to shake hands with, film celebrities and officials to bid them bon voyage or how d’do. * * * Important Details Now that the excitement over the airplane trip of Leo, the M-G-M lion, from L. A. to N. Y. has subsided somewhat, we’d like to know what brand of cigarets Martin Jensen smoked and the kind of malted milk Leo consumed en route. * * * Famous Last Words “This $5 ticket is good for a ringside seat.” R. M.