Exhibitors Herald (1927)

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EXHIBITORS HERALD sv o* ,tvte« ovc •Yie* ,vt»s E*P pro'-*"'* m '4p 4> ? A m CHALLEN G (Tjavid barrist in one of his trenchant <3*-'' editorials in Ehe Exhibitor says: When the safety of their patrons is concerned the theatremen are not lax in improving their houses. Mr. Barrist was referring to the marvel among modern safety developments, the Sentry Safety Control. When attached to any standard projection machine, it is a 100% guard against fire-danger, hitherto the menace of millions of patrons, the nightmare of thousands of owners. His statement is a challenge to 15,000 Exhibitors in the United States. It is not conceivable that a single one will fail to meet it . . . Costs only a few cents a day. in CO RPORATION 13th and Cherry Sts., PHILADELPHIA 1560 Broadway, NEW YORK And All Branches of NATIONAL THEATRE SUPPLY COMPANY