Exhibitors Herald (1927)

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34 BETTER THEATRES SECTION OF December 24, 1927 Better Theatre Music — Costs Less ‘Costs Less — Easily Installed — Automatic or Hand Played 10 Tune Rolls as low as $2.50 pronounce IT KA-U-A-PHQHF ' “First New Tone in 40 Years ” TPHE CALLIAPHONE solves the Theatre Music ques4 tion. Why spend thousands for a pipeorgan when you can now have a tone that resembles the pipeorgan, but a tone more beautiful — a tone the people love — a tone that hundreds of thousands have written us stating it is the most beautiful tone “on the air.” Hear it day or night from 6 A. M. to 9 P. M. daily from “KTNT” on 256 meters. (About 15 to 20 on your dials.) Priced under $2,000. Comes intact to you so that any handy man can install in few hours. Plays automatically from 10 tune music rolls (as low as $2.50 per roll). Can be hand played. Compact, has Tremolo and Crescendo effects. Immediate deliveries — easy terms. Write for particulars before buying music, we will save you hundreds of dollars. Can be used as accompaniment with Orchestra, duets with Piano and all combinations. Recently installed one in Opera House, Circleville, Ohio, who says, “It surely is a wonder.” Jenkins says — “It will be an innovation in theatrical music.” Muscatine TANGLEY CO. Iowa A Tone Irresistible — “Prettier Theatre Tone.” CONT-EL-ARC MOTOR GENERATORS FOR SMOOTH PROJECTION Manufactured By CONTINENTAL ELECTRIC CO., INC. 325-327 Ferry St. Newark, N. J., U.S.A. Mr* Alden Replies to Commerce Official ( Continued, from pufje 1]) drawing power. I hardly believe that people go to New York with the express purpose and only reason, to visit the Paramount theatre. The same is true of big Los Angeles theatres. I, however, do know that my patrons come from Payson, Ariz. (96 miles), Roosevelt, Inspiration, Rice, Miami, San Carlos and all the surrounding territory primarily to attend the Martin theatre. If local merchants cannot sell these people after coming to this city, it is not the fault of the local theatre. On several instances several carloads of people have come to my theatre from Payson, Ariz., to witness the presentation of Zane Grey pictures. Payson is 96 miles from Globe. These pictures were made at and near Payson, the summer home of Zane Grey. Theatre Takes Whole Building The U. S. census gives Globe a population of 7,044 and I know that few cities of this size have theatres representing a capital investment as large as the Martin theatre. The number of merchants in this city with such a large investment can be counted on the fingers of one hand and have some to spare. The Martin has no stores for rent or offices in the building and is wholly taken up by the theatre and represents an invoice value of over $100,000. I am enclosing copies of local paper, Arizona Record, announcing many changes and additions to the Martin theatre which I believe places it in a position of helping local merchants in drawing out of town trade. Community Determines Size Regarding “big” theatres ! A theatre can only be as large in proper ratio of seats to population as the community in which it is located. With a population of 7,044 and a live seating capacity in the two theatres operating, of 1,500 seats the ratio is one seat to each 4 Yi of population. Large city theatre owners complain that a ratio of one seat to seven of population places a city in an overseated condition. With this in mind a 750 seat house in Globe must be the same to this city and surrounding country that the Paramount theatre is to New York. Business Follows Theatre I first visited this city in 1906 and at that time the center of business was approximately 1,000 feet north of the present location of the Martin theatre. In 1909 I again visited this city and a small theatre named the Iris was running on the next lot to what is now the Martin theatre. Business started to swing southward with the opening of the Iris theatre. The Iris was closed in 1910 upon the building of the Martin theatre next door, and business again took a decided swing southward with the Martin opening. The business center of this city is now the corner 75 feet from the Martin and I believe this theatre was very instrumental in helping this swing of business from 1,000 feet north to its present location. Mr. Sullivan is comparatively new in merchandising in this city and was not connected with one of our downtown concerns in 1918 when the “flu” epidemic was