Exhibitors Herald (1927)

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December 31, 1927 EXHIBITORS HERALD 15 Announcement Exhibitors herald is haPPy in deed to join with MOVING PICTURE WORLD in making the announcement, Printed on the preceding Page, which reveals to the motion picture industry the consolidation of Exhibitors Herald and the Moving Picture World. MOVING PICTURE WORLD in merging with EXHIBITORS HERALD brings to the consolidated publications a record and a tradition which are among the finest achievements in the history of the motion Picture industry. Since its founding in 1907, by the late J. P. Chalmers, when the industry was in fact in its barest infancy, the MOVING PICTURE WORLD has been unwaveringly an institution of the finest character and PrinciPles. Throughout its history it has remained in the immediate control of the Chalmers family whose integrity of PurPose and comPetency of performance are by-words in the film trade. During all of this time — nearly twenty-one years — the WORLD has carried high the banner of progress. No history of the motion Picture industry would be complete or accurate unless a glorious chaPter were devoted to the influence of MOVING PICTURE WORLD uPon the development and advancement of the business of motion pictures. This splendid institution that is MOVING PICTURE WORLD now joins with EXHIBITORS HERALD to give to the motion picture industry, for the first time, a single publication of aPProPriate strength, influence and circulation. With the merging of these two publications there will be provided a single medium which will completely cover the field. Its circulation will fully encompass the motion picture industry, in all of its branches and in all of its territories. EXHIBITORS HERALD A HD MOV IHG PICTURE WORLD, welded into a single Powerful institution will be enabled to suPPly the whole business of motion pictures with a service that will be thorough and complete in every resPect and will fulfill every publication requirement of the trade. The merged publications will be conducted under the management which established EXHIBITORS HERALD and which during the Past thirteen years has brought this Publication to the Point of definite leadership) in its field. Those principles of indePendence, journalistic enterprise, progressiveness and fair Play which have characterised the operations of EXHIBITORS HERALD will continue as the guiding principles in the operations of EXHIBITORS HERALD AMD MOVING PICTURE WORLD. With our ability to serve the industry vastly augmented as the result of this merger the publisher of EXHIBITORS HERALD AMD MOVING PICTURE WORLD wishes to take this occasion to re-dedicate his efforts and the efforts of his associates to the cause of service to the motion picture industry; to the wholehearted suPPort of every movement calculated to aid the progress and advancement of the motion pictures, and to an undivided allegiance to the best interests and highest ideals of the motion picture business. Publisher, Exhibitors Herald.