Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture World (Oct-Dec 1928)

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28 EXHIBITORS HERALD and MOVING PICTURE WORLD November 3, 1928 Milwaukee's Keenest Competition Draws Increased Patronage Large Houses Go More and More into Promotional Campaigns and.AlQ Benefit — Midnight SJwws at Strand and Garden [By Special Correspondent of the Herald-World] MILWAUKEE, Oct. 30. — Milwaukee has never seen a time when competition among the large theatres was so keen as at the present time. This competition, however, has had a good effect upon this staid town, because it is getting more people to go to shows. The large theatres are going into promotional campaigns more and more, and the campaigns are drawing the public into the theatres. THIS is shown very clearly in the fact that two Milwaukee houses, The Strand and :he Garden, are now running weekly midnight shows. This is something new in Milwaukee, but the fact remains that these '.wo theatres are so jammed every week :hat they must run midnight shows. It is rumored that several other large theatres are also contemplating running midnight shows. The Strand has just had a wonderful run on "Street Angel," "Four Sons" and 'Wings." The Wisconsin has been running to good crowds on "Lilac Time," "Beggars of Life" and a few others. The Alhambra has been drawing good crowds and is improving each week. Increased promotional activity is promising to make this theatre a big factor in the trade this coming winter. Of the other downtown theatres, the Majestic and Merrill have had good weeks and also have had bad weeks. Since L. Brin took over the Garden and the Majestic he has been doing a good business, particularly at the Garden. Columbia Engages Two Directors, Three Players For New Productions (Special to the Herald-World) HOLLYWOOD, Oct. 30.— Two directors joined Columbia's directorial roster this week. They are Richard Thorpe and Scott Dunlap. Thorpe, who started as a leading man, has been identified mostly with Pathe. Dunlap during the past few years, has been associated with F B O, Pathe and Fox. Marie Prevost has been signed by Columbia for the leading feminine role in "The Side Show," story of carnival life. Erie Kenton, now putting the finishing touches on "Nothing to Wear," will direct "The Side Show." Lina Basquette and Ricardo Cortez have been signed for the all-star cast Columbia '8 assembling for "The Younger Generation." Jean Hersholt is the only other member of the cast selected so far by Frank Capra, who will handle the megaphone. Heavy Publicity Helps Social Hygiene Picture Break House Records (Special to the Herald-World) NEWARK, Oct. 30.— One of the outstanding exploitation campaigns of the year -eachcd its climax this week with the opening of "Fighting the White Slave Traffic" at the StanleyFabian Capitol in Newark. On the first two days of attraction, practically 5,000 people were turned away, and a gross of $9,000 was reached in four days. A preceding attraction's weekly gross was $4,000. The week's business on "Fighting" was over $13,000, as against the season's previous top of $8,000 on "Dawn." This estimate is made by Lewis Gilbert, manager of the theatre, who dcclaretl that the attendance on this production, which is released by Woody & Adler, has broken all records of the house to date. The number of paid admissions over the weekend was over 14,000. In an effort to reach the foreign population of all the smaller towns, window cards, one-sheets and three-sheets were printed in five different languages. The regular newspaper lineage was increased from the ordinary few inches to quarter pages. Herman F. Jans Joins European Producers To Head State Sales (Special to the Herald-World) NEW YORK, Oct. 30.— Herman F. Jans, well known to the industry a few years ago, has reentered the motion picture field as state rights sales manager for Affiliated European Producers, Inc. In accepting the position, Jans declared: "The importation and distribution of foreign films in America has never yet been attempted on the lines of the Affiliated European Producers. Their lineup, including such stars as Nils Asther, Mary Nolan, Mae Marsh, Lya de Putti, Conrad Veidt, Paul Wegener, Ivan Petrovich, John Loder, Maria Corda and others, proves to me that it is no longer a question of foreign pictures or American pictures, but only a question of pictures." Jans has been in the picture business for 20 years, having been with the All Star Features Company and later one of the original incorporators of M G M. He also produced his own pictures. Ontario Projectionists Study Sound Development (Special to the Herald-World) TORONTO, Oct. 30.— In anticipation of the new problems arising from the introduction of synchronized moving pictures, the organized projectionists of Toronto, Ontario, have applied for and received a charter for a branch chapter of the American Projection Society, which will keep them advised of the latest developments in the field. The president of the Toronto union for the past 15 years is Charles Dentelbeck, projection supervisor of Famous Players Canadian Corp. Maria Corda Signs for Six Months with F N (Special to the Herald-World) NEW YORK, Oct. 30.— Irving D. Rosshcim, president of First National, has closed a six-months' contract with Maria Corda, who made her first American picture in "The Private Life of Helen of Troy." The contract carries an option for renewal. Miss Corda's first picture will be "The Comedy of Life " in which she will play opposite Milton Sills. Her husband, Alexander Korda, will direct. An Appreciation Of a Job Well Done Mr. Martin J. Quigley, Editor Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture World 407 S. Dearborn Street Chicago, 111. Dear Mr. Quigley: In keeping with your natural disposition to do things right your paper was well represented at the Toronto Convention of our National organization. Permit me to thank you for the presence of your associate, Mr. Clifford, and your staff photographer and the very fine presentation of our convention activities they made pictorially and otherwise. I am sure these reports will be found very pleasing to Theatre Owners and representatives of the industry generally. Very truly yours, M. J. O'TOOLE, Secretary, MPT OA. P. S. — -President Woodhull joins me in this. F B O Lays Production Plans to Finish Twelve Left on 1928-29 Slate (Special to the Herald-World) HOLLYWOOD, Oct. 30.— Twelve pictures are still to be filmed on the 1928-29 F B 0 program and the studios are making preparations for one of the heaviest production schedules in the history of the company. William Le Baron, vice-president in charge of production, is assembling casts for these productions, all of which will be started within the next two weeks, to be completed before Christmas. The pictures still to be filmed on the 1928-29 program include "Voice of the Storm," "The Yellowback," "The Red Sword," "The Convict's Son," "King of the Klondike," "The Record Run," "Lest We Forget," "Skinner Steps Out," "Doublecrossed" and two Tom Mix Westerns. Film by Anne Nichols' Sister Is Shown to Press (Special to the Herald-World) NEW YORK, Oct. 30.— "Forbidden Grass," the picture produced by Evelyn Nichols, sister of Anne Nichols of "Abie's Irish Rose" fame, was shown to the trade press, Friday. Miss Nichols, who played the lead in her sister's comedy drama for three years on Broadway, makes her initial bow as a motion picture producer with this production. A Utah law to exterminate the wild horse is the theme. Oscar A. Price is in New York from Hollywood with the print. Price will distribute the picture. Warner Club Fete Saturday (Special to the Herald-World) NEW YORK, Oct. 30.— The Warner Club will have a supper dance Saturday at the Warner Brothers Brooklyn Vitaphone studio.