Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture World (Oct-Dec 1928)

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December 29, 1928 EXHIBITORS HERALD and MOVING PICTURE WORLD <ju( coming 8Bottt> The Whole World is Reading About thcSouthPokf ONE WITH VTTAPHONE O ONE WITHOUT VITAPHONE BASED H.B.WARNER LOIS WILSON Edmund Breese TullyManhall ON THt NOVll.ENTITLf D"THE CANDLE IN THE WIND'l, MART IMLAT TAYLOR. Adaptation^ Eve Unsell • Scenario by C.GRAHAM BAKER Directed by ROY DEL RUTH ON THE WAY: DOLORES COSTELIA> in "THE REDEEMING SIN" with Conrad Nagel "THE DESERT SONG" With an All Star Ca»t DOLORES COSTELLO In "MADONNA OF AVENUE A" "STARK MAD" «ith H. B. Warner. Louise FawJida NOW CLEANING UP: AL JOLSON In "THE SINGING FOOL' "ON TRIAL" with Pauline Frederick Bert Lytell. Lois Wlliion George M. Cohan'g "THE HOME TOWNERS" FANNIE BR ICE IN "MY MAN" DOLORES COSTELLO in "GLORIOUS BETSY" with Conrad Nagel "LIGHTS OF NEW YORK" Hellene Costello. Cullen Landle "THE TERROR" with May MeAvoy, Louise Faxenda WARNER RROS. Latest 100% VITAPHONE TALKING PICTURE Showmen, here's showmanship! Everybody's reading about the Byrd Antarctic Expedition. It's on the front page of every newspaper. Right now while it's hot news — Warner Bros, give you "CONQUEST." A great picture of the Antarctic, brimful of breath taking action on land, sea and in the air. A fine love story a remarkable cast. It's timely — it's big — it's a wonder for a cleanup. Two prints of course a Vitaphone and a silent version. Book it at once. WjtfCH FOR: JOHN BARRYMORE in "THE TAVERN KNIGHTTEXAS GUI NAN in "Ql'EEN OF THE NIGHT CLUBS" CEORCE ARLISS In His First Vitaphone Talking Picture SOPHIE TUCKER In "HONKY TONK" THOMAS MEIGHAN in His First Vitaphone Talking Picture NOAH'S ARK-TOPS ANY PICTURE EVER MADE