Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture World (Oct-Dec 1928)

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42 EXHIBITORS HERALD and MOVING PICTURE WORLD October 6, 1928 How to Advertise The Sound Picture {Continued from page 41) enthusiastically advertised. It, however, must not be advertised as merely Sound or synchronization, because that doesn't say enough. We must, in all cases like the above, advertise the effects, the voices, the crowds, the motors or whatever it is that is heard. We must advertise, "See What You Hear," "Hear! Here! and similar phrases; and, we must bear in mind that all four pictures listed above are record-breakers in the front rank right now. (3.) Talking News: This right now refers only to Fox Movietone Talking News Weekly, the one News Weekly in which current events can be seen and heard. This is one item which can veritably be called, "the eighth wonder of the world" — bringing as it does to your audiences the Rlussolinis, the Hoovers, the Prince of Wales', and other personalities, many of whom could not possibly ever be brought into a theatre in spite of the fact that more people are interested in them than in any other human beings on earth. This "Talkie" wins not only through the great personalities it introduces almost in the flesh, but because it is so human and natural. You will find that when audiences hear and see ducks quacking on the screen, little boys swimming "all natural" in the old swimming hole and gasping for breath when they hit the cold water, automobiles roaring around race tracks, a Lindbergh taking off, and so on down the line . . . they will get the thrill of their lives. This Talking News has assumed a box office importance undreamed of in other days . . . and the most important points to remember in connection with it are these: First, that you must advertise it by its full title, getting the two words, "Talking News" most prominent, and second, that the important personalities or events which are contained in each News Weekly must be built heavily with a "See and Hear" just as you would bill them if they were coming personally to your theatre. (4.) Talking and Singing Shorts: This includes Vitaphone and Movietone subjects such as Raquel Meller singing, Eddie Peabody singing and playing his banjo. Fox's talking comedy: "The Family Picnic," Robert Benchley's, "Treasurer's Report," Clark and McCullough on the Movietone, etc. In these cases you will have on your program to be seen and heard, acts or kinds of entertainment, which are, roughly speaking, all vaudeville, legitimate stage, musical comedy, or presentation headliners, and they must be billed that way. The same rule holds for them that holds for your News Weekly: Sell them as though you have them in person and never forget that your audiences will "See and Hear" the attractions you are talking about. (5.) Musical Synchronization: This is the least important of all categories. It refers merely to those pictures which have a musical score synchronized to the picture, with music and nothing else. In this case, the advertising must not claim anything for the attraction which does not exist in it. And, you can readily see that with the money inherent in the four categories above, if you over-advertise a mere synchronized musical accompaniment, when you get your real talking and singing attractions, the audience will suspect you of having merely a musical accompaniment. (To be co'iitintied next U'eek) Florida House Wired (Special to the Herald-World) ST. AUGUSTINE, Oct. 2. — The Jefferson theatre here has installed the Western Electric system of sound. Soundproof the Studio for the TALKING MOVIES Stevens Sound-Proofing system is a patented method of insulation that has proved its effectiveness in hundreds of installations all over America. The There are thirteen studios on two floors of this building, with Brass Band music broadcasting next to violin solos. STEVENS SYSTEM is not a sound deadening composition for filling the walls and ceilings. It is a scientific method of preventing sound vibration being transmitted from the surface walls, ceilings and floors of the studio to those of the next. So perfect a sound barrier is thus constructed that colleges of music, broadcasting stations, hospitals, hotels, etc., have been unanimous in their approval. Engineering recommendations for the asking. 12 years of successful installation. A handsome treatise on sound proof construction sent on request. STEVENS SOUND-PROOFING CO. 411 South Dearborn St., Chicago NATIONAL BROADCASTING Companies* Building; New York City Raymond Hood, Architect Otterson Sees Great Future for Sound (Continued from page 40) ened to a new interest in spiritual life by the opportunity of hearing and seeing the really great ministers and religious leaders. Future generations that may see and hear the great characters of this generation and generations to come — for here is a new basis for recording history. What would it mean to the youth and patriotism of this day if we could have such a record of Lincoln when he delivered his immortal Gettysburg address? I have spoken of the talking picture as a by-product of the telephone. One fundamental difference between ancient and modern civilization lies in the improved means of communication characteristic of modern times — but communication in its broadest aspect is any means that brings peoples closer together and makes for better understanding. In that sense, may it not be fairly said that talking pictures are in reality a means of communication whereby the art and inspiration of great actors, teachers, preachers and statesmen may be carried from the sphere in which they move to the everwidening sphere of world interest and to future generations who may find in the better understanding of our lives, our achievements and our dreams the inspiration and example that will lead them to a still higher civilization in the days to come? Capitol Reopens (Special to the Herald-World) ST. LOUIS, Oct. 2.— The Capitol theatre, reopened Saturday as a sound house with "Lights of New York" as the attraction. SOUND PROOF PARTITIONS and DOORS For Movie-Talkies, Studios and Theatres. HAMLIN'S airtight doors and folding partitions have proved their efficiency in hundreds of installations in Broadcasting Stations, Hospitals, Schools of Music, Libraries and Office Buildings. Also such companies as Metro Goldw^yn, Radiophone, Famous Players, have been equipped. Send your specifications or write for catalog IRVING HAMLIN Manufacturers 2406 Jackson Ave., Evaniton, III.