Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture World (Oct-Dec 1928)

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66 EXHIBITORS HERALD and MOVING PICTURE WORLD November 3, 1928 and proving again that Dolores is an actress. Picture wafi well liked by majority. (Y.M.C.A. theatre, Morenci, Ariz., General patronage.) GAUCHO, THE, UA, Douglas Fairbanks, Lnpe Velez, 10.-40%. September 10-11-12. Lavishly produced and well acted but the story is not so much. Fairbanks and Miss Velez give a great performance, but as a drawing card it wae a washout, as the last few Fairbanks have been. Good-bye, Doug, wish you luck. (Central theatre, Selkirk, Man., Canada., Small town patronage.) .60%. April 1-2. This is a good big picture and wonderfully made. The star is "in a class by himself." (Silver Family theatre, Greenville, Mich., General patronage.) 64%. One of Doug's good ones. (Palace theatre, McGehee, Ark., General patronage.) 100%. April 22-23. Wonderful. Everything is in this picture. Buy it, advertise it, push it. It's worth all you can say about it and it will bring the money. (Temple theatre, Ubly, Mich., General patronage.) July 5-6-7. This ran about $75 behind the expense account in my two towns. Doug isn't the drawing card he used to be, and I'm beginning to think he never was. (Pastime theatre. Mason. Mich., General patronage.) This is my last United Artists picture for reasons that I do not care to make public. This picture is good but did not draw. I guess people are fed up on Fairbanks style. I lost money on this but I still maintain it's a good picture. (Postville theatre, Postville, la. General patronage.) Wonderfully produced, intensely interesting. I enjoyed it thoroughly. In general it pleased just fair. I suppose it was^ too_ high class for common run. I would advise booking it but keep price down. We didn't make up to the percentage epit. (Rex theatre, Salmon, Idaho, General patronage.) May 16-17-18. A very good picture. (Princess theatre, Chilton, Wis., Small town patronage.) June 3-4-5. Very good picture but not as good at the box office. Price asked entirely too high. (Lark theatre, McMinnville, Ore., General patronage.) September 3. Splendid picture. Step on it and you'll get the crowds. Story was good. Don't fail to play it. (Majestic theatre. Eureka, Mont., Small town patronage.) GINSBERG, THE GREAT, WB, George Jcasel, 6.— March 23. Another big lemon from Warners who promised 26 specials. If they were only good program pictures I would be satisfied. I sure got the razz on this picture. Whatever gave Jessel the idea he could act in pictures 7 He better stick to the stage. (Princess theatre. Chilton, Wis., General patronage.) Terrible picture. George Jessel really should give up as a screen actor. (Kenwood theatre, Chicago, 111., General patronage.) Terrible, is the only way to describe this bungled picture. (The Playhouse, Fairhope, Ala., General patronage.) 15%. August 31. A program picture that satisfied 50%. (Silver Family theatre, Greenville, Mich., Gteneral patronage.) GIRL FROM CHICAGO, The, WB, Conrad Nagel, Myma Loy, William Russell, Carrol Nye, Paul Panzer, Ervillc Alderson, 6.— Here is a program picture which cost UB only one fifth of "Don Juan" and beat the latter In box office receipts as three to one. Just how it got by as a program picture is a mystery to me. It seems to have been the joker in the pack. All Warner pictures are not flops. With the Rin Tin Tins and with the Monte Blues, "The Girl From Chicago" will rank high, a good picture for a small or a large town. (lUinois-Kozy-Elite theatrce. Metropolis, 111., General patronage.) A program picture that pleased everyone. Ran to good business on Friday-Saturday. (Ellinwood theatre, EUinwood, Kan., General patronage.) Consider this above the average program. Comments favorable. (Strand theatre, Atmore, Ala.. General patronage.) GIRL FROM RIO, The, G, Carmel Myers, Walter Pidgeon, Richard Tucker, Henry Hebert, Mildred Harris, Eduard Raquello, 6 — 65%. July 23-24. This Carmel is sure a dandy I Picture? Huh I who cares what the picture is like when there's a good lookin' Carmel in it? Picture is good, however. Starts off in technicolor, and has very artistic settings throughout the picture. Advertising exceptionally good. Picture will please. (Joyland theatre. Corning, Ark., General patronage.) July 13. Good little program picture that drew well and pleased on a week day. Technicolor beautiful and should be used more by the producers as it is a big help to any picture. (Midway theatre, Martinsville, Va., General patronage.) 10%. March 20. Just a fair program. Did not draw on mid-week night. (Royal theatre, Kimball, S. D., General patronage.) GIRL IN EVERY PORT, A, F, Victor McLaglcn, Robert Armstrong, Maria Casajuana, Natalie Joyce, Dorothy Matthews, Louise Brooks, Sally Rand, Francis McDonald, Gretel Yoltz, Natalie Kingston, Caryl Lincoln, 6. — Cannot recommend this one very highly. In fact, it was the poorest picture we have featured this year. Too many good ones nowadays on the market to take this. (Liberty theatre, Harrisvllle, Mich., General patronage.) Fox clicks again with an audience picture from the first flicker to the last, and the picture proved to have some drawing power for me. (Sun theatre, Kansas City, Mo.. Neighborhood patronage.) 37%. June 10-11. P\anny but awfully rough. (Pafitime theatre. Mason, Mich., Gen eral patronage.) 70%. Angrust 1. Victor McLaglen surrounded by pretty girls — it couldn't help but be good. Bob Armstrong also did his bit very creditably. (Y.M.C.A. theatre, Morenci, Ariz., General patronage.) GIRL SHY COWBOY, P, Rex Bell, Patsy O'Lcary, George Meeker, Donald Stuart, Margaret Cobum, Betty Caldwell, Joan Lyons, Ottola Nesmith, 5. — September 5. The first of the new Fox pictures. It is entirely different even if he wasn't very girl shy. Anyway, it seemed to please. Has action and comedy. Rex isn't the actor or drawing card that a Mix or a Thomson would be but as a South Dakota senator once was quoted as saying he has "Wim, winegar and witality." (Auditorium theatre. Laurel, Neb., General patronage.) 70%. September 8. Fair Western, but brought in the crowd. (Ideal theatre, Stanwood, Wash., Small town patronage.) GOOD MORNING. JUDGE, U, Reginald Denny, Mary Nolan, Dorothy Gulliver, Otis Harlan, William Davidson, William Worthington, Bull Montana, Sailor Sharkey, Charles Coleman, 6v— July 26. One of Denny's best. Very good. Business very poor but no fault of the picture. Too much outdoor amusements. (Star theatre. Villa Grove, 111., General patronage.) 75%. August 12-13. Good Sunday film. Otis Harlan steals the picture. (Princess theatre. West Union, la.. Mixed patronage.) 50%. September 19. This is good entertainment. Lots of good clean comedy, good satisfaction here to all. (Silver Family theatre, Greenville, Mich., General patronage.) Good little picture that pleased our Saturday night crowd. (Strand theatre, Valparaiso, Neb., General patronage.) H HALF A BREDG, Par., Esther Ralston, Gary Cooper, William J. Worthington, Freeman Wood, Mary Doran, Guy Oliver, Ray Gallagher, 7. — 35%. August 21-22. A very good play which appeals to highbrows or any class of theatregoer. This drama has little plot but is rich in incident and it deals with companionate marriage in moderate tone and with good healthy moral effect. It pleased everybody, especially the men whose approval of that timehonored injunction in the marriage ceremony "love, honor and obey" was quite evident. As the heroine herself proposed unquestionable assent to this injunction the other side maintained silence at least while they were filing out. The acting and the personal appearance of Esther Ralston in this play would call for special mention were it not that all of the parts which the writer has seen this lady in deserves special mention. Fame seems to be given to her grudgingly. She deserves more than she gets. Hardly strong enough for a special and too good for a program picture. You can play it either way. (Illinois theatre, Metropolis, 111., (Jeneral patronage.) July 1. Very good, better than average island story stuff. Opens with society scenes, from novel "White Hands." (S. T. theatre, Parker, S. D., General patronage.) Something different for this star. Pleased generally. Key to A bhreviations Col. . . . Columbia Ex Excellent FB0..FJ50 FN First National F Fox G Gotham M G M.Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Par .... Paramount-Famous-Lasky P Pathe-DeMille Ray . . . .Rayart T-S nffany-Stahl U A. . . .United Artists U Universal W B . . . Warner Bros. Numerals indicate length of picture in reels. The dates are those on which pictures were played, while the percentages represent gross business as compared with the record gross of the house. She has yet to make a poor picture. (Ellinwood theatre, Ellinwood, Kan., General patronage.) 50%. September 10-11. A fine program picture that will please all classes. (Ingram's theatre, Ashland, Ala., Small town patronage.) Do not consider this to be very strong story material or else the director did not get the best results from his efforts. Seems artificial and unreal at all times. Esther Ralston 's acting in this picture would not win any gold medals. (Sun theatre, Kansas City, Mo., Neighborhood patronage.) HAM AND EGGS AT THE FRONT, WB, Heinie Conklin, 6. — ^March 9-10. Was afraid to advertise this as could not find any comments in column, but did hear a quiet slam from an opposition salesman. Our business was poor but patrons enjoyed the picture. It's good. (Star theatre, Rossland, B. C, Canada, General patronage.) Just a fair picture. All right for second feature. (Arcadia theatre, Rumford, Me., Small town patronage.) A rather crude comedy that pleased about 50% but we have seen and played worse. This is a Warner Winner that did not win much here. (Crescent theatre. Red Reer, Alberta, Canada, Small town patronage.) HANGMAN'S HOUSE, F, Victor McLaglcn, June Collyer, Larry Kent, Earle Foxe, Hobart Bosworth, Belle Stoddard, Joseph Burke, Eric Mayne, 7.— Okay. A good draw at the box office on this one. Picture vrill please. (K. P. theatre, Pittsfield, 111., General patronage.) 55%. July 18. A good picture, but not one to attract a crowd. Splendid photography but story interest seemed too much divided between McLaglen in a minor part and lesser stars in the principal parts. (Y.M.C.A. theatre, Morenci, Ariz.. General patronage.) Would call this only a fair program picture. Sort of an Irish proposition that didn't seem to impress my audience very strong. Not a good role for McLaglen. (Sun theatre, Kansas City, Mo., Neighborhood patronage.) 72%. July 29. A fair program picture, but not good enough with a star like McLaglen. Personally, thought it punlc. (Grand theatre, Indian Orchard, Mass., General patronage.) 24%. July 29-30. Very good picture. (Pastime theatre. Mason, Mich., General patronage.) HAPPINESS AHEAD, FN, Colleen Moore, Edmund Lowe, Charles Sellon, Edythe Chapman, Carlos, Dnran, Lilyan Tashman, Robert EUiott, Diane Ellis, 7.— First I wish to thank you very nuch. Miss Colleen, for the photo sent me a short time ago. It was certainly appreciated. Now, regarding the picture I personally didn't like it so well as your former ones, but my patrons thought differently and as it's their opinion that counts, I am well satisfied. More power to you. Miss Colleen. (Opera House, Baldwin, Wis., Small town patronage.) 70%. September 11. Another good one, it is a pleasure to have shows that they talk about and they liked it. (Adair theatre, Adair, la.. General patronage.) Good entertainment. Colleen and the entire cast do good work. (Selma theatre, Selma, Cal., General patronage.) Just a program offering. Not much to it. Certainly it will not add to the reputation of Colleen for knockout comedies as in the past. (Columbia theatre. Columbia City, Ind., General patronage.) A good picture, good story and they liked Colleen very much in this one. (Orpheum theatre, Lancaster, Wis., General patronage.) 94%. July 19-20. One of the finest pictures Miss Moore ever made. Entirely different from anything she has done before, and made many new friends for her. Thanks to (Colleen for another fine picture during the dull season. (Ingram's theatre, Ashland, Ala., Small town patronage.) A real picture. No two ways about it. Far better than "Her Wild Oat" and a real attraction for any theatre. I'm mighty glad to see Colleen deliver again. This one and "Lilac Time" will put Colleen on the top again. (Postville theatre, Postville, la.. General patronage.) 60%. August 11. Don't believe this went over as her other pictures did. Usually get good comments on her pictures but no one commented on this one. (American theatre, Wautoma, Wis., Small town patronage.) 25%. August 30-31-September 1. A good show of the crook variety with a new twist which gave Colleen a chance to do some dramatic work and she gives a splendid performance as does Lowe. The heart interest is well maintained and the comedy is well placed. ((Antral theatre. Selkirk, Man., Canada. Small town patronage.) Personally consider it pretty good entertainment. Plot somewhat overdrawn and illogical in spots. Picture flopped badly tor two nights. Colleen seems to have lost her popularity here. Believe she should stick to comedy dramas, with a dash of slapstick. (Sun theatre, Kansas City, Mo., Neighborhood patronage.) HAROLD TEEN, FN, Arthur Lake. Mary Brian, Lucien Littlcficld, Jack Duffy, Alice White, Jack Eagan, Hedda Hopper, Ben Hall, William Bakewell, Lincoln Stedman, Fred Kclsey, Jane Keckley, Ed Brady, Virginia Sale, 7.— The best picture First National has delivered in two years, with the most perfect cast I have ever seen in pictures. This was a real box office bet. (Postville theatre, Postville, la., General patronage.) 75%. July 2-3. People razzed this one because they didn't know what it was all about. Personally thought It one of the cleverest pictures of the year. Don't say much about it. (Ingram's theatre, Ashland, Ala., Small town pat