Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture World (Oct-Dec 1928)

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10 EXHIBITORS HERALD and MOVING PICTURE WORLD November 10, 1928 *DomH decide mmtU you hear DRAMAPHONE Perfect in Tone I^owest ill Cost DRAI»IAPHOI\E Synchronizing Equipment IWTERCHAIVOEABLE With All Standard Disc Methods Costs Only $4300 F. O. B. Chicago Complete Installation Cruaranteed within 90 Days —or Money Refnnded *Critics . . . theatre owners . . . engineers . . . the public... everyone who has heard Dramaphone presentations agrees that — here at laB is perfect amplification ami life-like reproduction. Now Dramaphone is available with complete and efficient synchronizing equipment —completely interchangeable with all standard disc methods. By all means hear and inspect thcDramaphone synchronizing equipment— because Dramaphone amplification and rich tone quality has been compared with that of the most expensive devices and is by far the most advanced of any synchronizing device being offered today. Contracts will be I'lillllled in order of their acceptance. JVIail coupon TODAY for priority rights and complete details. .i<^'l-\co.K^' Belays are Musical Devices Corp., 422 S Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. Dear Sirs: Kindly place our name on your priority contract list and send full details— without obligation. Expensive Your competitor will make his equipment pay for itself while you are waiting for an installation. Name. Address. City State_