Exhibitors Herald and Moving Picture World (Oct-Dec 1928)

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42 EXHIBITORS HERALD and MOVING PICTURE WORLD November 24, 1928 390 Part Players Called for 48 Films In Work; It's Bargain Week for Jobs (Continued from preceding page) will . have sound and dialogue accompaniment. Bellamy Film Goes to Christmas Fox started three features and two Movietone short subjects last week. Madge Bellamy began work in "Exiles" which William Beaudine directs. Don Terry has been selected leading man. Others cast for featured parts are Matthew Betz, Arthur Stone and Kenneth Hawks. Production is scheduled to be finished by Christmas Day. Charles Klein is directing "White Silence" with Nancy Carroll and John Boles in the leading roles. Josephine Dunn is playing an important role, as well as Anders Randolph and Myrtle Stedman. Two Movietones The two Movietone subjects are "Friendship" and "The Big Bout." Eugene Walter is directing "Friendship" from an original play which he wrote. This is Walter's first personally directed picture and one of the outstanding features of the production is that there are to be no feminine players in the cast. The cast consists of Robert Edeson, Edward Earle, Donald Gallaher, Joseph Striker, Carl Miller and Paul Fung. "The Big Bout" is another Clark and McCullough Movietone and is being directed by Harry Sweet. Florence Lake is the feminine lead. Capable Curtiz Chooses Costello Warner Brothers have assembled another notable cast to work under the capable direction of Michael Curtiz. The picture is called "Alimony Annie" and is Dolores Costello's current starring vehicle. It is being made from an original by Harvey Gates and has been scenarized by Graham Baker. The cast includes such players as Ralph Graves, Audrey Ferris, Albert Gran, Tom Ricketts, Claude Gillingwater, Arthur Rankin, Dale Fuller, Lee Moran and Tom Kennedy. Miljan in Mack Show Willard Mack, famous playwright and actor, has started the direction of "Hunted" for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Mack is directing from his own original story and will enact the leading role. The new picture is to be a 100 per cent talking feature and is a grim drama of a prison escape and the 24 hours elapsing thereafter. Duane Thompson and Mary Doran are enacting the leading feminine roles. Robert Ames has been assigned an important role, as have John Miljan and John St. Polls. Miljan recently completed a six-months contract at Warners, where he appeared in a number of talking pictures. On the Pathe-DeMille lot, E. Mason Hopper started shooting on "Square Shoulders," which stars Junior Coghlan. Paul Bern, Pathe producer, is now selecting players for the other principal roles. The story was written by Sanford Hewitt and George Dromgold. Stein Completes Haver Story The Tiffany-Stahl production, "Reputation," was started last week under the direction of Al Ray. This is a Belle Bennett starring vehicle, with Russell Simpson, Joe E. Brown and Alma Bennett in the supporting cast. The Buzz Barton picture which was held up several weeks ago when Buzz broke his arm went into production on the F B O lot a few days ago. Louis King is directing. "The Little Savage" is the title and the supporting cast includes Milburn Morant, Patricia Palmer and Sam Nelson. Scott Dunlap is directing Lois Wilson and Hugh Allen in a Columbia picture called "Object Alimony." Ethel Grey Terry and Douglas Gillmore are in the supporting cast. Paul Stein completed the Pathe feature, "The Office Scandal" during the past week. This is a newspaper story which serves as a starring vehicle for Phyllis Haver. Leslie Fenton played the male lead. Margaret Livingston and Raymond Platton were cast in important roles. Paramount completed two during the week. "The Canary Murder Case," starring William Powell who is supported bv an all-star cast, was directed by Malcolm St. Clair. "The Doctor's Secret," William DeMille's first talking picture, was completed during the week. Dallas Fitzgerald finished shooting on "Jazzland," which he has been making on the Tec Art lot. Vera Reynolds and Carrol Nye are co-featured. Fox completed two Movietone subjects last week. One, the Clark and McCullough starring vehicle, "The Diplomat," was directed by Norman Taurog. The other was "The Blew Danupe," which Henry Lehrman directed with Arthur Stone and Marjorie Beebe in the cast. Metro Goldwyn Mayer finished "The Desert Law," the Tim McCoy production under direction of Nick Grinde. Raquel Torres played the leading feminine role opposite McCoy. Goulding Graduates and Goes to Work for Pathe (Special to the Herald-World) HOLLYWOOD, Nov. 20.— E d m u n d Goulding, who spent several weeks studying synchronization in New York studios under contract to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and at that company's expense, returned recently to Hollywood with a knowledge of the fundamentals of making sound pictures. Pathe made him a lucrative offer this week so Goulding contracted to serve Pathe with his knowledge in making talking pictures. His contract begins at once and is said to be the biggest sum he has ever received as a director. Universal Buys Novel (Special to the Herald-World) NEW YORK, Nov. 20.— Universal has acquired the talking picture rights for "The Luxury Husband," a novel by Maysie Grieg. Advice to Husbands : "Watch Wife's FUm Hero!" (Special to the Herald-World) NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 20.— Married men can insure happiness in their homes by observing their wives' favorite motion picture star, Mrs. Philip Werlein, Southern director for the MPPDA, told members of the Co-operative Club last week. 'Watch your wife's favorite male star," she advised husbands, "copy his technique and happiness will reign in your home. Go to the movies and learn how. Pictures without three-minute kisses, unless they are big features, don't generally pay. The public demands a certain amount of love in pictures." Universal to Capitalize Christmas Spirit with Nation-wide "Joy Week" (Special to the Herald-World) NEW YORK, Nov. 20.— Carl Laemmle, president of the Universal, announces that the period from December 23 to January 1, inclusive, will be known as "Universal Joy Week," in a country-wide campaign to take advantage of the holidaj^ spirit. Christmas crowds want light film fare, it is believed, so comedy is the kej^note of the campaign. Universal has selected a Christmas list available for holiday showings composed of a line-up of one and tworeel comedies and comedy-dramas. 50 Features Go Aboard Ship with Hoover for South American Tour (Special to the Herald-World) HOLLYWOOD, Nov. 20.— Cecil B. DeiNIille and Louis B. Mayer have returned from Palo Alto, where a visit with Herbert Hoover resulted in the loading of fifty feature pictures aboard the U. S. S. Maryland. Hoover embarked yesterday morning for his South American goodwill tour and will enjoy cinema entertainment en route. Merna Kennedy Will Play * Broadway' Feminine Lead (Special to the Herald-World) HOLLYWOOD, Nov. 20.— Merna Kennedy, former leading woman for Charles Chaplin, will play lead feminine role of "Broadway," according to a definite report which settled a lengthy effort by Carl Laemmle to find a girl for the part. Behe Daniels Wins Move For Release from P F L (Special to the Herald-World) HOLLYWOOD, Nov. 20.— Bebe Daniels today succeeded in her negotiations for her release from her Paramount contract. Little information can be had regarding the move, but it is strongly hinted that her contemplated deal is with Joseph Schenck and M. C. Levee. Close 2,500 Contracts For FN's "Lilac Time" (Special to the Herald-World) NEW YORK, Nov. 20.— Twenty-five hundred contracts have been closed on First National's "Lilac Time," staring Colleen Moore, including 228 theatres in Chicago. Armstrong Check Grows (Special to the Herald-World) HOLLYWOOD, Nov. 20.— Robert Armstrong, Pathe star, today received an increase $750 to $1,000 a week when the company exercised its option on his revices. Fox has borrowed Armstrong to play in "Big Time," all-talkie. U A Buys All-talking Film (Special to the Hcrald-ll'orld ) NEW YORK, Nov. 20.— "Bulldog Drummond," a crook melodrama, has been purchased by Samuel Goldwyn as an all-talking picture for Ronald Colman. Bodil Rosing to U A (Special to the Herald-World) HOLLYWOOD, Nov. 20.— Ernst Lubitsh has signed Bodil Rosing for an important role in the John Barrymore production, "King of the Alountains."