Exhibitors Herald World (Jan-Mar 1929)

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January 12, 1929 EXHIBITORS HERALD-WORLD 65 CLASSIFIED Advertising Ten cents per word, payable in advance. Minimum charge, $1.00. Copy and checks should be addressed Classified Ad Dept. Exhibitors HeraldWorld, 407 So. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. The Recognized National Classified Advertising Medium Managers' Schools LEARN MODERN THEATRE MANAGEMENT. A training that is helping many theatre employees to ; success. Catalog H., Moving Picture Theatre Managers' Institute, Elmira, N. Y. Position Wanted ORGANIST — Experts thoroughly trained in show manship available at all times for first-class positions Men and women. No service charge Write full information concerning salary, organ, hours, etc. Ad dress Vermond Knauss School of Theatre Organ , PUying. 210 N 7th St.. Allentown. Pa. FEMALE ORGANIST is looking for a position, will be free January 1st. Am well recommended, reason for leaving due to Vitaphone. Can play on all makes. Single, will go anywhere, can cue pictures correctly and accurately. Will start for reasonable , salary in order to prove worth. Address Box 289, 'Exhibitors Herald-World, 407 S. Dearborn St., Chi irago. 111. ' ORGAN 1ST FIFTEEN YEARS EXPERIENCE — First-class Chicago Organist. (Male.) Reason for ■ leaving due to Vitaphone. Expert Synchronization •of music to the picture. Novelty and straight solo work. Large library. Union, married, will go anyIwhere. Best of references. Salary can be satisfactorily arranged. Address Box 338, Exhibitors Herald .World. 407 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. i AT LIBERTY — House Manager, fifteen years' experience. Gcod Sign Writer and Lobby Man. Go anyjwhere. Nine years last job. Best of reference. (Address W. D. Fletcher, 110 West Seventh Ave., Williamson, W. Va. Equipment for Sale FOR SALE— 320 18" veneer chairs $1.50—270 veneer chairs 18" $1.40 — 370 18" veneer chairs $1.30 —250 21" veneer chairs $1.45—475 veneer 20" like new $1.90 all castings perfect and veneer in fine condition. 2 Motiograph Model 1002-E motor drive machines complete with lens, fine condition, $550.00 for 1 pair. 2 Simplex motor drive Type S lamphotises and > [Peerless arc controls with lens, $650.00 for both. 1 0 IPowers 6B motor drive with lens, wonderful condip Ition. $250.00. The Theatre Seating Company, 845 , [S State St., Chicago, 111. a I 12(10— Upholstered Theatre Chairs. ' 1000— Veneer Theatre Chairs. 500 — Upholstered Chairs with spring seats, panel back. , Also all makes REI1UILT projectors, spotlights, , reflector lamps, screens. Everything for the theatre ■• at bargain prices. Address AMUSEMENT SUPPLY ' jCO.. INC.. 729 Seventh Avenue, New York City . I ll EATRE EQUIPMENT, new and used. Opera e jchairs, projectors, screens, generators, rectifiers, re i: fleeting arc lamps, etc. Write for bargain list and 'catalogue. Address Movie Supply Co., 844 Wabash, r 'Chicago i* POWERS AND SIMPLEX PARTS. 20% and 30% discount. Two Powers 6 B with Peerless lamps. Will sell separately. Bargains. Address Carol Fenyvessy, «2 St Paul St.. Rochester. N. Y. FUR SALE — Reflector Arc Lamps and accessories, also guaranteed rebuilt Powers 6-A and 6-B and Simplex Heads. Best Prices. Write Joseph Spratler, 12-14 E. Ninth St.. Chicago. Ill f I CHICAGO CLEARING HOUSE— Our bargain list ion rebuilt Projectors, Powers 6-A Motor driven machines, including 12 rebuilt Simplex motor driven 9 [machines with latest Simplex type S lamp houses Prices ranging from $175.00 and up. Peerless arc controls $35.00 per pair. Compensarcs all makes, $20.00 and up. Rebuilt Generators at reasonable prices. AC and DC Electric fans rebuilt, just like new. Write for complete list of your needs and prices. No obligation. Address Illinois Theatre Equipment Co.. 12-14 E. Ninth St.. Chicago. Ill POWERS AND SIMPLEX PARTs at 2U per cent and 30 per cent reduction. Reflector arc lamps cheap. Address Carol Fenyvessy. 62 St. Paul St., Rochester. N Y. EQUIPMENT PRICED FOR IMMEDIATE SALE : 1 — ILG 48-INCH FAN, PRACTICALLY NEW. 200 VOLTS, 60 CYCLES. 150 PLAIN THEATRE SEATS. USED LESS THAN SIX MONTHS. 1— 75 AMP. HERTNER TRANSVERTER. 2— SIMPLEX MACHINES IN PERFECT CONDITION. 1— AUTO TRANSFORMER STARTER. THREEPHASE, 220VOLT. 29 AM PS., t> CYCLES. ADDRESS ASSOCIATED THEATRE OWNERS OF INDIANA, INC., CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUILDING, INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. Chairs for Sale 1000 — of the very finest brand new veneer chairs manufactured by HeywoodWakefield. Way below cost. Shipment in forty-eight hours Write today for exact photo and full details. C. G. Demel, 845 South State, Chicago, III. BIG BARGAIN in used Opera chairs, 6UI) upholstered, 800 Veneer. Address Movie Supply Co., 844 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Ill Jusi received 4.UUU highest grade bpnng constructed upholstered Theatre Chairs, less than 2 years old, at very reasonable prices. Also several other lots of upbolstered and veneered Theatre Chairs, as well as 500 Portable Assembly Chairs. Write for complete list and description of all equipment. You are under no obligation. Illinois Theatre Equipment Co., 12-14 E. Ninth St.. Chicago. Ill Stationery "NEARGRAVURE" — "Neargravuremboso" (noplate embossing) processes. Special 500 814x11" letter heads. 250 envelopes Neargravure $4.44 cash, post paid Samples. Address Sollidays, XH124, Knox, Ind. For Sale OPERA CHAIRS, seats and backs for all makes, five ply, at prices that save you half. New and used Opera chairs. Address J. P. Redington & Co., Scranton. Pa. REFERENCE BOOKS— Motion Picture Trade Director, $10; Anatomy of Motion Picture Ait, $2.50. rMlms of the Year, $2.50; Close Up, annual subscription $3.50. These books may be ordered through us. Send check or money order with your request. Address Exhibitors Herald-World, 407 S. Dearborn St., Clucaco. Ill Theatre for Sale APOLLO THEATRE, Princeton, III., county seat, 5000 population. Lease runs seven years, 875 6eats, low rent, newly decorated, new screens, new stage and window drapes, best equipment, own everything in theatre, showing best first run pictures. Priced to sell. It will make you money. Selling on account of health. Address Miles S. Fox. Owner. THREE SMALL HOUSES on circuit priced for quick sale. Good reason for selling. Address Box 344, Exhibitors HeraldWorld, 407 S. Dearborn St., Chicago. THEATRE, northern Indiana, population fifteen hundred; six hundred seats, newly equipped, doing business worth the investment. Address Box 345, Exhibitors HeraldWorld, 407 S. Dearborn St., Chicago. Theatre Wanted AT ONCE. ANY TOWN OVER 2000 POPULATION. PREFER LEASE. WILL CONSIDER BUYING. 10 YEARS— SUCCESSFUL MANAGEMENT. ADDRESS BOX 339, EXHIBITORS HERALDWORLD, 407 S. DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO. Theatre for Lease NEWLY REMODELED second run theatre, fully equipped, excellent contracts, reasonable rent. Growing western town with big future. Address Box 341, Exhibitors Herald-World, 407 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Organs for Sale FOR SALE: Rartola Pipe Organ. Used Wurlitzer Pipe Organ, model U, very reasonable. Cremona ripe Organ, used or new. Reproduco Pipe Organs. Address S. B. McFadden, Havana, 111. Gift Night Souvenirs GIFT NIGHT MERCHANDISE: Over 300 fine novelties in our large free catalog at genuine wholesale prices. Write today. No obligation. Address Fair Trading Co., Inc., 140 W. 21st. St., New York. Projector Repairing BEST SHOP for repairing projection machines. Prompt service, reasonable prices. Address Movie Supply Co., 844 Wabash, Chicago. SKILLED MECHANICS, specialized tools, and a shop equipped for but one purpose can offer you nothing but the best in repair work. That is what I h-ive. and I can offer you the best in the overhauling of your motion picture machinery equipment. One of the oldest repair men in the territory, and serving some of the largest houses. Relief equipment furnished free. For results bring your work to Joseph Spratler. 12-14 E. Ninth St.. Chicago, 111. Miscellaneous WANTED — Worn out films, scrap and surplus stocks in any quantity. We supply steel drums approved by fire departments everywhere. Address Master-Craft Products Co., 4535 Fifth Avenue, Chicago. 111. WANTED; Talking Pictures, with records for road show. Address Walter J. Tenny, Box 515, Sacramento, Calif. Equipment Wanted WANTED — 2 Peerless or Powers Projectors, also Strong reflector arc lamps. State price, condition and number of machines. Will pay cash, or onethird down and balance C.O.D. Address Box 337, Exhibitors Herald-World, 407 S. Dearborn St., Chicago. 111. HIGHEST PRICES paid for used opera chairs, projection machines, etc Address Movie Supply Co., 844 Wahash. Chicago WANT SEVERAL MERCURY RECTIFIERS, good, bad or incomplete, cheap. Address Preddey, 188 Golden Gate Ave., San Francisco, Cal. Your Classified Ad Will Do the Work Exhibitors HeraldWorld has helped hundreds of Theatre owners in solving many a problem. The classified advertising department has placed organists all c-. ~ the country, has helped in obtaining equipment, in selling equipment, and in solving many another problem that seetiK 1 difficult. The rates are but 10c per word payable with order, 10% discount if run for 3 insertions. See this week's class* nages. Maybe you are in need of something that is being advertised this week. The cost is small, the results are great. /