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July 20, 1929
Ten cents per word, payable in advance. Minimum charge, $1.00. Copy and checks should be addressed Classified Ad Dept. Exhibitors Herald-World, 407 So. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111.
The Recognized National Classified Advertising Medium
Position Wanted
PROJECTIONIST at liberty. Sound or silent. Will go anywhere. Address Julius Kovats. 2907 East 114th street, Cleveland, O.
STENOGRAPHER-BOOKKEEPER. Desires position immediately with theatre company or manager. Six years' successful experience in theatre office work. Excellent references. Address Box 419, Exhibitors Herald-World, 407 South Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois.
WANTED — Position Moving Picture Operator. Eighteen years' experience. One year installation and operation sound equipment. Go anywhere. Married, reliable. Address Box 420, Exhibitors Herald World, 407 South Dearborn street, Chicago, Illinois.
PROJECTIONIST— Long experience all machines, movie and sound. Anywhere. Projectionist, 6054 Kimbark Ave., Chicago, 111.
ORGANIST— SOLOIST MALE— Ten years' experience Publix Keith theatres. Complete library, thorough musician, modern. Organist, 3200 54th street, Des Moines, Iowa.
HIGH TRAINED ORGANIST-PIANIST— Experienced, young. Vitaphone cause of ad. Rudolph Wolf, Mechanic St., Marion, 111.
ORGANIST — Experts thoroughly trained in showmanship available at all times for first-class positions. Men and women. No service charge. Write full information concerning salary, organ, hours, etc. Address Vermond Knauss School of Theatre Organ Playing, 210 N. 7th St., Allentown, Pa.
OPERATOR. Five years' experience with Simplex
machines. Write or wire best offer quick. — Ross Ivey, Statesboro, Ga.
Managers'' Schools
WANTED — Theatre Managers, Assistant Managers, Staff Employees to learn Modern Theatre Management. Approved and specialized training that will aid to better positions. Catalog H free. Address Moving Picture Theatre Managers Institute, Elmira, N. Y.
Attention Theatre Managers
OUT NOW! F. H. RICHARDSON'S BOOK ON SOUND— VOLUME 3. Thousands have already ordered and received this up-to-date useful book dealing with and pertaining to all branches of sound. The price is $5.20 postpaid in U. S. A., and Canada. $6.00 foreign countries. Certified check or money order must accompany all orders. Address HeraldWorld Bookshop, 407 South Dearborn street, Chicago, Illinois.
FOR SALE— F. H. Richardson's Handbook of Projection — Volumes 1 and 2. Price $6.20 postpaid in U. S. A., and Canada. $7.00 foreign countries. Certified check or money order must accompany all orders. Address Herald-World Bookshop, 407 South Dearborn street, Chicago, Illinois.
FOR SALE — Barry and Sargent's "Building Theatre Patronage." Price $5.20 postpaid in U. S. A., and Canada. $6.00 foreign countries. Certified check or money order must accompany all orders. Address Herald-World Bookshop, 407 South Dearborn street, Chicago, Illinois.
FOR SALE — "Motion Picture Trade Directory." Comprehensive book pertaining to all branches of the industry. Eleven hundred pages in size. Price $10.00 postpaid in U. S. A., and Canada. $11.00 foreign countries. Certified check or money order must accompany all orders. Address Herald-World Bookshop, 407 South Dearborn street, Chicago, Illinois.
Cameras for Rent
AKELEY: BELL-HOWELL (professional). Rent anywhere. Address Wood, 204 Inland Bank, Indianapolis, Ind.
Equipment W anted
WANT SEVERAL MERCURY RECTIFIERS, good, bad or incomplete, cheap. Address Preddey, 188 Golden Gate Ave., San Francisco, Cal.
WANTED — 2 Peerless or Simplex projectors, also Strong retiector arc lamps. Mate price, condition and number of machines. Will pay cash, or onethird down and balance C.O.D. Address Box 337, Exhibitors Herald-World, 407 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111.
HIGHEST PRICES paid for used opera chairs, projection machines, etc. Address Movie Supply Co., 844 Wabash, Chicago.
Equipment for Sale
320-18 INCH VENEER CHAIRS $1.30; 270-18 inch veneer chairs $1.20; 320-18 inch veneer chairs $1.25; 475-20 inch veneer chairs $1.65: like new; 700-19 inch new upholstered chairs $4.95. Also 2 type 100-2E Motor driven Motiograph machines complete. Fine condition $450.00 for the two. 1 Simplex motor driven type S lamphouse and Peerless arc control $300.00. 1 Powers 6B complete motor driven $235. 1 new DeVrie Portable extra lens and lamp $125.00. 1 small projector, motor driven, fine condition $75. Address The Theatre Seating Company, 845 South State Street, Chicago, Illinois.
INVENTORY SALE of $30,000 used theatre equipment. Our warehouse is crowded with this merchandise and must be disposed of quickly at reasonable prices. Merchandise consists of about 7,000 5 and 7 ply veneered theatre chairs, different styles and designs— all in excellent condition, price ranging from $1.25 and up. Also about 6.000 upholstered chairs. Some of these chairs are of the highest grade spring constructed seats on the market today and many other styles of upholstered chairs, prices from $1.75 and up. Large stock of parts for all makes of chairs. Rebuilt Simplex. Powers and Motiograph machines, generators, compensarcs, spotlights, etc., as well as musical instruments. In fact everything for the theatre. Write for particulars. We assure you great savings and will send you literature on our merchandise. Address Illinois Theatre Equipment Co., 12-14 East Ninth St., Chicago, 111.
THEATRE EQUIPMENT, new and used. Opera chairs, projectors, screens, generators, rectifiers, reflecting arc lamps, etc. Write for bargain list and catalogue. Address Movie Supply Co., 844 Wabash, Chicago.
FOR SALE) — Reflector Arc Lamps and accessories, also guaranteed rebuilt Powers 6-A and 6-B and Simplex Heads. Best Prices. Write Joseph Spratler, 12-14 E. Ninth St., Chicago, 111.
Organs for Sale
FOR SALE — Two slightly used demonstrating single and twin roll Reproduco Pipe Organs. Address S. B. McFadden, Havana, 111.
Chairs for Sale
BIG BARGAIN in used Opera chairs, 600 upholstered, 800 Veneer. Address Movie Supply Co., 844 Wabash Ave.. Chicago, 111.
2,000 USED 5-ply veneer theatre chairs. Guaranteed condition. Different styles and designs, $1.00 each, for quick sale. For particulars write Illinois Theatre Equipment Co., 12-14 East 9th street, Chicago, III.
"NEARGRAVURE" ("Neargravuremboso" plateless embossing) processes. Special Neargravure 250 envelopes, 500 854x7^* letterheads $3.33, or 8*4x11" $4.44, postpaid. Sollidays, EXH-124, Knox, Indiana.
For Sale
OPERA CHAIRS, seats and backs for all makes, five ply, at prices that save you money. Jobs in new and used chairs. Address Redington Company, Scranton, Pa.
Projector Repairing
SKILLED MECHANICS, specialized tools, and a shop equipped for but one purpose can offer you nothing but the best in repair work. That is what I have, and I can offer you the best in the overhauling of your motion picture machinery equipment. One of the oldest repair men in the territory, and serving some of the largest houses. Relief equipment furnished free. For results bring your work to Joseph Spratler, 12-14 E. Ninth St., Chicago, 111.
BEST SHOP for repairing projection machines. Prompt service, reasonable prices. Address Movie Supply Co., 844 Wabash, Chicago.
Theatre for Sale
BUILDING AND THEATRE FOR SALE, write Ed. Buttermore, Leipsic, O.
A REAL PROPOSITION in a real city of 3,500. 10,000 to draw from. Best town in Wisconsin. Theatre new and modern. Doing fine business. Equipped with sound, acoustics great. A real bargain $16,000. Reason for sale, sickness. Investigate. Address Box 418, Exhibitors HeraldWorld, 407 South Dearborn street, Chicago, Illinois.
Your Classified Ad Will Do the Work
Exhibitors HeraldWorld has helped hundreds of Theatre owners in solving many a problem. The classified advertising department has placed organists all over the country, has helped in obtaining equipment, in selling equipment, and in solving many another problem that seemed difficult. The rates are but 10c per word payable with order, 10% discount if run for 3 insertions. See this week's classified pages. Maybe you are in need of something that is being advertised this week. Tbe cost is small, the results are great.