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October 26, 1929
Sudden | Current Failure
iVO TICKET REFUNDS ...NO LOSS OF GOOD WILL t hrough failure of normal current will endanger the Puhlix Allyn Theatre at Hartford, Conn. A dependable 56-eell Exide Battery stands guard.
Publix Allyn Theatre at Hartford, Connecticut, protects patrons and profits against sudden darkness with Reliable Exide Batteries
IF normal current stops . . . not a soul in the audience misses a scene of the show. That's what happens in theatres protected by dependable Exide Batteries operating the projector in addition to Emergency Lighting.
Automatic Protection
If normal current should fail, important lights continue to burn in the Allyn Theatre. They are switched instantaneously and automatically to an Exide Battery, without a hand touching a switch. This theatre, like so many others, guards projector, exit lights, lobby lights, and
some hall brackets and stairway lights against power failure. The projector can carry on for one hour, if necessary . . . until normal current is resumed.
Confusion . . . refunding of admissions . . . loss of good will . . . might be the result of sudden darkness. Hundreds of theatre owners are installing Exides as reliable protection against such possibilities.
Specially Designed Batteries
For forty -one years, Exide has been building batteries for every purpose. And with this long experience behind them, Exide en
gineers have specially designed the Exide Emergency Lighting Battery to do its job absolutely , reliably and automatically . Even the devices necessary to control and to automatically keep these batteries charged are simple and foolproof. No expert electrical training is required . . . your present staff can easily attend them.
Write today for full information. Or, if you like, a representative can call and consult with you on any phase of emergency lighting. This entails no obligation whatsoever.
Exide Batteries of Canada, Limited, Toronto