Exhibitors Herald World (Oct-Dec 1929)

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56 BETTER THEATRES SECTION OF October 26, 1929 A new standard of value THE FILM SPEAKER Highest in quality — Lowest in price Complete Talking Picture Equipment Positive. Record. Lock, not a, weiqkt 75"cLisc maintiins constant pitch, of music Heavy steel and phosphor bronze qears sealed in, grease. Ball beannqs insure liqh.bdra/1 and lonq life Adjustable stand of heavy steel tubinq $445 For Two Stands Complete Leqs permit base to stand over wires, conduits, etc. Rubber cu9n.ions insulatebase from, floor vibrations Webster Theatre Pick-up with Cobalt steel maqn£t and low inertia Needle Bearing Adjustable counter-weigkt Pick-up mounted on rubber cushion. Drive from crank shaft thru soft rubber Universal Joints Fly wheel on drive shaft to maintain constant speed Magnetic Pick-ups, Fader Control. Magnetic Speaker and remote volume control furnished with, all stands Motor Driven Stands $685 per pair, equipped Heavy cast-iron, base Leqs Adjustable for levelling Complete talking picture equipment for theatres of 2000 seats, $895 L Write for our illustrated folder. The Film Speaker Co. 1305 N. Hudson St. Oklahoma City, Okla. THE SMALLER THEATRE NEED PAY NO MORE! $975 complete complete brings you the new Oro-Tone Synchronized Talking Picture System The small house can now afford to give "Talkies" to its audiences. For here, at last, is a system priced within reason. What's more ... it gives you the exclusive advantage of Re-Synchronizing Control — there's nothing on the market under four times this cost which even compares with it — lowest maintenance cost — built by this experienced organization whose sound-producing products are today used all over the world! GET THE FACTS TODAY . . . write for our free booklet . . . build up your profits with "Talkies" at a cost you can afford! ACT NOW! We Also Make a Complete Line of Counter-Balanced Pick-up Arms 1010 GEORGE ILLINOIS Manufacturers of Sound Reproducing Equipment for the Past Ten Years probable that this will have to be increased. I understand that the troubles were largely mechanical, since an attempt was made to use almost the same star used in the smaller intermittent movement, and the heavier film naturally produced greater wear and gave quite a "slap." If the Grandeur film were run at 24 frames per second, the linear velocity of the film would be approximately 112 feet per second, which, as explained above, would improve the high frequency response. Even at 20 frames per second the velocity is slightly higher than that of the 35-mm. film, and the high frequencies are somewhat improved. Even greater improvement is possible, however, since it is possible to decrease the "thickness" of the light beam and improve the highs and yet get more output than is possible with the standard .080 of an inch track. One problem has arisen with the wide-scope film that has not been serious with the standard film, and this is the problem of sound source illusion on the stage. In a number of demonstrations o_f the Grandeur film, _ an operator monitored the output of the amplifier and shifted the output to different speakers on the stage as the character moved about. A number of suggested methods have been advocated, and this problem like others will be solved satisfactorily. With these improvements in recording and reproduction, and with the equipment that is now available or will be available in the immediate future, I believe that the greatest improvements in the future will be in the theatres themselves — taking the form of careful, scientific acoustical correction in the older houses, and careful design in the new ones. Many improvements must be made in the recording end and in the selection of suitable subject matter, and careful consideration must be given the psychological problems involved. LOW FREQUENCY CONTROL DEVICE A DEVICE called a frequency suppressor by the manufacturer, has been developed by the Gates Radio & Supply Company of Quincv, 111. It is a frequency control designed especially for installations with dynamic cone speakers. The control is variable, it is said, allowing full bass reproduction, slight or total suppression of the low frequencies. Mellaphone in Europe ROCHESTER, N. Y.— Henri Lube, Mellaphone distributor for Europe, has purchased 50 pairs of tables for installations on the Continent. He returned at once to France on the Berengaria. The filter system of the Mellaphone turntable.